

Cyra took a seat on the nearest bunk; her weathered face held the barest hint of fatigue. "Going to introduce yourselves? All you fortress guys appeared at once, right before the border opened up. There was no time to process anyone before your Captain charged off."

/Alpha: Semmi: She doesn't know anything, Boss. Be vague; less is more.

"I'm Nicholas. We were told at the last moment that our enemy was vulnerable to air attack and that we were to end this once and for all."

Cyra swore softly under her breath. "That was obviously misinformation. Was it really a dragon?"

Nix shook his head slightly. "Two bone drakes, we were able to put one down."

[Whisper: Jun Li to Nix] I don't know the specifics yet, but the officer we were holding prisoner managed to get out of her cell and kill all the prisoners. It's a bloodbath down here.

[Whisper: Nix to Jun Li] Did she escape?