
Chapter 1: Return

Mission BC, Canada (June 5th, 2019)

It had been almost five years to the day since Olivia, Jacob, Demon, and their partners Alex, Surriey and Shane had defeated Alcatraz and almost four years since the six of them got married. It had also been almost four years since the last time they saw their brother. Since then, Olivia had triples Aviana, Dante and Coda. Aviana was a mix breed like her mother, she was a wolf shifter and she was also a sorceress and a werewolf. Dante was a full-on werewolf and sorcerer and Coda was a shifter wolf. Alex and Jacob had a baby girl named Bridget and Demon and Surriey had Hailey. Hailey inherited both her parents' side, which made her the same as Aviana. All their children were just days old from each other. All of them were about three years old now.

"How's Nicole and Nick?" Olivia asked Jacob, knowing he had recently talked to them.

"They're doing great. They just had a baby boy named Victor. Victor got Nicole's genes, so he's a werewolf," Jacob said, smiling.

The three couples no longer lived at home anymore, instead, they tallied together and bought a mansion in the back of town. The house was on five acres of land and the house itself was a newly built home. Multiple windows and three levels. It had a basement, a main level and a second floor. The house had more than ten rooms, one for everyone that lived under the mansion roof. Dixie and Darren still lived in the same house the twins grew up in, but they were living out their retirement now.

Things had changed quite a bit since the downfall of the council. The two council members that had went into hiding, had turned up two years later, but deceased. Edcur had been found in his own home after committing suicide and Megael and gotten into a fight with a cougar shifter. Raska and Tessmere no longer were part of any council as there was only the human laws now. Most of the human and supernatural population lived side by side, and like normal life, there were some that didn't like each other, even hate each other, but it does happen.

Jacob was now an apprentice doctor and was learning under Fang's wing. Demon had applied to be a firefighter a couple years ago and now he was a fire chief. Olivia chose a much different path; she became a teacher and was teaching both human and supernatural children alike. Alex chose the same route at Olivia and they were now teaching at the same school. Surriey decided to be a stay at home mom, so she was more than happy when her sibling-in-laws asked her to babysit their children. As for Shane, because he was a hellhound alpha and werewolf alpha, he chose not to work.

"How was your day?" Olivia finally asked.

"Not bad, we had a couple supernatural emergencies, way more human ones though," Jacob chuckled, "Demon home yet?"

"Nope, still at the station."

"What about the girls?"

"Alex is still at work and Surriey went grocery shopping with the kids," Olivia smiled.

"That's why it's so quiet," Jacob laughed.

"Have you seen Shane?"

"I don't think he's back from the Underworld," Jacob said quietly.

"He never says anything about Dane," Olivia sighed.

"I know you want to know how he's doing, but I think Shane is allowed to say anything."

"He actually told me the last time I asked."

"Anyway, let's get dinner ready before the others get home."

"Good idea."

* * * *

In the Underworld

Dane was walking down the hall when he slammed into someone when he wasn't paying attention.

"Sorry," he said, looking up, "Hello Shane," he said dryly.

"Dane," he growled, walking around him.

"Um, Shane?" he said.

"What?" he growled.

"H..how's Olivia?"

"Fine. Missing you every day."

"You're not allowed to talk to her about me, are you?"

"Nope. Anything that happens down here, stays down here," Shane answered.

"I thought so. I'm glad that she has you."

"I appreciate that."

"How are things?"

"Good. She tends to tell the kids stories about you, just keeps out the bad parts as they would be too young to understand right now."

"I see."

"Anyway, I need to head home, I know dinner's soon," he said, continuing back down the hall.

Dane wished he could join them, but he knew better than to ask Hades for that request. In the last five years, anytime he attempted to ask to visit his family, it either ended with Hades backhanding him, or forcing him to his bed. Neither sounded pleasant, so Dane chose not to request anything from Hades anymore. There was something different between him and Hades that wasn't there five years ago, Dane had started developing feelings towards Hades, but he would never admit that to him. Dane entered the dining hall and let out an annoying groan, for he wasn't wanting to see Hades, and yet, here he was, in the dining hall.

"Good evening Dane," Hades smiled.

"Hades," he growled, walking up to the grand table and pulling out a chair.

Just as he was about to sit down, Hades flashed himself into the same chair, so Dane actual sat on him and not the chair. He tried to get up, but Hades had his arms wrapped around his waist.

"Hades," he groaned.

