
Peter Parker: a new beginning

A young man lives a sad and weak life but is given a chance to live the second life of his choice. No wish fulfillment I still don't know if it will be a monogamous or polygamous romance. Any help with writing would be appreciated, constructive criticism is welcome.

Neisdark · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Peter Parker

"I'm dead..." That was the only conclusion I could come to after the darkness surrounding me and the lack of emotions. Or even more shocking sensations.

"I thought death would be scarier, I don't think I deserve hell but heaven didn't seem possible either" With no signs of any possible change or light in my surroundings I concluded that maybe this is where those of us who don't believe in anything are coming to, that was a bit discriminating if it were to become something real.

Some music would be the minimum, maybe some David Bowie, he was a good musician, although being bisexual and spiritualist perhaps leaves him in a worse position than me.

[You have been chosen human, due to your soul's dharma you have been granted a second life in a world of your choice except for your home world.]

"Who are you?"

[The current]

"What? Where am I?"

[You are in Origin, I cannot satiate all your questions unless they relate to why you are here].

"...what is dharma, something related to karma?"

[Correct, dharma is governed by life's goals and means behaviors that are considered by the order that makes life and the universe possible. It includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues, and way of living]

Dharma...sounds similar to karma, I never had much interest in Asian spiritualism and beliefs, but it sounds like a stroke of fortune.

"What do you mean by a universe of my choosing, I don't know of any other world besides Earth that is habitable."

[You will be given information about the possible universes of choice along with your chances at birth]


[Teen wolf]

[Star Wars]




[Harry Potter]


[The witcher]

[Star Trek]


Fictional worlds every one of them, it was a fictional story universe.

"...What is the reason for this?"

[The dharmic system is different from the karmic system, it rewards worlds of choice with worlds of possible realities created by "infinity" to reward and adjust the flow of things however minute their existence may be].

"Why create fictional realities?"

[The infinity did not create the realities based on human thoughts, but on the contrary "inspired" them to talk about it, a clear example of this are the different gods in which humanity has believed]

"Why is it impossible for me to return to earth?" not that I had anything that made me want to return but the prohibition in the face of such wide choices made me curious.

[The flow of souls does not allow the re-entry of a soul to its home plane once it leaves, right now you are in "Origin", the center of everything]

"What will my new life be like, although the possibilities of worlds are fantastic, being born as a normal person can be a death sentence in many of them" Although there were several to choose from that surely with an average life I could survive with no problem, but I had already made my choice of the world the moment I saw it.

[You will be able to choose your circumstances of birth and skill depending on the world of choice you choose to be born in]

"I will choose the Marvel universe."

[the skills according to the universe are]










[Electr crio]



The information about the abilities flowed into my soul as I pronounced each one of them, powers with too much potential and widely different. From reviving the dead to controlling the oceans. After extensive deliberation and taking into account my favorite hero of all time, I made my decision.

"I'll choose Noctis, the power of night and darkness."

[Your new body has already been assigned according to your dharma and power of choice, good luck in your new life, from now on your name will be Elenis]


New York, Midtown Senior School

Alarms, sirens, and smoke was the first thing that woke me up when I woke up again in my new life, dozens of panicked voices sounded around me, and with each passing moment my senses were getting sharper but a dull ache all over my body was waking up, soon enough it was no longer a dull ache but the feeling of fracture of several of my bones, my head felt heavy and my thoughts slow and all I could think about was how short my second life was.


The first thing I knew the second time I woke up in my new life, was to be in a hospital, the smell and the beeps of the monitoring machines, was the first thing I could perceive along with the moonlight coming through the room, which for a moment gave me the idea that everything that had happened was just a dream and I was still in my old life, the unknown room and time helped to calm those fears, there was no way the dream would make me go through the pain I went through.

Pain that was nothing more than a dull ache right now, my hypotheses focused on few, the most possible my new body was someone with a former occupant on the verge of death, I did not feel comfortable with the idea of stealing a body that was not mine and assuming his identity, I just hope he is not married or with children personal relationships would be a heavy burden on my conscience without having any feelings for them.

