
Chapter 1

Ferdinand Salazar briskly walked down the corridor of the University of the Philippines Diliman, his mind filled with the day's lesson plans and academic musings. At 31 years old, he was already an accomplished professor, having graduated from the very institution where he now imparted knowledge, majoring in Political Science. Despite his achievements, a lingering sense of loneliness tugged at his heartstrings. His parents had tragically passed away in an accident five years prior, leaving him as the sole heir to their memories and the weight of their absence.

As he approached his classroom, Salazar was greeted by the familiar chatter of his students, their eager faces awaiting the start of the day's lecture. With a warm smile, he exchanged pleasantries and made his way to the front of the room, ready to engage their minds with the intricacies of political theory.

"Good morning, everyone," Salazar began, his voice resonating with authority and passion. "Today, we delve into the complexities of state sovereignty and its impact on international relations. But first, let us review last week's discussion on..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a deafening explosion rocked the building, sending shockwaves through the walls and floors. Dust and debris filled the air as screams pierced the chaos, drowning out any semblance of order or reason.

Instinctively, Salazar shielded his students from the falling debris, his mind racing with thoughts of survival and escape. But as the ground beneath them trembled and groaned, he knew that their fate had been sealed.

With resignation in his heart, Salazar closed his eyes and whispered a silent prayer, ready to embrace whatever awaited him on the other side. He would finally be reunited with his beloved parents, and in that moment, nothing else mattered.

Moments later, Salazar's consciousness stirred, awakening to an unfamiliar bedroom bathed in soft morning light. Panic surged through his veins as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, his heart pounding in his chest.

"What... where am I?" he muttered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

As he glanced around the room, his eyes fell upon a mirror hanging on the wall, its reflective surface revealing a face that was not his own. His features were older, more weathered, adorned with the unmistakable aura of authority and power.

It was then that Salazar's world came crashing down around him, as the realization dawned upon him like a bolt of lightning. He was no longer Ferdinand Salazar, the humble professor from UP Diliman. He was now inhabiting the body of Ferdinand Marcos Sr., the infamous former President of the Philippines.

Dread and disbelief washed over Salazar like a tidal wave, threatening to drown him in a sea of uncertainty. How was this possible? How could he have become entwined with the life of such a polarizing figure from Philippine history?

As he grappled with his newfound identity, Salazar's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching from the hallway outside. With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity, he braced himself for the encounter that awaited him, knowing that his journey was only just beginning.


Ferdinand Salazar stood in front of the ornate mirror in the unfamiliar bedroom of Malacañang Palace, his mind swirling with a maelstrom of confusion and disbelief. The memories of the man who had occupied this body before him flooded his consciousness, each recollection a puzzle piece in the enigma of his new existence. Today was January 1, 1966, a date that held profound significance in Philippine history. According to his fragmented memories, he had been sworn in as president just two days prior, on December 30, 1965.

"It's surreal," Salazar muttered to himself, his reflection staring back at him with an air of solemnity. "To think that I died in my sleep... bangungot, they called it. What a peaceful way to die."

He shook his head in disbelief, struggling to reconcile the incongruities of his past life with the stark reality of his present circumstances. How could he, Ferdinand Salazar, a humble professor from the future, find himself inhabiting the body of Ferdinand Marcos Sr., one of the most controversial figures in Philippine history?

Lost in his thoughts, Salazar was startled by the sound of footsteps echoing down the corridor outside the bedroom. His heart quickened with anticipation as he braced himself for the encounter that awaited him, knowing that his actions in the coming days would shape the destiny of an entire nation.

As the door creaked open, Salazar turned to face the unexpected visitor, his gaze falling upon the familiar visage of Ferdinand Marcos Jr., accompanied by his mother, Imelda Marcos. Their expressions were a mixture of curiosity and concern as they took in the sight of the man who stood before them, a stranger in the guise of their patriarch.

"Ferdinand, is everything alright?" Imelda inquired, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Salazar hesitated for a moment, grappling with the weight of his newfound identity and the monumental task that lay ahead. "I... I'm not quite sure," he admitted, his voice faltering slightly. "But I am determined to make sense of this... to make a difference."

Ferdinand Jr. regarded him with a mixture of skepticism and intrigue, his brow furrowing in contemplation. "Father, are you feeling unwell?" he asked, his concern palpable.

Salazar shook his head, summoning a semblance of composure as he met Ferdinand Jr.'s gaze with steely resolve. "No, my son," he replied, his voice steady. "I am simply... adjusting to the weight of responsibility that comes with this office."

Imelda stepped forward, her eyes searching his face for signs of vulnerability. "You seem different, Ferdinand," she observed, her tone gentle yet probing. "Is there something you wish to discuss?"

Salazar hesitated, acutely aware of the delicate balance between truth and deception that he must navigate in this unfamiliar world. "I... I suppose I am simply reflecting on the magnitude of the task before us," he offered, his words carefully chosen. "The future of our nation rests in our hands, and it is incumbent upon us to rise to the challenge."

Imelda nodded in understanding, her expression softening with a hint of maternal pride. "Indeed," she agreed, her voice tinged with conviction. "We must forge ahead with courage and determination, guided by the principles of justice and integrity."

As they lingered in the solemnity of the moment, Salazar felt a flicker of hope stir within his heart. Despite the uncertainty that shrouded his newfound existence, he was determined to seize this opportunity to reshape the trajectory of the Philippines, armed with the knowledge and insight of a man from the future.

For Ferdinand Salazar, the journey had only just begun, but the possibilities were limitless. And as he stood amidst the echoes of history, he knew that the fate of a nation lay in his hands.

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