
Pitch Black


Hi my name's Pitch and I'm the youngest daughter of three. My father is a forty-five-year-old CEO, called Patrick Black. My two brothers, Bolt and Dash Black who are the pride of the family spend all their time earning millions for the family although we are financially independent.

My mom, Eleanor Rose Black is an Italian woman of few words and a stubborn mind. She married my father at the age of 23 because they had been betrothed. After 17years of marriage. She had suddenly packed her bags one day and asked Dad for a divorce. She later moved to Hawaii and completely isolated herself from us.

My father had been heartbroken for months and then one day, he called all of us to the company's annual dinner only to announce that he was getting engaged to a lady we had never met before, until that night.

The lady, Rodrica did not come alone.

Now I have a step-sister, Marisa. And you would think that she would bond with me considering we are the only two girls in the entire family. Not really, as she continuously tries to sabotage my relationship with my father.

Marisa Devon is the true definition of Bad.

"Pitch?", I heard my name from the kitchen. It must be Rodrica.

" Coming", I answered.

"hurry baby, your father and I are leaving soon", I heard her shout.

How sweet of her to inform me of their vacation just when they're about to leave.

I painfully took my time to descend the stairs hoping I never get there.

I saw her smiling up at my dad, with their arms linked and I gave a smile back to the two of them.

" Please take care of Marisa, you know that she can be very mischievous at times", she informed me.

I only nodded when dad handed me my black card. it was the only thing I was looking forward to.

"I'm only giving this back to you because I do not want any interruptions during my stay in Hawaii"

"Thanks, daddy", I said to him.

Funny how he still chose Hawaii instead of all the other amazing places he could have afforded to go to.

I don't know about the rest but I felt suspicious about it.

Anyway, I watched them get into the car and wave.

" Bye-bye Daddy dear", I shouted.

Hours later, I was headed towards the kitchen to make myself some honey popcorn. Marisa had beat me to it. She was busy going through the fridge.

"I heard daddy gave your black card back to you"

I didn't react

"so I will be throwing a party tomorrow and I will need it"

I feigned ignorance, brushing past her and heading towards the cabinets

She followed me.

"look, Marisa... I don't want to know anything about you for the next two weeks until papa returns from his vacation. How about we don't try to see each other's faces for the next couple of days?"

She started at me for a full minute, grabbed a baby sausage, and dropped it into her mouth.

"if that's how you want it", I heard her mutter before leaving.

By that time, I had already lost my appetite so I headed back to the room to watch some tv.

Moments later, I saw a statement on the news that made me not only surprised but I found myself heading towards Marisa's room.

" Are you sick?. When did you get engaged?", I asked sarcastically. She glanced up from her phone and gave a smirk

"I understand that everything is a joke to you because you're sixteen. But I'm seventeen, soon to be eighteen and I'm not like you. If you think this is a really good job, it's not. Call of this prank before Daddy finds out", I said to her

" it's not a prank. We're in love and we want to be betrothed"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh come on. what century do you think we live in?. This isn't the 16th century. Grow up"

She glared up at me and rolled her eyes

"Get out"

The nerve of that brat.

"get the hell out of my room Pitch!", she shouted

I rolled my eyes

" call the news station and take that down", I pointed to the tv and walked out.

I went to my room, feeling angry with Marisa. What did she even know about love?. Either someone has made a complete fool out of her, or intends to.

Meanwhile, Marisa was talking on the phone

"She was adamant...as usual. Just because she's the real daughter of Patrick Black, I hope she commits a crime and goes to jail!"

"Even if she did, Daddy's money will be more than enough to keep her out of jail", the voice on the other side of the line said.

" she isn't invincible though", Marisa countered

"so what do you intend to do?"

Three days later,

I was out at the mall because Marisa had complained about the fridge is empty. I did check it though to confirm whatever she had said. And unfortunately, there was no lie in it.

"Guess she's learning how to become a decent human being after all. Although this was slow progress"

Anyway, I picked up some snacks and instant noodles. Whatever we can eat won't kill us.

On my way to the house, I got stopped for apparently breaking the speed limit. And then the officer who flagged me down turned out to be eighteen. Or at least he looked like it. I mean it's weird and all but no way was going to disobey an officer of the law just because he was way too young.

"Officer... I am so sorry. I didn't even realize that I was going that fast"

"are you drunk Miss?", he asked

" No. I'm actually from the mall and I don't drink", I answered.

He nodded at me and asked me to ho after taking a look at my driver's licence.

Yuri smiled after the car drove away. Not only had he been able to confirm that she was Pitch ack but he had also gotten some very useful information for the plan.

His smile widened as mischief filled his eyes.

Yuri Milk was not your average man. He was someone with a vision, a person who. needeed an heir for his family.

He was the only son of a prestigious family. His mother had died after childbirth and he had been raised alone by his father Zed Milk. He was perfectly assured of inheriting Milkorp, his father's company until his uncle, Ted began to make obscene comments.

First he had claimed that Yuri wasn't his brother's biological son and demanded that a DNA test be taken. When Zed had refused and rubbished everything, Ted had then spread. rumors about Yuri, claiming that he was dickless. Which wasn't true anyways but no one was going to believe Yuri even if he denied the rumors.

The feud didn't end there as Yuri found himself being challenged to produce an heir if he wanted to be deemed as the next in line as CEO of Milkorp.

The idea was. initially absurd. It was not something that Yuri was planning to consider but then after thee taunting way Ted humiliated him at a recent conference, Yuri had other plans.

It didn't matter who or where, all he had to do was get someone pregnant....and soon.

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