In the corner of the room, there was a woman of about 50 with brown hair with some silver strands among her somewhat messy hair and a thin face, which only showed a full and genuine concern fully directed towards me, accompanied by a man of an age close to hers and whose head was crowned by a lush mane of gray hair. His face, furrowed by time and experience, was adorned by a thick gray beard framing his strong, manly jawline, giving him a serious and distinguished appearance.

Their concern was a new and emotional feeling but guilt gnawed deep inside me, I had stolen the life of the person they cherished so much and in my thoughts, there was no doubt about stealing the identity, something that made everything worse.

"Oh Peter, how are you feeling, are you hungry, are you still in any pain?" her voice alarmed at my safety and the continuous questions prevented me from offering any excuse.

"Easy May, the boy just woke up, why don't you go and call the doctor for a check, while I keep watch" With a new purpose the woman went off in search of some doctor.

Then I stared directly into the man's eyes. Deep and full of life, they reflected the serenity and vivacity accumulated in his many journeys through existence. Through them, one could glimpse a rich and vast history, full of adventures and challenges overcome. They were eyes that had contemplated the passing of the years with gratitude and acceptance.

"You had us, worried boy, for a moment we had thought we had lost you, many say it's a miracle but I say it's a Parker thing, we never give up, do we?" his tone wanting to show calm even though his voice failed him a few times.

Peter B. Parker, I stole the body from one of the most charismatic, heroic, and persevering heroes in history, the new wave of guilt overrode the joy.

I had to do something about it or the guilt would not let me enjoy my second chance, something I wanted so badly, a body and freedom that would allow me to live even better emotions in the universe that helped me release those desires. And I could only think of making one promise, I will protect everything Peter cherished even if it cost me my second life.


"...You can stay, but remember to be careful about moving him, he has shown a quick recovery but for a recovery, I estimate there are still about three weeks left, it's a miracle he is still alive after all the injuries" Somewhere in between my sea of guilt the doctor had reviewed my condition.

"Thank you, doctor, we understand" Ben replied, dismissing the doctor from the room.

"Are you alright Peter, you haven't spoken at any point".

"...I'm sorry for worrying you guys. I'm still a little confused, my head is spinning and I'm trying to get my head around what happened."

"It's okay kid, take as much time as you need, you just need to rest, you can think about it later."

"Thanks, Uncle Ben, but it would help me a lot to know how I ended up here, I don't remember anything, my memories are all jumbled up"

"oh Peter I don't think that would be best, your uncle Ben is right you should rest for a while"

"Please, I don't want to feel like this".

"...Okay, but at the slightest chance, you'll go to sleep."

The story began about how Peter had gone to the Midtown Senior School Prom but a lizard-like creature appeared on the scene along with Spider-Woman, apparently fighting the two. Pushing the Lizard into a scaffolding that crashed on top of him where Peter would also be taking cover. The injuries were inflicted at the time. Captain Stacy arrived on the scene to find Peter in the hands of Spider-Woman, who then fled the scene. The media blamed Spider-Woman for Peter's serious injuries where she was branded a criminal, and Captain Stacy led a manhunt for her.

Or at least that was the version the world knew, if all was true this was the universe of Earth 65, where Peter became the lizard dying from the injuries caused by Spider-Woman, not one of the most peaceful universes but not one of the most unfair either, I can do something with this.

"Thank you, I'm sorry to have troubled you, I still can't remember anything that happened, but it has given me clarity on what I must do" I pronounced while tendrils of darkness danced between my fingers.


Two weeks had passed since then and only then I had been discharged, Captain Stacy, a man of distinguished bearing and imposing presence. He possessed a lean, athletic figure, typical of one who kept fit and was committed to his job as a New York City police captain.

His dark hair, slightly streaked with gray, was kept short and neat, reflecting his dedication and professionalism. His blue eyes, sharp and observant, revealed a keen intelligence and a sense of justice rooted deep within him.

The expression on his face was serious but kind and his square jaw showed determination and courage. He always carried with him a look of responsibility and commitment to the protection of his city. His smile was warm and fatherly. He always dressed with elegance and neatness, wearing his police uniform with pride and respect. He was a serious and disciplined man, committed to his duty and willing to do everything possible to maintain peace and justice in the city he loved.

Besides being a loving father and a tireless protector, George Stacy was a respected leader in the police department according to the comics. He had come to visit these days, mostly talking about how close he is to catching Spider-Woman and how he would get justice for what she did, he was clear on what the truth of the matter was but still didn't want to have complex conversations without a thorough understanding of the universe he was in.

