
Perfect Pain (English Version)

Everyone yearns for love, longs for happiness and freedom. However, they are a little forgotten that love and happiness must be taken through the wound. Alysa Alexandra, a teenage girl who only knows how to learn, is suddenly shocked about romance. Like the queen he was confronted by two handsome and wise men. Dirgan and Raka became candidates for him. Like the election they campaigned to win the girl's heart in a different way. And the beach ruined it all. Dirgan and Raka are two friends where they follow the same organization. Then came Alysa into their lives, where she became the replacement for the old Secretary. The two men both liked Alysa in different ways. Until in the end Alysa had to choose because Karin, her best friend liked one of them. Alysa's love story is not as beautiful as imagined, the presence of several third people makes her relationship not a bit hurt. Then who does Alysa actually love? Is it Dirgan or is it Raka? And what about Alysa's next love story? Save your eye watt battery to read this story.

Jenny_Eldina · Sports, voyage et activités
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41 Chs

Chapter 7

Tonight, Alena's mother accompanies Alysa to sleep for a little vigil. The girl fell asleep after taking the vitamins given.

The next day, Alysa woke up and felt dizzy and heavy eyes, she saw around her there was only a room with white walls and her mother sleeping on the sofa. He saw the IV in his hand, it turned out that the girl was now in the hospital. He slowly moved his body to take his cellphone, but the movement made the girl's mother wake up.

"You're awake honey, mommy is worried. Last night you cried and mom checked your fever is high, that's why mom brought it here," said Mama Alena.

Alysa just smiled seeing her mother's concern, she was very lucky that it turns out that Alena's mother still loves her like before, never changes.

The girl started to check the whatsapp messages that came into her cellphone, there were several students who asked why she didn't come today, and also her homeroom teacher. The most spam send messages is, Raka. the man sent several messages to himself.

Karin and Dirgan also asked why he didn't come in. The girl did not reply to any messages from Karin, Raka or Dirgan, she only contacted her homeroom teacher to inform her that she was in the hospital.

The incoming phone rang, the call was from Raka, this was the 5th time the man had called Alysa, he finally picked up the phone because otherwise he would probably keep calling.

"Sa, are you sick? What hospital are you in? Karin and I want to go there when I get home," cerocos Raka without pause.

"Raka calm down, I'm fine. I'm at the Kharisma Hospital,"

Her phone was disconnected, Alysa's cell phone battery was low and she didn't bring a charger. The girl put down her cellphone and went back to sleep, the fever-reducing medicine that the doctor gave her made the girl always sleepy.

At 15.00 WIB, Raka and Karin visited Alysa at the hospital with several fruit parcels and a bucket of flowers. They talked about the girl's condition in the hospital and why she was lying there.

Visiting time is up at 5 pm and now they are going home soon. Raka looked very hard to leave Alysa in the hospital, he said goodbye and hoped that the girl would get well soon. Before going home, Karin whispered something in Alysa's ear.

"Raka was really worried, he even canceled the meeting to get here quickly. I'm sure he likes you," Karin whispered with a smile and immediately followed Raka out of the room.

Hearing that, Alysa smiled a little, it turned out that the man was very worried about her, she began to receive a little attention from Raka.

Now the doctor came in and re-examined the girl's condition, then gave another fever-reducing medication because it only dropped 1 degree after being hospitalized last night, and the original temperature was 40 degrees. The girl fell asleep again, and she was alone in the hospital because Mama Alena had to work.

Mama from Alysa, Mama Alena plans to spend the night back at the hospital looking after her daughter, but there is a male friend of Alysa's who asks to take turns taking care of the girl. And that man is Dirgan. The man approached Alena's mother so he could spend the night looking after Alysa today, with great consideration he also allowed his daughter to be guarded by his friend Dirgan.

Dirgan is now in Alysa's inpatient room, he sees the girl lying weakly on the hospital bed. The man just sat beside him and looked at Alysa worriedly. If only yesterday Dirgan followed the girl away, maybe he wouldn't be in the rain and lie down now, he regretted not being able to take care of his friend.

Alysa woke up from her sleep and was shocked when she saw the dirgan beside her, she asked why she knew where she was being cared for and even went in and took care of the girl.

"I already know why you like me here? I feel sorry for your mother so I told her to rest at home and I'll take care of it here,"

The girl was actually a little flattered but she didn't want to show her happy face, she still acted normal.

"Why don't you whatsapp me if it's raining, I can get a coat for you,"

"The last time I chatted with you, you just read it," the girl replied in a slightly annoyed tone.

Dirgan just smiled faintly. Tonight they will spend the night together, again Alysa remembers what happened with Dirgan yesterday.

"You Director," call Alysa in a soft voice.


"For what happened the other day ..."

Before the girl continued her speech, the dirgan immediately covered Alysa's mouth with his hand and the dirgan began to whisper something.

"I like you, but I don't want to shoot you right now and I'm not going to take your first kiss right now, don't worry,"

Alysa's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that the man beside her said that but her heart was shaking now, and she felt happy. He had never felt this feeling when he was with Raka.

"Don't be surprised, just sleep. I'm next to you not going anywhere,"

This time the dirgan gave a sweet smile, he stroked Alysa's cheek to make her fall asleep. Not long after the girl fell asleep, the dirgan fell asleep on the chair beside the bed.

"Alysa, she is your sister, son. She will take care of you. She is back, son, back."

The girl woke up from her sleep, she had a dream that her father came in her dream. He informed that his brother was back. 10 years ago, her brother was taken by a husband and wife, because in the past they had nothing, and Alysa's parents let her brother Rayhan be raised by the husband and wife. But after his father's success they never found Rayhan, his brother was taken away and changed his identity so that he could not be found.

Whether there was a purpose or just a sleeping flower in this dream, he could only cry missing his brother and father. The cry woke Dirgan who was sleeping. The man immediately asked why Alysa was crying but the girl didn't answer but instead started crying louder. Without hesitation, Dirgan immediately hugged and comforted Alysa. The girl returned the hug and burst into tears in his arms.

"Sa, you can't drop again. It's okay, I'm here," said the man won.

Dirgan helped the girl to lie back down and wiped all the tears that came out of Alysa's eyes. He continued to calm her down.

"Want to hear me sing? I can't but I want to try and you sleep,"

Alysa nodded and Dirgan started singing a song.

'… Know how it goes

I know how it goes from wrong and right

Silence and sound

Did they ever hold each other tight like us?'

Dirgan sings a song from one direction, namely You and I, as in their current condition there are only Dirgan and Alysa. The girl fell asleep again and Dirgan followed Alysa to sleep.

Morning has come and Alysa woke up from her deep sleep. He looked around the room, there was no Dirgan there, only Mama Alena. Her mother looks very neat as usual she will go to work and Alysa is back alone in the hospital.

"Tomorrow you can go home,"

Hearing that Alysa was very happy, she did not feel at home in the hospital even though yesterday there were things that made her happy but still home was the most comfortable. The girl only reads a book that Mama Alena brought while waiting for her mother to come home from work and return to accompany her to the hospital.

Human haven't heart :

'I can't go to the hospital, take care,'