"Yes?" he gleamed, nibbling on Dane's ear.

"Could you please, for once, control your sex drive?"

"Why?" he asked, bringing one hand down between Dane's legs, making him shiver, "I know you like it."

"That's not the point…" he answered.

"I find you sexier when you fight with me," Hades grinned, undoing the button and unzipping Dane's jeans to reveal his hard penis.

"Please," he breathed.

Hades used both hands and wrapped them around Dane's shaft and beginning to masturbate him. He licked down the side of Dane's neck, sending shivers down his spine. He then tilted Dane's head towards him and captured his lips. Dane willingly opened his mouth and allowed Hades' tongue to dance with his own. He didn't really have much choice; this was Hades realm and he was in charge not him. He tried to imagine himself with his family, eating dinner with them, but it was futile when Hades was fondling him.

Hades released his kiss with Dane and moved his hands faster on his shaft, causing him to release. He then reached around and slipped his hand inside of Dane's jeans and plunged two fingers into his rectum, making him arch his back. He continued to toy with his penis while his other hand continued to fondle his back end.

"This is torture," he breathed.

"Of course, it is, you're in the Underworld," Hades replied.

Hades stopped fondling Dane then, causing Dane to let out an involuntary whimper. He chuckled at that and lifted him off him for a moment. Dane heard Hades unzipping his own pants. Hades brought Dane down on him hard, making Dane gasp.

"Now, ride me," Hades commanded.

Dane did as he was told, rising and lowering his hips onto Hades big, rock hard penis. He would never admit it to Hades, but he thoroughly enjoyed doing stuff like this. Dane was gay and therefore liked this kind of things, however, he never thought in a million years that he would enjoy it this much with the man who literally forced it on him five years ago. Interesting fact, he was a virgin before Hades had his way with him. At the end of the day, this was his secret and there was no way in hell that he would ever tell Hades that he enjoyed stuff like this, especially with him. There were times when Hades would be gone for days and Dane would feel lonely because he didn't have Hades touch to comfort him.

Dane could feel himself cuming, but he could also feel that Hades was on the verge of cuming as well. Dane held himself and waited until Hades came first. Hades grabbed Dane's hips and made him stop moving while he and Dane came together.

"That was fun," he chuckled, lifting Dane off him, standing up and doing his pants back up.

"Fun for you," Dane growled.

"If it wasn't fun for you, you wouldn't be responding at all," Hades said.

"Involuntary responses that I cannot control."

"Say whatever you want, but I know differently."

"Fuck you," Dane hissed, doing up his own pants.

"You already fucked me; you want another go?" he taunted.

"No," Dane groaned.

"Then watch your tongue," Hades warned, walking out of the dining hall.

Dane was now alone, and if he were being honest, frustrated. He knew that this torture would never end, he was Hades forever and there was nothing he could do to change that. As he pondered this thought, he raked his hand through his hair, which was still short, but now it was dyed a royal blue. Hades had commanded him to change the color of his hair shortly after he arrived, not that the color bothered him, just the commands did.

Dane started for the dining hall exit, when he felt something unusual. He looked around and didn't see anything, he couldn't smell anything, so he wasn't sure what was going on. He felt a cold chill and brought his hands up to his arms and rubbed them, trying to warm himself up. It was unusual to feel cold in the Underworld, so this feeling was bothering Dane. Nothing seemed to be working to warm him up, he raked his hand through his hair once more and as he did so, he noticed that he was translucent.

"What the fuck?" he said aloud, looking at his other hand.

Before he realized what was going on, everything went black. He didn't know what was going on and frankly, it was starting to frighten him. He couldn't see anything, he couldn't hear anything, but he could smell and what he smelled was no longer the Underworld. No smell of coals, flames, blood, nothing. What he smelt instead was fresh cut grass, trees, and humans along with some supernaturals, but nothing close by. He finally decided to open his eyes and realized he was lying in a field, but not just any field, Heritage Park field, in the exact spot he collapsed in five years ago. He looked up and noticed it was night time, he also noticed the full moon, but because he was a wolf shifter, the moon didn't affect him like it did Surriey. As he looked at the moon, he figured out what time it was and the time was quarter after seven.

