
Chapter 457: Shall we?

Luna closed her eyes, laughing at herself for being so childish. She had not only gotten jealous of the princess but had also scared the servants who had dared to gossip without knowing who she was. 

'It's not your fault, milady.' The Tohar Sehlah offered sympathetically. 'It's just the time trying to engulf you into its fold.'

The goddess sighed, knowing that the stone was right once again. Time travel was not child's play. It had its own dangers attached to it. There was a charm attached to time that would pull one into its fold, no matter how powerful one was. Only the elder controlling the universe's time could then release you from its traps. 

But that would mean that everyone in the spiritual realm would then get to know about the incident. And Luna had no plans to go back before completing her mission. She wondered how Meifeng was holding up, up there. Watching the older woman place the shoes in front of her, the goddess raised her brows. 

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