
Patience (Bleach Fanfic)

Another bleach fanfic, nothing like the others you have seen before. Yes, he is a member of the 2nd Division but he is not staying there or hooking up with Yoruichi. This is not about someone who is reincarnated, knows the plot, and kills Aizen when he is a baby. This is an OC that will affect the story in unique ways. There will be plot points from the original that I will be addressing or changing to fit my headcanon. Follow Yami Kobayashi as he enters the 2nd Division and experience SS through his eyes. And see how he shapes this universe in ways you (probably) never imagined.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Chapter 17

Yoruichi sped ahead, trying to catch Mira off guard, but as her fist was about to hit the Quincy's face, she was kicked away.

Tessai suddenly appeared behind her using a teleportation spell and gave a short chant.

"Shadowless Prism!"

Seven pillars of light appeared around Mira and were meant to seal her in place but she simply reached out to one of the pillars with one of her hands and crushing it. This shattered the entire seal but it gave Kisuke enough time to appear behind her with his zanpakuto.

"Shibari, Benehime!"

A net of blood-red energy appeared above Mira's head, landing on her and restricting her movements. But the net was broken easily, showing just how much power the woman had, even when confronted with one of the abilities that she did not adapt to.

She kicked away Kisuke and Tessai before gloating once again.

"What happened to those confident looks on your faces?! Why don't you just give up quietly and die?!?!"

Yoruichi was the first to stand up, looking defiantly at the female Quincy.

"Tessai. How long are you going to take?"

"Just finished," Tessai replied while still on the ground.

Suddenly a spatial barrier appeared around the group. This not only sealed them off from the outside world but also created a storm where lightning started striking the ground all around them.

Mira hurried to dodge the stray lightning bolts while Kisuke and Tessai each put up a barrier around themselves. The only one who did not protect themself was Yoruichi. Not only did they not protect herself, but it seemed like all of the lightning was attracted to her. Several bolts rained down from above and were about to strike Yoruichi when she stretched out her hand and said a single word.


The lightning struck her and her lightning armor activated at the same time. Yoruichi used that as an opportunity to not only improve her Shunko slightly but also push it to an entirely new level.

Yoruichi appeared with her captain's uniform in tatters and clad in lightning. Yoruichi originally only created a small amount of lightning around herself and a pair of small wings behind her. But with her new upgrade, her wings grew massive before changing shape into a set of lightning drums in an electric ring behind her back.

"Thanks to you, I know what direction to take my technique. Next time, I'll be able to use it without any help but since you helped me get it, I shall let you know its name before you die. Shunkō: Raijin Senkei."

Yoruichi disappeared from her spot and appeared next to Mira. The Quincy saw her and was about to attack but suddenly saw that she was flying away and felt pain in her chest. She could see Yoruichi standing in the same spot but with one hand outstretched.

'How did she...'

Suddenly, Yoruichi appeared above the flying quincy who responded by trying to slash at her but once again, she was sent flying in a different direction.

This time, she was able to screech to a halt as she landed but she felt someone grab her shoulder from behind. She turned to see that it was Yoruichi looking at her in pity.

"Let's end it here, Mira the Jaeger."

Mira's eyes grew red. She was about to unleash the new form that the quincy had just created to use instead of Letzt Stil. But before she could, her eyes were suddenly filled with a blinding light as her body was engulfed in pain. And then it was all over.

When the pillar of lightning that appeared around Yoruichi disappeared, the captain was sitting there wearing the same Keisen Shōzoku that Yami had but without her Shunko active and with sweat dripping down her face. And as for Mira, there were not even ashes that remained of her.


Kukaku and Bazz-B were battling with flames so intense that many of the shinigami and quincies around them were killed by accident, just from the 'sparks' bouncing off from their clashes.


"Burner Finger 1!"

Bazz-B extended one finger and pointed it at Kukaku. Several glowing symbols appeared on his finger for a moment before firing a beam of orange flames before him.


Kukaku extended her free hand as she gathered flames in the middle of it and fired a beam of concentrated red flames.

Each of the pair fired beams of flames that collided with one another, creating a massive explosion in which both were caught up in it along with other combatants. But only those two continued to battle after rushing out of the flames and closing in on one another.


"Burner Finger 2!"

Bazz-B extended to fingers before gathering a large amount of reiatsu and summoning flames from them. He then slashed forward, firing a double air slash made of flames.

"Retsujitsu Kōkyō!"

Kukaku summoned red flames on her zanpakuto before slashing forward, creating a cross slice made out of flames with just a single slash.

Both slashes hit the other before deflecting one another and crashing into the distance, once again killing innocent bystanders and destroying their surroundings.

'Why is this bastard/bitch not dead!?!?'

The duo both wanted to kill the other with all they had but it seemed like their moves were equally matched. Whether it was Bazz-B's Schriftt or Kukaku's Fire Magic, neither could gain the edge over the other.

And while they were both originally there to just distract each other from getting involved in the other battle, after seeing how similar their abilities were and how annoying their opponent was, both seemed to forget their original mission.

The duo continued to spew flames at one another and fire off their two weaker techniques, waiting for an opening to use one of the stronger ones to finish the battle off in one move. They even used their zanpakuto and spiritual weapons against one another. But no matter what they did, they were evenly matched on every level.