We also avoided the topic of why she hadn't come to visit his best friend, one unexpected visit I did get was from Harry Osborn, I didn't know how to act towards him after knowing everything he could become, noting my discomfort there was only one visit, he may also feel guilty about what happened by inviting Gwen knowing Peter was in love... I hate love triangles.

On the other hand, although I have been unable to do anything because of the constant hospital surveillance, in the evenings I have been able to practice with the tendrils of darkness going from marble size to tennis ball size, I was still weak but this would allow me to defend myself from a gunman.

To the Marvel world, it may seem like a joke, but time would be my ally. Besides I still felt an anomaly in my body, the lizard serum was still coursing through my veins but any test without being secured would be a danger to everyone around, I needed to know if it was a flaw in the composition or just a lack of emotion management that led to that situation.

"...To be honest I don't know what to say to Gwen either."

"Girl trouble huh" a voice pulled me out of the train of thoughts running through my head, I used to get lost in my past life ignoring my surroundings but in this life, it's even worse, every thought goes through a super smooth and fluid carries that allows me to come to conclusions and ideas that before was just a fantasy, the title of genius is small for this brain.

"I remember when I was your age, I was always after pretty girls, I was an overly impulsive fool. Until I met your Aunt May, I knew I would never meet a woman just like her and I couldn't lose her, because you always have to fight for what you love most boy" My brain went into a trance with Uncle Ben's words.

"You tend to do that a lot lately, you know?"

"Sorry Uncle Ben, I was thinking about your advice, thanks, although I don't think I love Gwen hahaha." I will protect to the death the things Peter loved but I will live my own life.

"I've seen the way you looked at her boy, you were always dying for her."

"I think things changed, there's going to be a lot of changes lately" I'll protect to the death the things Peter loved but I'll live my own life.


(New York, Queens moments before)

A figure stood waiting in a dark alleyway, deep in thought as her superhero costume fit her slender figure. Though he was attentive to his surroundings, his mind wandered over various topics.

Amid the stillness, she reflected on her responsibility as a heroine and the people she wanted to protect, and her personal life.

*It had been more than two weeks since the incident where I almost caused the death of my best friend, my biggest supporter, and biggest fan, I had cowardly been avoiding seeing him. But the guilt and pain overcame me as I remembered his body in my arms with no pulse or breathing believing that would be the last time I would see him lifeless*.

The only way she could find to vent all those emotions in the end ended up being catching thieves, it was a simple task and she just had to think of different ways to kick them.

"In the end, I was the only one who didn't know him and left him..." her murmurs filled with melancholy and remorse.

"Sounds like you were a bad girlfriend huh" The voice of a man hanging upside down pulled me out of my thoughts.

"W-what we're not b-boyfriend and girlfriend, he's just my best friend and-"

"Maybe he is to you, but from what you say I don't think you were to him."

"...You're right, I wasn't, I must stop acting like a coward and apologize properly to fix anything" With a renewed mind full of inspiration she heads towards the Queen's hospital.

"O-hey wait, wait, how long is this going to last? I'm suffering from dizziness and vomiting!!!!"

"Sorry buddy, you deserve it, but don't worry the police will be here shortly, try not to think about vomiting and that will help, don't steal again!!!"



She swung through the skyscrapers of the city, with his trademark agile style, in the direction of the hospital. she moved with grace and agility, showing off his spidery dexterity as she glided with the webs she threw from her wrists.

Arriving at the hospital, she landed softly on a window ledge. Peering through the glass into the interior, where Peter lay in a hospital bed.

Her heart pounded with worry as she peered through the window. The dim lights of the hospital bathed the room, creating a calm and serene atmosphere.

The arachnid heroine stood there, silent, her gaze fixed on the recumbent figure. Although her face was covered by the mask, one could perceive the sadness and determination in her eyes. Her hand moved towards the window until she heard a person enter.

"...To be honest I don't know what to say to Gwen either."

"Girl trouble huh."

As the conversation went on her brain filled with a roller coaster of emotions, Peter's cold words and her confidence in saying them made her feel strange, a painful feeling, her mind entered a whirlpool of thoughts and insecurities about her mistakes.