What bothered Dane the most, is how the hell he got here in the first place. He felt around his body and checked for anything unusual, and there was one thing unusual; Dane could feel something moving in his chest, a rhythm a heart would make. Frightened, Dane checked his pulse and sure enough, there was one. This terrified him, not only because if would infuriate Hades, but because he had no idea who brought him back in the first place and why. He knew, once Hades found out he would be fuming, but that wasn't his biggest problem at the moment. His biggest problem was, why was he here and who did this to him. He needed to figure this out, but first, he needed to find a place to hide for a moment. As he scanned the park, he noticed two people and a buggy in the distance and his senses kicked in, the smell of these two were familiar, but not the little one in the basket. He switched to wolf form and decided just to stay lying down in the field. He was close to the pathway the two were following.

"Hey sweetie, is that what I think it is?" the woman asked.

"Yes, it's a shifter, we're fine," the male said smiling.

Dane recognized the voice instantly, he stood up, wagged his tail and acted like a newborn puppy.

"What's gotten into the fellow?" the woman asked, as they came up to the shifter. She knelt down and scratched underneath his chin.

"I'm not sure, but wicked fur color," he smiled.

"Royal blue? It's unusual for shifters to dye their hair," the woman chuckled.

"Hey Jake, Alex, wait up," someone shouted.

Dane became on guard as this newcomer smelled like a human.

"Hey Tyson, how's things with the husband?" Alex asked.

Dane's stance changed when they called the human Tyson. He remembered Tyson was a close friend of a long time ago.

"Good. We plan on adopting a baby boy at the end of the month," Tyson said.

"That's awesome. We're you on a walk?" Jacob inquired.

"No, I saw the two of you heading out for your walk and figured I'd tell you the good news in person. By the way, who's the blue furred shifter?" he asked, addressing Dane.

Confused, Dane cocked his neck. To recap, Dane had no idea that humans and supernaturals now lived together side by side, so hearing his best friend asking about him, threw him off quite a bit.

"Clearly he or she seems confused," Tyson added, "Has it been living under a rock?" he chuckled.

"We just met the shifter this evening, no idea who he or she is," Alex answered, then turned to Dane, "Are you female?"

Dane shook his head from side to side to indicate the he was the other that she did not ask.

"Where are you from?" Tyson asked.

Dane was not sure how to answer any of them without giving himself away. His voice would give him away. He didn't even have a clue at why he was brought back here in the first place, so he was in no position to answer questions from the very people he had endangered five years ago.

"He seems confused," Jacob finally said.

"How so?" Alex and Tyson asked.

"Like he's not sure what is going on."

"Daddy, I want to walk now," a small little voice said from the buggy.

"Alright," Jacob said, picking up a little girl and putting her on the ground.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Tyson asked.

"If the shifter were dangerous, he would have already attacked us," Jacob simply answered, he then looked at the shifters eyes and it hit him, "Dane?" he asked shocked.

Dane had forgotten that he and his siblings had the same crystal blue eyes and therefore were extremely recognizable. He whimpered and curled up into a ball, as though he were in some kind of trouble.

"Wait? What?" Alex said, looking from Jacob to the wolf.

"Same crystal blue eyes and it's Liv or Demon, they're at home. They also don't have blue fur," Jacob explained, going down on both knees and pulling Dane head out to look him in the eyes, "How is this possible?"

"I…I don't know. One minute I was in the Underworld and the next, I was in this park," Dane admitted, fear had taken over his voice.

"It's definitely Dane," Jacob confirmed, "Which explains his confusion about Tyson."

"What confusion?" Tyson asked.

"The bit about you knowing about us," Alex answered, then looked at Dane, "A few weeks after you died, the council fell, humans and supernaturals were united. Did Hades not tell you anything? He even made a statement himself on global world news."

"Never had a clue. What happens up here, stays up here and the same rule applies to the Underworld," Dane answered.

"Well, now you do," Jacob answered, scratching in behind Dane's ear. He did this to calm his brothers fear.

"Now the problem is, why is he here? Isn't Hades going to flip?" Alex asked.

"And who brought him here?" Tyson added.

"I don't think Hades is our biggest issue right now," Jacob answered, "The other two questions, however, are. If we can figure out those answers, we can have a good answer for Hades."

"True. Um, we have another problem," Alex said.

"What?" Jacob asked.

"Dane and Shane have bad blood."

"I don't think that's going to be an issue, but that thing over there might be," Tyson said, his voice cracking and he started to slowly back up.

"What th…" Jacob started and then saw what Tyson was looking at.

