
Peerless Harem

Today is the day that I will finally take my life. It has been an incredible journey thus far, and I have accomplished all that I have set out to accomplish from the moment that I’d found myself reincarnated into this eastern fantasy. Honestly, me. A simple farmer has reached the pinnacle of all creation under heaven. Yet, despite that seemingly impossible achievement, I feel so empty inside. Perhaps, it is because I am all alone here in this place. This summit. For the loneliest number is me. So many people have left me on my journey towards greatness for one reason or another. They either did not have the OP systems or cheats to reach the top with me, and I feel so guilty for totally forgetting about them for many, many adventures, especially when I ascend to a higher realm. Now that I have reached the peak, standing above all else, looking down at the world and everything below, I wonder to myself, what have I truly accomplished in the end? Where are my friends, families, and most importantly, a harem of heaven defying beauties? ****

Erosire · Oriental
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37 Chs

Returning to Origin

Putting my deadly handgun away, I make haste towards the doorway. There, something occurs to me, and I turn around and activate my bloodstone ring.

Like a ravenous vampire, it hungrily sucks up all the bloods within the room, reducing the four corpses there into dried up husks. It even tries to suck out my blood afterwards to sate its unending hunger, but I immediately put a stop to that with just my willpower alone.

Doing so takes a while since the damn thing is being rebellious as usual. Gluttonous son of a bitch.

Even as Divine Emperor, I was unable to completely suppress the demon within the ring. Only trapping it there to do my bidding. As long as the ring remains intact, the demon will not be able to escape.

Once I have done what I needed to do, I head out of the doorway and then begin to climb the winding staircase upwards while the whole area rumbles and shakes heavily.

If this complex was maintained properly, a billion years or so should not be a problem.

Sadly, it is not, and my little fun with the tomb robbers has accelerated its destruction. Very soon, this whole complex will be buried under trillion tons of rocks and dirt.

Getting myself trapped here isn't a good idea, especially I have wasted enough time sleeping.

It takes me a while to reach the top of the staircase, and I wonder why I did not use one of my artefacts and skip the unnecessary exhaustion. I totally forgot that I am mortal now. I tell myself something like that will not happen again.

Popping a stamina pill into my mouth, my exhaustion melts away. Using such a high-grade stamina pill for something like that is totally unheard of, but whatever.

At the top of the staircase, I can only stare into the connecting room. I take a few steps into the room before rage swells up uncontrollably inside of me.

"What the bloody fuck!? Where the fuck are all my stuffs!?"

The room is practically empty. Everything is gone. My statues, my ornaments, my murals, and probably the most important things, my creations. Stolen long ago, my eyes inform me, and with that, my rages intensified.

No body steals things from me. Only I do the stealing! Ah fuck!

"I'm going to destroy them. Wipe them out! All of them! Their clans. The families. Their blood is going to flow like a fucking magnificent crimson river," I curse and rush towards one of the hidden rooms.

To my horror, the seal has been destroyed. Like everything outside in the hallways, everything within the chamber is gone. Stolen by numerous parties a very long time ago. So long ago that my eyes cannot even tell me.

More curses soon follow, and my rage only diminishes when the whole complex comes crashing down, forcing me to flee. Unfortunately, there is no time to reach the entrance of the complex. The entrance is the first thing that collapses.

Thus, I drawl out some of my original power from one of the rings. It either wastes some power to get out or get buried here. Not really a waste, actually.

Divine aura shrouds my form, and I shot straight upwards, drilling through the ceiling, concrete, stones and everything until I emerge into the sky.

The moment that I did, I look down and see the entire mountain range crumples, burying what remains of the sect forever.

There is nothing of value left within the sect. Everything has been stolen by others over the years that I had been asleep. To the point that even my sacred chamber was invaded by a bunch of weaklings.

Speaking of weaklings, I race across the sky in search for a clearing.

Once found, I immediately drop down and enter a meditation state without delay.

I cannot cultivate due to my shattered foundations, but I am not trying to cultivate. I am trying to finish what I have started a billion years ago. That is, breaking down my foundations so completely that there are no traces of their original form remain.

This is called Core Fragmentation stage of the Origin Realm. A very special realm that is only reachable by destroying one's foundations. No cultivator in the right mind would attempt such a thing, given the amount of efforts and times they put in to cultivate to a higher realm.

Origin Realm is not a higher realm. It is the lowest realm that one can reach. It is even lower than the starting realm, the Mortal Realm.

In any case, I continue to fragment my foundations, breaking everything apart until there is practically nothing left. At which point, I open my eyes and then take in a deep breath, feeling the air filling in the hollowness within me.

The Core Fragmentation is complete. The next stage is Core Establishment, which is as easy or as hard as I want. It is up to me on how I want to establish my new foundations.

I have prepared a very special chamber for this stage, but it is no longer usable. Not because the whole sect is completely buried. I can always unbury it. Just cost a lot of power. Powers that I can spare with little regret. No. It is because someone thinks they can steal from me and gets away with it.

My rage returns.

Finding out who is responsible is kind of impossible, considering that it has happened so long ago. The person who is responsible might likely be dead. Or they might have ascended to a higher realm.

So instead of wasting time, thinking about how I can go on a murder spree, I decide to use plan B. It is not hard or complicate. Just slow, but I have no choice at the moment.

With little divine powers left in my body, I shot into the sky once more in search for a place with vast amount of natural Qi.

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