"Do you want to come in or do you want to keep eavesdropping" Peter's voice snapped her out of her trance of thoughts, fear, and surprise at the discovery of his presence almost made her run away. But thinking about the decision she had made she decided to go inside.


"It's a good night, though, for the criminals that got in your way, they won't think so" A masked figure enters the room with a crestfallen and insecure posture.

"Easy Gwen, you don't have to feel guilty for anything that happened, it was my fault you were just doing your duty" Even though I spent days in bed thanks to her exploits I didn't feel upset with her, the original Peter wouldn't either and if I had to blame anyone it was whoever put me in this body in that state.

"...No, it w-was my fault, I knew you were having problems and I left you alone, not only did I not support you but I dropped a column of s-scaffolding on you, I'm sorry for everything that happened, and what a bad friend I was Peter."

"You are a great hero Gwen and a great friend, I just couldn't burden you with my problems when you have bigger ones to deal with that I wasn't trying hard to deal with either, but it won't happen anymore from now on" My words had the opposite effect because her nerves were upset, only then did I realize how dangerous my words could be.

"I'm not talking about turning into a lizard if that worries you, I don't want to take those hits again hahaha."

"S-sorry about that too, I h-had no way of knowing it was you and-"

"I know, if you were a spider woman with eight limbs I wouldn't know either-" an emergency alarm sounded far away from the city interrupting the conversation.


"Go, I wouldn't want to impede your duty and have someone get hurt."

"See you later Peter."

Ugh If I had known my second life would be so complex I would ask for another body, at least I don't have the responsibility of being Spider. Well, that leaves aside for a while the relationships, I need to fix this life and its living conditions, I know that the parkers will not be able to afford to pay the bills for this so that leaves it as a priority to get money and the easiest and legal way would be with a computer, he had several ideas of apps from his previous universe for this universe, some things existed with different names but still many to exploit as the one that allowed him to live in his previous life.


"The results show that your condition is perfect, but I still recommend adequate rest at home and no risky activities for a while including going to school, I will give you a leave of absence for a couple of weeks."

I guess it's something else I have to figure out when I have time, it was obvious I still had effects from the lizard serum but I needed to study its effects and if they were negative, I could also improve it if I saw myself capable but that would only happen within the future, I would have to study the necessary subjects and surely the notes along with peter's brain would help me but not enough to do it in a short time.

"Thank you doctor and thank you also for not assuming that a nerd like me wouldn't do anything dangerous."

"hahaha hey kid at your age I was a nerd too, but we are always the ones who succeed in the end".

"I guess as long as I don't fall for any more columns I will, thanks doc"

"We hope so kid, your Aunt May won't put up with another one of those" Uncle Ben and May were with me at the hospital entrance as the doctor gave the latest results.

"Don't play hard to get old man, I'm sure it was May who supported you."



After getting in a cab to where I would be living from now on, it was an apartment in Forest Hills, Once I entered Peter's room, or the one that from now on would be mine I noticed his personality everywhere, pictures of Spider-Woman Adorning the walls, a couple of computers altered by himself and his chemistry kit with the lizard serum log notes.

I will have to start with solving the family's financial problems, with the previous market research and the ideas I can apply, the easiest and quickest idea would be to go with cell phone games, so I would only leave one option for a sure and quick success; Candy Crush.

With the hours passing by, I continued advancing in the programming only stopping to rest and eat, eat a lot, I had never had such a healthy body where I could enjoy the pleasures of eating to exhaustion, far from worrying this pleased Aunt May who was worried about my condition no matter what I told her. Still on the subject of programming what had taken me the most time had not been its main mechanics but its sounds, reproducing equally addictive and satisfying sounds would have been impossible without getting to know about them.

But after 5 days I could finally be satisfied with the final development of the game without having to worry about its development until the distant future with a level creation software. I wanted to get everything perfect and fast as these days I had seen Uncle Ben busy trying to put out the financial fire we had thanks to the hospital fees that were running into the 6 figures.

If this didn't work I would have to resort to grey terms to make money, but I don't think Uncle Ben would get the money if they knew its source and even less if they didn't know the source of it.

Sending the game to as many companies as possible only leaves waiting for the fruits of the labor, I guess this warrants another snack.