
Pengobatan Alat Vital Brebes AA Adam 085669044498

Auteur: Aa_Adam_0098
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What is Pengobatan Alat Vital Brebes AA Adam 085669044498

Lisez le roman Pengobatan Alat Vital Brebes AA Adam 085669044498 écrit par l'auteur Aa_Adam_0098 publié sur WebNovel. ...


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Marvel comics: I wish to be the Mother of Existence.

The being known as the Mother is the creator of the universe. There is no being greater than she, and her powers seem to be limitless. She is known as the mother to her children, of which there are more than there are numbers, but she is neither male or female. In fact, she often appears as females if the situation suits her. She has appeared as many forms throughout the ages and can appear to different people simultaneously. Of her countless children, her two greatest disappointments were entrusted with the planet Earth. These two beings, whom we know as God and Satan, have squabbled and fought for ages. Their incessant bickering developed into complete hatred for one another and eventually all out war. Ordinary Mother would have allowed them to continue fighting as they saw fit (as she rarely gets involved with the affairs of her children.) These two hateful children, however, despite their never ending feud managed to create something beautiful and wholly unique in the universe mankind. Mankind was created by God to serve his will, but his creation was tainted but his hateful brother Satan. Man was given free will as to disobey God's command's. The combined influence of God and Satan led to the unique creation that is a human being a creature capable of boundless artistic expression and limitless love, a creature which Mother deemed important enough to protect personally. During Armageddon, she appears to Spawn in the guise of the Man of Miracle's, acting as his guide so that he may fulfill his role of stopping the Apocalypse and saving humanity from the forces of her two children. (Powers and Abilities.) 1- Omnipotence: Mom wields infinite power above all others. 2- Omnipresence: Mom exist in all possible and any future or past universes and time. 3- Omniscience: Mom knows all things past, present, and future.

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Bagaimana bisa seorang Partha (Manusia) dibesarkan oleh sepasang Ogard (Raksasa) yang dikenal kaum Partha sebagai mahluk buas dan mengerikan? Itu bertentangan dengan hukum alam semesta Aileen. Kenyataannya Larkin dibesarkan seperti anak kandung oleh sepasang Ogard bernama Myrtle dan Xue yang selamat dari kutukan Malvolia. Saat usia Larkin 200 purnama, Myrtle berjanji akan menceritakan kisah lengkap soal kutukan tersebut. Namun, Myrtle tewas di tangan mahluk buas misterius sebelum hari itu tiba. Bersamaan dengan itu Xue pun ikut menghilang tanpa jejak. Beruntung Larkin di pertemukan dengan sahabat sesama kaum Partha bernama Birk. Mereka pergi ke arah Utara mencari seseorang bernama Lac yang merupakan kaum Gwarch/Penyihir dari golongan putih yang tersisa. Berbekal kalung liontin atas petunjuk dari Flynn kaum Elvish (Peri), mereka memulai perjalanan panjang berliku. Siapa sangka benda itu akan menguak jati diri Larkin bahwa ternyata dia adalah pewaris kerajaan Aileen, seorang putra mahkota dari Raja Arryn dan Ratu Cressa yang diduga sudah meninggal akibat terkena kutukan tersebut. Ratu Cressa sendiri berubah menjadi peri dan hilang secara misterius, sesaat setelah menyelamatkan putranya di bawah Pohon Mor (Pohon Kehidupan). Sedangkan Sang Raja tiba-tiba menjadi penguasa semena-mena karena terkena mantra jahat dari Malvolia. Wanita penyihir berparas cantik namun hatinya diselimuti iri dengki dan haus akan kekuasaan. Malvolia telah memperdaya Raja Arryn dengan kecantikannya. Semesta Aileen menjadi kacau balau, karena imbas kutukan yang maha dashyat itu membuat matahari tidak bisa bersinar di sana sehingga langit Aileen selalu diselimuti gumpalan awan dan kabut. Hanya keturunan Raja Arryn yang bisa menyelamatkan kerajaan Aileen dan menghacurkan semua kutukan itu. Mampukan Larkin memenuhi tanggung jawabnya?

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  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial


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