He grabbed his daughter and put her back in the buggy, he then grabbed Alex's hand and the slowly retreated backwards, not sure of what this threat was. Dane looked around to see what was frightening them, and then his blood ran cold. What he was looking at that they couldn't fully see, was a creature standing at nine-feet tall with an all black body with black wings. He had red, sharp spikes going from the head, all the way down to the tip of the tail and the eyes were the color of blood. Alcatraz.

"RUN!" Dane screamed into their heads.

Not looking if they actually listened to his command, Dane charged in the direction of the demon and tackled it to the ground. Alcatraz attempted to snap his jaws on Dane's throat, but he moved quickly out of the way to avoid his teeth. He then tried to swipe at Dane and he was able to dodge it. Dane had a feeling that Alcatraz was not completely strong yet, so he knew he had a chance. He quickly glanced in the direction of his brother, who had managed to leave the park with his wife and friend. Dane took another lunge at Alcatraz and knocked him into a tree, knocking the wind out of him. Dane then picked up his brothers scent and decided to follow it. He knew that he wasn't strong enough right now to completely fend of Alcatraz, but enough to knock him out.

Jacob's scent, led Dane to a giant mansion on the outskirts of town. It sounded like the house was busy, or maybe Jacob had just told them what happened in the park. He looked around for some opening to get into the house. He could feel his powers were not going to work for teleportation right now, so he needed to find a way in; he finally found one at the back of the house, jumped in and slowly crept to where the voices were coming from, which he realized approaching it, was the living room.

"What happened Jake?" Demon asked, giving him a glass of fluid, which Dane guessed was water.

"We were on our normal walk," Jacob started.

"And we saw a wolf shifter. That wasn't the issue, the issue was that we saw something else that wasn't the wolf. The wolf screamed at us to run and we did so. I'm not sure if the wolf is okay, because the last thing we saw was the wolf going after whatever it was that we couldn't see," Alex explained.

"I'm fine," the wolf said in only Alex and Jacob's heads.

"Where are you?" Alex asked, out loud.

Dane, nervous, walked into the living room, having everyone in the room staring at him.

"What's with the blue fur?" Demon asked.

"Long story," Jacob answered as Dane walked up to him and put his head on Jacob's lap. Jacob rubbed the top of his head, "Thank you."

"It's my fault anyway," Dane sighed, allowing everyone in the room to hear him now.

Dane looked around the room and saw Demon, Surriey, Olivia and Shane were also there, along with five children, two boys and three girls, one of which he met at the park.

"How? Danger happens all the time," Jacob laughed.

"Not this danger," he whimpered, and Jacob realized that Dane had a gash in his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked.

"I'll be fine," he sighed, "Shane, can you contact Hades for me please?"

"Are you kidding me? He's going to blow a gasket if he finds out!" Shane snapped.

"I'm pretty sure he already knows by now. It's been more than two hours," Dane growled, looking at the clock.

"Fine," Shane growled, "But if he hurts me, I'll skin you alive," he hissed, before vanishing.

"What the hell was that about?" Demon asked.

"Somehow, something or someone resurrected Dane," Jacob explained, "And this is Dane," he finished, rubbing Dane's ear.

"Again, what's with the blue fur?" Demon inquired.

"Hades forced me to dye it when I arrived downstair," Dane growled.

"I think it's cool, it actually suites you," Demon smiled.

"I agree," Olivia smiled, "And I think I may know why this happened."

"You do?" Dane asked.

"Well, the night of our wedding, Alcatraz contacted me and said he would be back," Olivia started.

"That's who was in the park tonight," Dane sighed.

"What?!" everyone in the room asked in unison.

"I think him and Dane being here are connected. Don't you think it's a bit suspicious that Dane was resurrected tonight and on the same night Alcatraz attacks?" Olivia said.

"You think that him coming back to power, forced Dane to come back?" Surriey asked.

"Maybe, it's my theory anyway and it would answer the who and why. Who would be no one, and it's a magical connection and why would be simple, only Dane can completely destroy him," Olivia finished.

"Maybe Hades would also know too, it's why I asked Shane to contact him," Dane added, as Shane reappeared in the room, but was accompanied by someone taller than him.

The taller being, gestured for Dane to follow him out of the living room as he wanted to talk to him privately. Once the two left the room, Shane let out a breath.

"You don't like that guy, do you?" Demon asked.

"That guy is my boss and he isn't happy about this," Shane groaned, sitting down, "He almost ripped me a new one until I told him that Dane requested to see him."

