"I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com,
In the beginning the gods Lyft over man scoping ta world using their powers. They thrived throughout the world, many people lived happy lives all of their wishes and hopes granted by the gods and in exchanged their gratitude kept the God's Fed but granting so many prayers became too dubious of a task and the gods decided that they didn't need that much to keep them full so they devised the system. The leaders of man would decide on one prayer a year that prayer would be offered up to the gods in exchange for granting that prayer all their gratitude. So I'll be offered up to heaven so long as enough people were grateful the leader would be deemed doing their job and would keep its position. Of course with more civilizations more Kings began to crop up leaving to 21 Kings in total. Doing such 21 different prayers would often appear since the gods would unanimously Grant only one. Wish all 21 Kings needed to agree upon it so of course a council was formed among them and the system continue to work until Solomon came during the great era of Kings a great scholar had existed known for his Superior witch and ability to solve any problem with his mind. He earned himself the title of a true genius. He was so well acknowledged that even the 21 Kings would respect his opinion when it came to prayers offered to the gods. But of course Solomon was a man of hubris. His want for knowledge made him a glutton and knowing that God 's exist beyond man made him crave what existed in the beyond so much. So he started to plot with such a wish. He knew it would be difficult though he was acknowledged by all 21 Kings. He also knew that only three of the Kings actually liked him with so little asking a favor of the Kings to Grant him his wish it would be denied and he would be too far away from it. So instead he came up with a plan. He gathered his own 21 Kings. Then you searched the existing ones though it sounded to be quite the plot, in fact he didn't usurp all the kings. Three of them who sided with him kept their positions. Tricking both man and King alike. He had them Grant his wish to become a god. Well, the powers of God he can explore the great beyond and gain knowledge beyond all and so that prayer was offered up the gods bound by their word. Honored the prayer once he ascended there was a greater change. Now is a God like the others, both his soul and mind influenced and scoped the world with a corrupt soul and a warped mind. The world began to fall apart a world world once full of peace and joy, now covered with fear and treachery so much so that the other gods began to starve from mugging one another to mass murder and plagues no one was truly safe and sorrow was the only thing that could be felt. The gods grew ever hungry but strangely not Solomon. Having become a god, his powers were corrupt and the sorrow became his nourishment with a full stomach and plenty of power. He showed no remorse for the lives he ruined. Thanking the 21 Kings for their service. He granted each of them a bit of his power, thus leading them to rule with an iron fist. Each individual King would Lord their power over man only by satisfying their wants and needs. Would they in turn Grant their wishes? The more the Kings ruled the more powerful and full Solomon became. Eventually the gods new something had to be done. The hubris of one evil God and his tainted followers was ruining the balance they had billed. But no matter what, only their power could ever touch the land. They themselves live beyond it. Regretfully they had n't no alternative options originally. The Kings would offer a prayer up to them and that prayer would be the thing they'd Grant, but they needed to find a prayer. A prayer that they could answer that would alleviate the problem itself quickly. All the gods sifted through the prayers they could find. Hoping for one that would be the answer to their problems while they did find quite a few. Almost none of them were perfect. Four of the gods had an idea The gods of wisdom, valor, piety and culture came together each with an individual prayer. The god of wisdom presented a prayer of a mother wanting a child with the father dead. Her hope was that she could have a child that could carry on the family legacy. The god of valor presented a prayer or wish for a hero. One strong enough to deal with Injustice to those who would Lord over others without Honor the god of culture found a very odd prayer a man wish that his sword was his lover and the god of piety from the wish of a struggling sage to achieve magic individually. The wishes seems selfish, irrational or just plain strange, but if put together in the right combination, the gods could solve their problem bringing together the other eight gods a plan was formed. Combining the four wishes, two types of humans would be born to the mother and swordsman they will be granted the miracle of a new race beings with the ability to become weapons. They will be known as armories and to the rest of man. The ability to harness magic shall be bestowed upon them, but of course those without the ability to become weapons would be deemed as paladins each armory would have a destined paladin to wield them and with that prayer brought into the world, it began. The young swordsman became a paladin and a sword although crude became a lovely woman and the mother had became pregnant with another armory for the future and the wizard became capable as well of using magic. Also becoming a paladin as time went on more and more paladins began to prop up each paladin would eventually find their partner and would lead an assault to oppose the 21 Kings with their power and the backing of the gods gratitude soon returned now well nourished the gods could finally make a move against Sullivan with every ounce of strength that they had. They sealed him away into the furthest reaches of existence and divide it up. His power sealing them away within his vassals now cut off from their limitless power. The vassals grew weaker and eventually were defeated by the paladins soon enough the original Kings took their places with New rulers taking the place of the traders and that's a new era began.