
Chapter 64

Leaving aside the Green King, The Red King substitute was the weakest of the group but it was still too much for the ninja side.

If not for the higher level chakra flowing through the ninja warriors, the Fuinjutsu seals of the Uzumaki would have overwhelmed them very easily. Regardless of their resistance, the outcome was very clear and it showed with the results of the battle.

The ninja were unsure of their survival, but they put their lives on the line for a single chance. Even if they couldn't win on their own, there were still others that would soon join them.

At this moment, Naruto was out but they still had Toneri and Hinata.

Gaara knew that the people of Konoha would have also chosen to go through the Otsutsuki transformation, and it would be stronger than what they had achieved because of Tsunade and Orochimaru on their side.

With that knowledge in mind, he had no fear for the world anymore and the spirit of the ninja burned like the immortal flames.

'Naruto, you are not alone anymore. We can finally give you a helping hand my brother.' Gaara thought with a faint smile as he faced almost certain death.

'Stop those depressing thoughts brat, no way we are gonna die. We are gonna crush them and soon we will crush that fox.' Shukaku screamed inside his head.

"Haha, you are right. I want to see him bring the dream to fruition. It is a dream so beautiful and divine." Gaara muttered as his eyes never left the little girl with white hair and red dress.

Anna looked like a beautiful little doll that didn't show any emotions. She was naturally color blind and only saw the color red, and only through chakra could she see the other colors. Unlike her boisterous comrades of the Red Group, she was really quiet. However, just like the others she was extremely attached to Mikoto.

Knowing that ninja were the reason for Mikoto's injuries, Anna was terribly upset and in a mindset to kill all of them. She was not feeling even a bit of mercy because of it, or Anna would hate to hurt others normally.

"Little girl, would you consider surrendering." Smoker the Jinchuuriki of the five tail talked to Anna in a neutral tone as he didn't wish to kill a child. He was Akainu's subordinate but that didn't mean his sense of justice was fixed. He could compromise in situations and adjust according to what was happening. He refused to follow a narrow mindset that disregarded the situation.

"I am not a little girl. And, there is no way I am allowing you to leave this place alive." Anna's tone was heavy as she couldn't forget Mikoto's pain.

With those words, the world was engulfed in her flames. Anna's dress and all of her being was made of flames as she became the representation of the Red King and his followers. She had become the eternal flame of destruction.

Pillar of flames arose while the land turned to flames and the air ignited within her range.

"Vanish" Anna spoke in a harsh tone as she caused the ninja's bodies to ignite. It was fortunate for Gaara and Smoker that they had already entered their fusion form, losing their human composition. But, it was a fatality for the mech riders.

Reacting to the danger, Gaara and Smoker warned the team to move to avoid the attack. None of them could actually take the attack properly as the flames would erase them.

Quickly moving around the red group, the mech's launched their assault of chakra bullets that were giant rasengans.

Smoker released smoke in the region that caused hallucinations and degraded the mind of the enemy while Gaara utilized the smoke for his technique.

Roar of Confusion

The technique caused Shukaku's silhouette to form from the sand, causing mental damage to the enemies.

It was followed by the gaze of insanity which caused thousands of eyes to form from the sand that stared towards the group, releasing a red light.

The mist combined with the roar and the eyes caused a terrifying combination to form as the enemies saw nightmarish creatures start to form in the smoke. Even though their minds were protected by the seals along with the excessive boost by the whole Uzumaki army, it was highly effective in lowering their morale.

It was especially damaging to Anna who was still just a child without much experience in the world, a child that was pampered by everyone in the clan.

The sight terrified Anna, causing her to lash out in fear. She unleashed a powerful wave of flames to burn everything around her without focus.

Using that advantage and seeing the weak mind of their enemies, Smoker utilized his ultimate technique given to him by his partner.

Requiem of Death: Voice of Death

It was a technique that spread mist in the region and within that mist, people would hear the voice of Death. It built a connection with the force of nature called death and allowed the user to utilize a minuscule power of the primordial entity.

Regardless, it was also dangerous for the user as they could also succumb to the voice and die.

The ultimate move was definitely dangerous and it caused massive damage to Anna's psyche, allowing Gaara to use his ultimate move along with the Mech's.

World-Excavating Claw Drill

It was a drill formed from the minerals boosted by the power of the world to a vast degree that it could drill through the whole planet. Its vast strength wasn't the only thing, the speed and the curses attached to it were the real problems.

Using up almost all of his power, Gaara crashed into the barrier causing the world to shake as the barrier resisted before shattering as the multitudes of curses invaded the seals.

Following that was the giant beams released by the mech's that would pulverize the whole group, but just then the barrier restarted as Anna's started at them without any ounce of emotions. Her visage turned demonic as her form seemed to flicker.

