
Creating the bar and saving Greeks

I touched my head because more information had entered: "Serapis, the Greco-Egyptian God, terribly evil, consumes other Gods to increase his strength. He had not vanished," I said, rubbing my forehead.

"Wow, Divine Wisdom gives you a bad headache," Gunnlod said, handing me a pitcher of ice water.

I took it slowly while retrieving something for the pain. "It's terrible; knowledge appears out of nowhere in your head. The worst thing was the knowledge of business administration. It was terribly boring," I said, sitting down and massaging my forehead.

"It's because you're human and not a God, plus you're not used to it, and your brain is overloading. As for your question, Erik, if I agree to sell the drinks at your local," Kvasir said, with Gunnlod nodding.

I bought Craft Beers, Mead, Wine, and Ciders, both in Barrels and Bottles. I also asked for permission to create a distillery sign to hang in the bar. Gunnlod was thrilled with the recognition and gave me a Cookbook to prepare drinks.

Next, I needed to buy the Non-Alcoholic beverages. So, I went to the Wal-Mart Supercenter. Upon arrival, I used the fog to conceal myself, and Kvasir and Gunnlod exchanged gold for about $10,000. We appeared as adult men in our 30s.

Side note: I will have to take a Bartender course and travel to different countries to find out what drinks they like. Consulting a God of the party or drinks would be the safest option. Aegir would be a good choice. I purchased 3 pairs of expensive bottles, Packs of Coca-Cola in various kinds (regular, sugar-free, and flavored Pepsi), Dr. Pepper, energy drinks, natural juices, and Kool-Aid. When paying, the cashier looked surprised. The total purchases amounted to almost $3,500. In the end, I accepted the Wal-Mart card due to its benefits for buying drinks.

Arriving at the bar, I placed everything in the refrigerators, organized it, and positioned the Barrels and Bottles on the shelves. I realized I was missing a bulletin board. I created Dagaz runes to open the front door using my blood. It would require the user's blood to activate.

I had been locked up in the bar for half a month. I observed the rules and only allowed the entry of two Gods: Hephaestus and Hela. After preparing everything, I left, ensuring the protections were working, and walked to the hotel to clear my head.

On the way, I saw a Greek Demigod girl running around with what I think was a Centaur with a bat.

"It smells like those two fat horses, but with a Mediterranean aftertaste, and that's a goat," Sköll said, sniffing the air.

"Mmm, Greek or Roman, son of Apollo or Delico," I said, watching them being chased by 4 or 5 Cheerleaders with legs of rams and hair on fire.

"I think those are called Empusas," I said, observing how they used magic to shoot fire.

"Can we kill them, please?" Sköll said, licking his lips.

"Of course, why not?" I said, putting on my armor and using the mist to isolate the area. A thick layer of mist arose between the group of Empusas, separating them from the girl and the Satyr.

They both looked puzzled. Sköll and Hati slowly approached, revealing themselves. The Satyr grabbed the bat. "Stay away, mutts! No one will touch the girl!" he shouted, swinging his bat.

"Ha, if we wanted a fat goat, we could devour it, but it's not our goal," Sköll said, enlarging his size.

"Brother, silence. It's time to kill those things," Hati said, and a terrifying whistle sounded in the air as he appeared in full armor. The Satyr looked at me, and I growled, but he ignored it and went towards the Empusas. I slowly approached, whistling.

"Who am I?" shouted one of the Empousas, the blonde with the ponytail and cheerleader uniform.

"Who I am doesn't matter, nor does it matter who you are," I said, laughing. I emerged from the mist like a ghost, grabbing her neck and dragging her.

"What matters is, can you make it out alive?" I said, appearing again in the mist, whistling as I snapped her neck with my bare hands. She fell like a doll that had been cut from its strings, breaking into gold dust. The other Empusas screamed and began to use magic. Hati and Sköll jumped down, dragging two into the mist. Only Dolor's shrill shriek was heard.

"Three died, two remain, they will die or they will live," I hummed in the mist. Both Empusas trembled. I used Odikinesis to instill fear, as Levi had taught me.

"Master, use me. I want to see action," she said, and I laughed. I took her and pointed her at one of the Empusas, throwing her with all my might. She screamed excitedly upon impact, exploding into a cloud of golden dust. The last Empusas trembled with fear. I emerged from the mist with Hati and Sköll, an abysmal cold spreading everywhere. Hati and Sköll growled, surrounding her. I took her by the neck and lifted her, struggling to escape my grip.

