
Peekaboo - Object Permanence

A girl inflicted with an enhanced Object Permanence. Object permanence is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be sensed. This causes her to be able to see ghosts and eventually aliens. This leads to her being experimented on by the government and also eventually exploring the cosmos with an unlikely kidnapper.

BermudaVonDon · Romance
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15 Chs


I've never been much of a religious type, the idea of there being a great creator that loves its creations didn't sit right with me. The fact they would let the suffering of a little girl go on for years is an agitating thought.

I came to the conclusion there was no god because my powers didn't work when searching for one. So the level of my skepticism was at an all time high.

This being standing before me claims to be god. It didn't look like any person but at the same time it did. It was an incomprehensible mess taking the shape of a humanoid silhouette.

"So, you're god?"

"The one and… well I can't say only but yea I'm god."

"So… if you're god why haven't you stopped… I don't know, name a genocide from human history."

"Look Knowledge."


"Look, Veronica, I know you must be agitated because I didn't save you with an act of divine intervention but that's not how we gods do things. We have a hands off approach as to not upsetting the balance and so one side doesn't get an advantage."


"Give me one moment."

In the blink of an eye Viola was gone. I should;nt be worried because they just saved us. If they wanted her dead they'd just leave us to die to that scientist and cyborg.

"Okay listen… Whenever me and my other half created a concept or a thing one of us would take that attribute onto our very being. Think of it like Poseidon from one of those earth mythologies. He's the god of the sea right?"


"Now think of everything that exists,ever has existed and ever will exist conceptually. Then split it down the middle. I'm the god of knowledge, my other half is the god of science, I'm the god of miracles, my other half is the god of war and so on and so forth. This goes on for near infinity."

"So what you're saying is you guys split jurisdiction of reality and its laws right down the middle between the two of you."

"Precisely, you didn't inherit knowledge for nothing I see."

"So I inherited.. An attribute of yours?"

"When me and my other half.. Let's call him my brother. When me and my brother finished creating everything and anything there was nothing left to do so in our boredom we decided to let out a piece of each and every single one of our attributes into the universe."


"We wanted to pit them against each other to see which is better… plain and simple."

"So am I like the god of knowledge or something?"

"No. You're more of an avatar of that concept. You're a chosen avatar to be more precise."

"Chosen avatars are the ones we've chosen to compete in our game. They get more access to our attributes than an average avatar. The average avatar gets merely one trillionth of an attribute. It typically just makes them an expert in the attribute or very closely associated with it in life. Like if someone got the ocean they'd be a good swimmer or a marine biologist."

"How much do chosen avatars get?"

"One hundredth."

My eyes widened in amazement. I had one hundredth of the power of a god.

"Well that's how much you guys start off with at least. That should be enough to quench your curiosity. It's time for you to meet with Miracle and begin your training."


Before I could finish I was teleported away. One moment I was speaking with God, the next I'm in a majestic garden surrounded by beautiful flowers and a pond. Miracle and Viola were sitting at a picnic talking.

I approached them and started waving at them.

"Yo, Veronica!"

"Hello Knowledge."

"Okay now that both of you guys are here we can begin your training."

"It'd sure be a miracle if I could train you guys both at the same time."

After she said that a clone of her appeared. It looked exactly like her but it was golden and glowing.

"Wow your aspect is insane."

"Yeah it's pretty.. Useful"

She looked sad when she said that. When I got a closer look at her I noticed her skin wasn't pink, it was transparent.

"You're skin is transparent!?"


Viola gave me a mean look when she yelled my name. I must've said something I shouldn't have.

"It's fine Viola. Yeah it is, I'm a Clorean."

"I'm not familiar with Cloreans."

"That's not surprising, it was completely wiped out by a solar flare. I guess you could say it was a miracle I survived that."

It clearly wasn't something she wasn't comfortable talking about so I'm not gonna keep asking her about it.

"I see… welp lets get to our training shall we."


Miracle's clone signaled over to Viola and she ended up leading her somewhere off in the distance. So it would seem the original will be training me personally.

"Okay Veronica, training one's aspect affinity is hard because it's mostly based on your affinity for it personality wise. But it's not impossible, we're gonna start by obviously training your mind."

"So am I gonna just read some books or meditate, mental training usually helps people in anime."

"We're going to play a memory based game."

As she said that she pulled out a deck of cards.