Toshiro had reactivated the barrier and from the skies he dropped down chains that locked down the foes.

The team had forgotten that Toshiro was overlooking the battle, so there was never any risk for the Uzumaki side as he could easily utilize the combined power of the clan to provide support.

'I will keep your friend safe for you.' Toshiro knew that none of them would survive once Anna awakened. She was the second in command, but Anna was the strongest warrior after Hotaru.

Seeing the deaths, Toshiro's emotions flickered for the sake of his grandson who would hate him. In that state of weakness, he allowed Gaara to survive the slaughter.


Moving to the other side of the battlefield, Storm and Orochi were fighting against the Blue King. Reisi Uzumaki was the Blue King, and equal of the Red King. He was ranked third among the Six Kings below Hotaru, Genryu and Toshiro.

Reisi was a tall and muscular man with messy dark blue-black tinted hair that is parted to the left where it falls over his majestically handsome face, purple eyes, frameless rectangular-shaped glasses and broad shoulders, his military bearing made him seem even taller than he was.

As the King, Reisi's outfit was quite similar to the standard uniform. He wore a high collared, long-sleeved dark blue trench coat left unzipped from the waist down; around it, there was a black belt with a gold-colored buckle strapping the two pieces of clothing together. Underneath his intricate coat, he wore a white shirt with an upturned collar paired with a fancy cravat, dark blue pants, and knee-high black boots with silver metal frames.

Unlike the childish Anna, the battle hungry Mikoto and the carefree Nagare, Reisi was a professional and carried the bearings of a true leader.

Looking at him, the team felt like they were standing in front of someone worthy of respect. Reisi didn't hold a grudge as he was just completing his mission.

He definitely felt displeasure from completing it, but it was the long awaited revenge of his clan. Plus, he felt that the world would be better in their hands instead of the default state of chaos.

"I detest the wastage of resources, and we are in dire need of manpower at this moment. Would you consider joining my army?" Reisi stood infront of his group calmly as he presented his offer.

It was an unexpected offer from an enemy they expected to attack them with pure hatred.

Seeing that they had been targeting Iwa and Kumo, Orochi took charge of the conversation.

"Will you stop this battle if we joined?"

"I would if I had the power to do so… I know it seems wrong, but it is better for you to surrender. The survival of mankind is more important than this battle."

"I would agree with that sentiment, but my lord has shown me the way. If I continue to make excuses like that, than what is the point of my existence. I shall not let any injustice stand, and I will fight it wherever I find it." Orochi took Naruto's words to heart and embraced the message. His inaction had caused so much loss and now he wished to make up for all the missed opportunities.

The words hit Reisi in the face as he believed that his group existed to clear away all violence and injustice. However, he was on the wrong side now. He wasn't blinded by ancestral hatred nor was he a blind child.

"Your words have given me a lot to think about, as a symbol of my gratitude I shall save your lives from this purge." Reisi snapped his fingers and the area around the group froze. It should have turned the group into ice sculptures trapped in the eternal ice that was unbreakable. But, Orochi managed to react because of his Sage mode and connection to Gaea.

Orochi in base was Kage level and with Gaea's blessing he was strong enough to fight Madara. He had been the strongest human alive during the fight and could have easily stopped the war from happening if he had intervened, but Gaea had told him to ignore it. It was Naruto's place to stop it, it was his time of awakening and Orochi's interference would have caused problems for the future.

Regardless of why, Orochi regretted his choice as he lived to see the destruction caused by his inaction. He loved the mistress greatly, but the choice hurt him greatly.

Nonetheless,Orochi had become even stronger with Naruto's sea of life technique transforming him. It was not complete transformation, but he had grown strong enough to fight the Juubi.

After the Otsutsuki transformation he had grown strong enough to fight Juubito as the genetic transformation worked well with what Naruto had done to him. Finally, after using the Sage mode Orochi was strong to fight Juubidara.

Orochi was the strongest fighter on the battlefield after Luffy, so it was easy for him to react and teleport his group away from danger.

Heavenly Strike

With a command, bluish lightning fell from the sky while passing through some blue chakra seals that seemed to enhance the move.

However, Reisi easily froze the lightning before it could even travel down and caused a blizzard to appear.

Storm retaliated by using her control over water and causing the blizzard to weaken. However, she couldn't completely stop it as Reisi's control and mastery was overwhelming because of the group tactics.

To balance it out, Chris unleashed his purple flames to spread out to counteract the cold and Yashiro caused an eruption beneath the Blue army.

On the other hand, Shermie called purple lightning from the skies.

Reisi blocked all the attacks with his ice barriers before being forced to react to Orochi's move called Termination.

Black discs came towards him that erased all in their path, it was a move similar to the Truth Seeking Balls.

