

Kara stepped out of the lift on the way to her desk that was in the middle of the main floor of the Catco building. She set her stuff down and checked the time.

"I'm going to be late." She ran over to Miss Grants office where all the other main reporters and editors were. Once she got there she looked at the various tv screens and her face went into shock. Right there on the screen was a picture of the her and Lena kissing. Thankfully, however,  Lena's hands were covering Kara's face so you couldn't make out who the other woman was.

"Crap." Kara said to herself.Kara didnt realise this but Miss. Grant had just walked in and walked past Kara at that exact moment; she stopped and turned around to face Kara.

"Oh My God!! Did I just hear Kiera Danvers Curse." Kara stood there not quite sure what to say." I mean, it wasn't that much of a curse word but it is still the worst I've ever heard come out of your mouth. Tell me Kiera whats so important that you needed to break your PG habits."

"I uh I." She didn't know what to say."I forgot that I didn't pick up lunch that was all." Kara nervously said.

"Huh." The media queen exclaimed suspiciously. "Anyway, we've all seen the news, the little sister of the biggest villain in the world is parading around kissing and doing other things with none other then a fellow female." She said in one breath in her interested/not interested voice. She walked behind her desk, took off her coat and put her bag down. She then strutted back round to the front of her desk and leant against it using her hands for support.

Everyone stood there silent, scared of saying anything for the fear of getting shouted at or being subject to one of her witty comments.

"Don't just stand there, I want headlines, I want interview ideas," she paused," I want to know who this other girl is."

Someone stepped forward." Perhaps she's her assistant." Kara crunched her nose whilst hanging her head.

"No!" Cat stated." I've interviewed Lena Luthor a few times and that is not her assistant."

"What if a woman just has her needs." Another said. Kara's hidden face was disgusted. Cat still, thankfully, looked unamused.

"Maybe she was trying to keep it secret because she knew this would happen if it got out." Kara mumbled ,not so under her breath.Everyone looks at Kara.

"Say that again." Cat said intrigued to what Kara has to say.

Kara was annoyed at herself for how loud she was." Uuhh i- I just think that maybe there's a reason she wanted to keep it a secret."

Cat looked surprised but still very interested. " Ok so why do you think she kept it a secret.?"

Kara nudged her glasses trying to think of a good answer." Well look what we're doing right now, we're blowing something not very big or I guess not unusual way out of proportion. I mean it's not like someone coming out is really a big story anymore is it?!"

Everyone stood silent for a few seconds until Cat spoke up. "Hhhmmm well not everyday does the up and coming CEO of a multi billion dollar corporation and sister of Supermans greatest enemy get pictured kissing some other person who just say happens to have the same 'body parts' as she does!" Cat looks at Kara with a deadpan expression.

"Well uhh." Kara couldn't think of what to say, she nudged her glasses because she was so nervous.

"But....." Cat started," I do like where you're coming from. The idea that they were hiding it for a reason is front page material, so, all of you other people," She motions to the other reporters and editors," Who I don't know the name of and don't want to, I want headline ideas now!!!" She demanded.

"How about Secret Lesbian desires." Someone suggested." No!! We're pitching headlines not titles for Porno's." Cat replied. Kara smiled at bit at that comeback.

Everyone was bursting out headline ideas trying to get one to impress the queen of all media when Kara said a little to loud ( yet again)." Jeez all she was doing was taking care of some gay business but no this just had to happen."

Cat snapped her head to face Kara."Say that again- actually don't I heard you...mostly. Our headline is going to be-" she paused for dramatic effect." Good business or Gay Business?" People murmured in approval, apart from Kara of course. "Olsen, try get me some more pictures, Alder you have sources at L-corp try see if they know anything, Will you're on public opinion annndddd Kiera," sho looks at a nervous Kara," Try set up an interview with the billionaire in question, you've been there before so you can figure it out."

"Uh um but-" Kara stutters.

"No buts. You will get this interview. Now chop chop, all of you what are you waiting around for."

"Oh boy." Kara said walking out of Cat Grants office.