"Geez," Surriey sighed, "No kindness? It's not like Dane asked for this."

* * * *

"What the fuck?!" Hades growled, pinning a now naked Dane to the dining room wall.

"I didn't ask for this, I swear," Dane shivered, closing his eyes, "But clearly I'm connected."

"You're a dumbass, of course you are. As soon as Alcatraz was back to full power, it pulled his master back. One difference though, you have no control of him this time," Hades growled.

"Why?" Dane asked, confused.

Dane was more concerned that Hades may do something to him, sexually that was, but he needed to know all the details and he knew Hades had all the answers. He was willing to do anything at this point to get information. He didn't hesitate when he asked Shane to contact him, because he needed his help. Dane suddenly whimpered and realized Hades had grazed his shoulder gash with his hand. It was softly, but Dane was still quite tender from the injury.

"This will scar," Hades said.

"Hades…" he started, but Hades stopped him with a finger to his own lips.

"I guess you and I are done," he said, letting Dane go.

Dane conjured clothing to himself, but left putting a shirt on because he knew it would hurt.

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"I have no control of you here and I know for a damn fact, you're going to do everything in your power to make sure you are not killed again," Hades growled, sitting down on a chair.

Dane wasn't sure what to say at this point. He, himself had feelings towards Hades, but he didn't want to be forced or controlled by him again. He wanted his free will and control of himself.

"How did this happen?" Dane asked, sitting next to Hades, not fully sure how it happened.

"You're tied to Alcatraz. You used someone else's blood when you summoned him; this is why only you can destroy him, which is also linked to why you were resurrected when he returned to his full power," Hades explained, "How did that happen?" he asked, pointing to the gash.

"Alcatraz. I'm not sure if he recognized me or Jacob and his wife, but I wasn't about to find out. So, I protected them and knocked him out."

"I see. He probably does know your back, just doesn't recognize you with the blue hair," Hades chuckled, messing up Dane's hair.

"Stop that," Dane groaned.

"You guys okay in here?" Shane asked, walking in.

"Depends," Hades growled.

"I'm only asking because the others are harassing me," Shane growled back.

"We're fine," Dane said dryly, putting his head in his arms and resting on the dining room table.

"That gash needs stitches," Shane said, leaving the room and coming back in with Jacob following with a supply kit in his hand.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dane asked as Jacob put his kit on the table and pulled up a chair to sit on.

"Jake knows what he's doing," Shane said dryly.

"How?" Dane asked, flinching from Jacob's touch.

"I study under Dr. Fang, I'm his apprentice," Jacob answered, unzipping his case and pulled a needle out, "This is a numbing agent, so I can stitch the wound," he explained, before injecting it into Dane's shoulder.

Dane watched as his brother sterilized the needle and threaded it with a supernatural thread, which was twice as strong as human thread. He then began going in and out of Dane's wound. It wasn't fully numb, so without thinking, Dane grabbed Hades hand and starting squeezing. His eyes were closed, so he didn't see the reaction that Hades gave, which was shock. Once his brother finished the stitching, he covered the gash with goo, meant to help the healing process and then bandages.

"Thank you again," Jacob finally said.

"How are you an apprentice?" Dane asked, letting go of Hades hand.

"Thing have changed since you were last here. Humans and supernaturals live side by side and have been for five years. You were only here for the wedding, so we were never able to tell you, though I thought Hades or Shane would have," Jacob explained.

"I only told him about the news cast," Hades said, casually.

"The result of that, was what is today. There's no more council and supernaturals follow the same rules as humans. It's why Tyson knew you were a shifter," Jacob said.

"Geez, I didn't think that video Nick helped me with would work," Dane said, quietly.

"It did and a lot more," Shane answered.

"What happened to the council?"

"Alcatraz killed Sarjen and Ruby. Megael got into a fight and was killed, while Edcur had committed suicide," Jacob answered.

"No guts to face the public, huh?" Dane asked, "What about the other two?"

"Tessmere still keeps supernaturals under population law, and Raska's doing his own thing now," Shane replied.

"Anyway, I was asked to explain current circumstances and I have, now I am going home," Hades said, standing up.

"You're welcome to stay," Jacob smiled, standing up, taking his kit and exiting the dining room with Shane following.

Hades was about to make his exit when he felt a hand grabbing his wrist. He looked down and realized it was Dane.

"Please, please don't go," he said, fear consuming his speech.

