
Absolute Security

When they got near the gate, the guards stopped them from entering the city. The guards that stopped them are wearing an armor with a lotus on it.

"Stop! What's your business from entering the city?" One of the guards asked them, while he pointed his sword at the two of them.

"We are orphans and we are just moving to this city to live a normal life. Is it really necessary to point your sword at us. Can't you see that I have a younger sister here?" Max calmly answered them.

"We're sorry about that. We are just being careful as this concerns the safety of the people. You may now enter after we checked your bags." Another guard said.

Max and Cindy both have bags in them, as for it's content, it was nothing remarkable. It only contains two pairs of clothing, several gold coins, dried bread and a small map. This was planned by Max, as for their rings, it was now completely transparent so the guards were not able to see it.

They both hand over their bags to the guards. Meanwhile, the guards searched their bags, one of the guards secretly took out the gold coins.

"This will be the entrance fee for entering the city." That guard shamelessly said with a righteous face. What he took out was seven gold coins, to any normal person, this was a large amount of money.

Max had already predicted this so he only put 7 gold coins on his bag while none to Cindy, he was already aware that there will be really someone who would take advantage of them. But the next thing that happens was out of his expectation.

"You may now pass but your sister will have to remain. I will have to ask her some question in private." That guard was looking at Cindy lustfully.

Even though Max always call Cindy younger sister, she was only a head shorter than him and moreover, her body was that of a young lady and with her perfect beauty it will be very hard to resist the temptation of such a beauty.

But no matter what, Cindy was his own younger sister, from the time she was created she was already a human because of his skill [Perfect Rebirth] which turns her into a real human, so she was no longer a puppet but a true human girl. Seeing her getting treated like this, Max almost rage out, luckily he was able to maintain his calm.

"I'm sorry about that sir but I can't allow you to do that. If you want to ask her, I have to go with her." Max then pushed Cindy behind him, while the calm look in his eyes was replaced by a cold and indifferent one.

One of the guards saw this change and he was greatly startled, he was going to stop his companion when that stupid guard shouted at Max shamelessly.

"Who do you think you are? Daring to go against the rules. When I say I will talk with her in private that means that only the two of us will talk. It doesn't matter who you are." The guard was very angry, now that he finally saw a chance to enjoy himself with such a beauty a brat was trying to stop him.

'With that beauty I will not let it slip my eyes. I must conquer her no matter what happens.'

"Do you know that it is bad to have an excessive behavior. I gave you an inch but you want to take a yard? Your courting death." Max was now finally unable to stop his anger, he was not a saint so why should he talk to someone lower than a dog?

"Fist Style - First Form: Burning Strike."

With a kicked of his leg, he bolted forward the shameless guard, his fist was covered with a red colored energy. It was somewhat similar to battle energy but this was the effect when he fused magic energy and force energy.

The guard was surprised to see that Max took the initiative to attack him, at first he thought that he was only being overconfident but as the punch get near him his expression turn pale. The energy covering Max's fist was that of an Advance Battler, meanwhile he was only an Intermediate Battler so he was incomparable to Max's strength.


When Max's punch came in contact with the guard's body, the guard was blown away for about seven meters, and on the surface of where his punch hit the guard, a fist sized burn mark can be seen.

The guard fell unconscious after that, and Max's was also gone after venting it to the guard, he then held Cindy's hand and pulled her towards the city.

No one dared to block their way, as the guards made way for them. The captain was also watching from the tower but he decided not to join in the fun. He was also an Advanced Battler but he will never be able to beat the shameless guard with one punch.

He was also aware of the guard's mistake so he didn't risked offending a strong opponent with no benefits. He was already prepared to remove that guard from his position.

Max and Cindy continued to walk inside the city until they arrived at a busy street. No one seem to care about them because no one saw what happened in the city gates earlier so it save Max and Cindy the trouble.

Cindy remained silent the whole time, she was aware that his big brother was angry to the guard. She was also angry to the guard, but she decided not to care about him because she knows that her big brother will settle it for her.

"Big Brother I'm hungry." Cindy suddenly said.

Max stopped walking and turn around to look at Cindy. He asked, "You haven't forgotten about that? Aiya, Okay let's eat, I saw a restaurant earlier."

"Hmmp. You think you can fool me. I know that you are trying to get away with it." She saw through her brother's antics. Max was just acting to be upset so that she will follow him to the academy without going to a restaurant, but sadly, this little devil has a very high perception.

"hehe.." Max awkwardly laugh.

He was not afraid to spend money to a restaurant, he was just afraid that Cindy might develop what the other girls already have, he is afraid that she will also become a shopaholic.

With the endless amount of money, then his afraid that she will buy the whole city due to her impulsiveness. That will totally be a disaster.

Speaking of a disaster, 6 days from now, the large army of the enemy Rein Kingdom will arrive here at Lotus City. This was also one of the reasons why he chose this city to study. Aside from having the best academy, he also wants to stop this invasion.

It was not even a week since he arrive but a lot of things had already happened, this was a hustle for him.

The Lotus City was very large and it was only second to the Royal City, so It was very understandable that the enemy kingdom wants to invade this city. With the exception of being far from the Royal City, it was also near the Vandum Forest.

Rein Kingdom was known to be a Beast Tamer Kingdom, because most of them are beast tamers. So if they go through the forest then they will have time to tame some beast and used them to attack the city weakening the city's defense.

With this they can avoid to have many casualties on their sides and still have strength to cause trouble with the Calsam Kingdom.

But they are all wrong about one thing, that is, they will never be able to enter the city because of a monster named - Max.

Another one yehey!

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