Reisi was used to counteracting Mikoto's flame of destruction, so he managed to stop the black discs with his eternal concept.

Their power impressed Reisi and he very much desired to keep them alive, but if they continued to fight than he would have to eliminate them.

The team denied his proposal and Storm decided to give a debuff to the enemy since it seemed impossible without it.

Sorrow Blue

She let out a clear, high-pitched cry that wrapped the enemy in sorrow, causing them to lose their fighting spirit.

Following that she used a technique called Mega Guard that created a white aura around all of them, raising their defensive capability.

Manipulating the weather of the planet, the planet responded to her call and Storm felt its might. On their side of the battlefield, a storm raged violently as tornadoes rampaged and lightning fell randomly.

The clouds were becoming heavy with lightning and Shermie decided to give her support by focusing her powers in the clouds.

While the girls were charging up, Yashiro charged towards the Blue army as the earth flowed under him and covered him in power.

Rage of Gaia

Yashiro's fist was covered by a green aura as he gave a powerful punch to the barrier by borrowing power from the planet itself.

On impact, the energy exploded covering up the whole barrier and blinding everyone with green light. Chris appeared from the sky as he crashed down like a meteor of purple flames.

Earth Purging Calamitous Fire

Green and purple aura covered up the frost barrier while Orochi created a bluish seal that covered up the barrier that was being weakened by the assault.

Dispelling of the Transient world

Seeing that his inaction would cause death of his comrades, Reisi started to act with purpose of elimination.

Chains shot out from the empty sky as they tried to capture Chris and Yashiro while the land started to freeze.

Chris flew away from the chains as he unleashed most powerful attack as there was no point in holding back.

'Master, I had fun.' Chris could feel that their survival was almost impossible at this point. So he knew what they had to do to ensure that their master survived. They had to give back what they had taken.

Calamitous Fire Lurking in the Earth

Chris unleashed a flame ball that was extremely potent and small in size. Once it collided with the barrier, it swallowed it whole.

Yashiro who had dodged the attacks took the chance to follow up with his move.


It was move that increased the heat and counteracted the cold before he unleashed his most powerful to follow up.


White energy covered him up as Yashiro dashed towards the blue army while dodging their attacks and he slammed into them with full force. It was like the planet itself had crashed into them.

Reisi was alarmed by the two moves and tried to quickly cover up the damage but Goenitz who had been silently watching utilized the rampaging wind from Storm to enhance his power.

True Eight Maidens: True Form of cruelty

Goenitz teleported, appearing above the barrier as he created a drill made from the air. The spectacle was clearly visible from space as the drill was big as a city, and the speed of the wind was near light speed.

If it was not held in place, the world might have collapsed from what was taking place in the battlefield. Goenitz focused all the power on a single point, the speed, the force and the curses all in one place.

Just when things couldn't get any worse, white hot lightning fell from the skies.

"Ice Age!" Reisi exclaimed as he took out his saber, and with that one exclamation everything around him came to a halt.

Return to nothingness

Just as he was about to get frozen along with the rest, Orochi managed to use his ultimate move. White light covered up the whole battlefield as it saved his comrades while erasing everything else.

Things seemed to have returned to a standstill but it was just the beginning of their fall as Reisi appeared infront of Yashiro and slashed him with the saber before continuing with the rest.

The targets were cut in half, frozen before they broke into a pieces. Reisi's ice completely blocked off the healing factor, killing them.

Orochi was unable to react as his friends and servants died one by one. The pain was unexpected as he had assumed such emotions were of the bygone era.

'I can't forgive this.'

"I will not forgive this injustice!" Orochi roared as the blue seals on his body turned red, his eyes glowed black.

His power shot up as the powers of his servants returned to him. It was the power he had bestowed on them, and now it had returned stronger than ever.

Just when Storm was about to get killed, Orochi appeared and kicked Reisi while his legs were glowing red. The power held in them was multiple times stronger than Armageddon that Reisi found himself launched back.

Following the kick, Orochi appeared behind him and extended his hand as a giant electric ball was created to incinerate and annihilate his enemy.

Reisi teleported away from the attack and launched his counterattack, activating the Fuinjutsu seal he had created under the battlefield.

Everything within the circle was stopped in time, but Orochi managed to easily react and save Storm. Sending Storm to the realm of Immortals, Orochi unleashed his Return to Nothingness once more and this time it was completely different.

Reisi was unable to fully block the move as Orochi had even burned his life force to kill him, burning away everything just to finish him off.

'I apologize for going away so soon, my lord. I hope we will meet again on a happy note.' With those thoughts and thoughts of the beautiful future his master would create, Orochi vanished along with his strongest move leaving nothing behind on the battlefield.

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