"I have no control, you and I are done," Hades said coldly.

Dane wrapped both his arms around Hades and refused to let go. Completely shocked, Hades looked down to see that Dane had tears streaming from his eyes. He could feel the fear that was consuming him, which wasn't a good thing, as Alcatraz fed off of fear. After five years, all Dane knew was Hades and at this point, he'd sooner sell his soul to Hades than face Alcatraz alone.

"What?" Hades growled.

"I need you," Dane sighed.

"For what?"

"You're all I've been consumed by for five years, I can't do this without you," he confessed. He wasn't going to admit to Hades he had feeling for him, but he was willing to admit this much.

"Seriously?" he said dryly.


"What's in it for me?" Hades asked.

Dane hadn't thought of that. Hades didn't do anything for anyone for free and therefore he needed to give Hades something big enough that he would help him. He let go of Hades and looked up at him.

"What do you want?" he finally asked.

"You," he answered, bringing his hand up and holding Dane's chin.


"Yes, you. Are you deaf?"

"That's not what I meant, I meant me how?"

"I want full control as before."

"You'll help me if I agree to be your slave?"

"It's the only way I'll have control in the mortal realm, but I cannot help you. I can help protect your family, but you would be on your own with Alcatraz."

Dane thought about that for a moment. He knew Hades was right about Alcatraz, he also knew he couldn't protect his family alone and needed help. For that help, however, he had to sacrifice his freedom. Alcatraz was his fault and at the end of the day, he needed his family protected more than keeping his freedom, so the answer was easy.

"I'll agree to your terms as long as you help protect my family," Dane said, extending his hand to Hades.

Hades took it and then Dane felt a burning feeling in the palm of his hand. He pulled it away and clutched it to his chest until the burning stopped. He then looked at it and say a weird looking symbol in his palm where the burning had been not long before.

"What is this?" he asked.

"A deal mark," Hades responded, "Neither of us can break our word. I will protect your family as best I can, and you will be my slave in the mortal world as well as the death world."

"I really wish you wouldn't call me a slave," Dane growled.

"Would you prefer sex slave?" Hades grinned.

"Geez, I was more referring to like pet or something less subtle," Dane groaned.

"I see," Hades said, cupping Dane, making his shiver.

"Seriously?" Dane hissed, "My family is in the other room."

The moment the last word left his mouth, Dane felt himself on a soft bed, looking up at stone bricks. Shit, he knew better than to say that to Hades, as he flashed both of them into his chambers. He could feel Hades hand underneath the waistband of his boxers, massaging his ball sac.

"Hades…" he breathed.

"Yes?" he asked, capturing Dane's lips.

He held his kiss with Dane will his free hand played with his left nipple, causing it to go hard. His hand that was massaging his sac, made its way to his penis and was now playing with it. His hand that was playing with his nipple, moved its way down his chest, to his navel and then his jeans. He unbuttoned them and then zipped the fly down, revealing Dane wet shaft. Hades then moved that same hand around Dane's back and plunged to fingers deep inside of Dane, making him arch his back. It was only then that he released his kiss and trailed kisses down his neck, his chest, his navel and then stopped. He then took the entire length of Dane into his mouth and began flicking his tongue on the tip of his shaft. He moved his mouth up and down on him while his fingers continued to play inside his rectum until they hit a spot that made Dane cum. Hades swallowed every drop, before releasing his penis.

He then pulled Dane jeans off and flipped him onto his stomach. Dane could hear Hades unzipping his own pants, before he felt Hades grab both his arms and held them on his back while he plunge himself deep inside of him; Hades pushed all the way to the hilt, which is something he barely did and caused Dane to whimper, because he wanted to release right away, but he knew better than to do it without Hades. Hades pounded into him fast and hard and with each thrust, Dane bit his lip to prevent from releasing before Hades. Once he felt the sensation that Hades was on the brink, he finally allowed himself to cum with Hades. He collapsed on the bed, while Hades collapsed on top of him.

"I hate you," Dane breathed.

"And I enjoyed you," Hades chuckled, raking his hand through Dane's hair.

"I should have kept my mouth shut," he growled.

"Actually, if you hadn't said anything, I would have taken you on your family's dining table."

"You're disgusting," Dane hissed, trying to move away from him.

"I'm kidding, dumbass."

"Can I ask for a request?"

"And that is?" he asked, nibbling on his neck.

"Would it be possible not to always request sex?"



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