
Chapter 1

I hate my life. I hate my family. I hate the people at my school. I want something to live for.

I was scrolling through TikTok and I wish I fit in. I just want to be pretty like one of the girls in my screen. How I long to have a boyfriend that looks like the guys on my fyp. But I just have to face reality I'll never find a guy like AARON ADAMS! Oh my god he's gorgeous, perfect and I need him in my life. But that will never happen. I live in the same state as him but what's the likelihood I ever see him or he notices me. Slim to non I know but a girl can dream.

"KATHARINE! What are you doing on your phone in school?"

Oh great Mr. Roberts the only guy in the school that shows me any attention.

"Sorry Mr. Roberts my aunt just died and I was talking to my mom. We're all going through a hard time right now. I'm sure you'd understand."

Of course he wouldn't he's a heartless monster that makes me present in-front of the class.

"Yeah yeah just go to class Katharine. But the next time I see you I won't let this slide."

I'm surprised. Maybe he does have a heart somewhere down there covered in coal. As I head back to class I see some girls screaming to each other about some boy. Ah the girls at this school are utterly hopeless! What guy could possibly be so..

"AHH! What the heck?! Is anyone at this school smart enough to look where there-"

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'm new here and was looking for my class. Hi I'm Arron!"

I couldn't believe it is was standing in front of a 6'1" GOD I felt as though I should be bowing! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

"Hi I'm Katharine. It's okay what's your next class I can take you I'm kinda just wandering around the halls right now haha"

What that heck no I'm not if Mr. Roberts sees me still in the halls I'm gonna get detention!

"Are you sure cause that'd be great. I haves Mrs. Evans history right now."

Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god.

"Oh great that's the class I have right now too! She can be kinda a bitch sometimes but wait wow! We have all the same classes"

"Oh yeah that cool! Now I'll have someone I know."

I can't believe is we walked to class I couldn't believe it. I'm friends with Aaron Adam! This is the best day of my life!