"Look at me and remember this moment. Remember the fear you feel," I said, mist forming with each word. In the end, I snapped her neck like the first one. Both dissolved into golden dust.

I turned to the Satyr, who raised his bat, and to the demigoddess. "Use a transport. Those things won't stop following you," I said, pulling out a leather bag with $300 and 3 Thurisaz runes. The girl took the bag and saw the money and stones.

"Throw them only when you're away from the monsters. It will create an explosion, but you have to yell 'thur-ee-saz'," I said, writing the pronunciation on a piece of paper and handing it to her before leaving.

They both took a taxi and left.

POV Satyr and Greek Demigod

"That was Mr. Gleeson. He was a monster," said the girl, worried.

"No, just something much worse," said the Satyr, snarling.

"But he helped us," she said, to which the Satyr did not respond.

The taxi took them close to the camp but was attacked by a pair of Lestrygonian Giants.

"Quick, girl, move your legs! We're just a short way from the camp!" Gleeson shouted. The girl got out of the taxi and began to run.

The giants chased them and closed in. Their footsteps made the earth tremble. The

giants blocked their path by throwing two big rocks, which Gleeson barely dodged by reacting quickly. They were only a few meters from the camp.

The girl remembered what the giant man who saved her told her. She reached into the leather bag and took out two of the rare carved stones, along with the paper.

"thur-ee-saz!" she shouted, throwing them at the giants. The stones impacted the chests of both, causing two violent explosions that made the earth shake.

Gleeson threw the girl behind the stones after witnessing the power. "What the heck? Did he give you a missile or something? I need to get those things," he yelled in a profanity-laden outburst that was barely audible over the explosion. The giants were obliterated, leaving a smoking crater.

A centaur and several campers came running or galloping, looking surprised at the destruction.

"What happened? Did someone throw a grenade or some kind of deadly weapon?" said a blond young man with an amused tone. The centaur approached and noticed the use of magic, something familiar to him.

"If anyone is alive, respond!" the centaur commanded.

"Chiron here, behind the stones!" Gleeson shouted, raising his bat.

"Gleeson, take a step behind the barrier, everyone," the centaur instructed, leading them inside.

"What happened? The girl used some stones to make two Lestrygonian Giants fly," the Satyr said, yelling and covering his ears due to the loud noise.

A blonde camper with gray eyes observed the scene and commented, "Yes, of course, a stone naturally causes an explosion that kills two giants," she said, mocking Gleeson.

"Hey, little one, do you still have one of those stones?" Chiron asked kindly. The girl nodded and handed over the small black stone. Chiron examined it closely, and the girl looked at it as if it were just a simple black rock.

"Interesting. I'll have to thank an old friend. For now, let's take you home," Chiron said, leading the girl inside.

Later, Chiron stood in front of a water fountain that produced a rainbow. He threw a gold coin into the fountain and said, "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering."

The rainbow shone, and Chiron said, "Mimir, Hotel Valhalla."

"It's worth noting that communication between different Pantheons comes with a fee," the rainbow mentioned, prompting Chiron to throw three more coins. The image of Mimir appeared on the rainbow.

"Chiron, old friend, you're looking plumper," Mimir said, chuckling.

"Look who's talking. Some of us can eat," Chiron retorted, laughing with Mimir.

"Ah, old friend, tell me what I can do for you," Mimir said, finishing his laughter.

"I want to thank you. One of your Einherjar, except for a new camper," Chiron said, showing the rune to Mimir, who looked puzzled.

"I'm sorry, Chiron, but it wasn't an Einherjar. It was a Demigod, a son of Odin," Mimir said, surprising Chiron.

"I didn't think Odin would have more children after that," Chiron said, remembering certain things.

"Yes, but you know, this is something special. It's not bound by fate, you see. If I were to guess, I'd say I could kill him. Odin is raising him similarly to how Bor raised him, but he's doing it wrong. He sent him at ten years old to fight with the Children of Fenrir. A prophecy from the Norns states that a youth without destiny will be born. Greatness or calamity will come from his hand. He will endure the hardest and most difficult tests, and he will triumph or fail. Fire, chaos, and darkness won't be able to bear his wrath, but death will be his helping hand. One more thing: when the True End draws near, he will fight alongside other heroes," Mimir said, a serious tone in his voice.

"That's quite a prophecy. How did the Norns manage to predict all that?" Chiron wondered.

"They glimpsed some things for a few seconds when he was born, then it vanished. By the way, he'll be sent to monitor what's happening with his Pantheon. Lately, the Valkyries and Einherjar report that the Greco-Roman Monsters are acting strangely," Mimir explained.

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