
What is this world?

Saturday 4. July

"Hanako.." What a beautiful name I thought myself as I was full of joy due to the nice smell of the stew.

I slowly walk to the main table I saw that was in the kitchen. the kitchen was rather small but it was enough to fit at least four persons in.

I sit down at the chair near the fridge as Hanako brings the stew and the rice balls.

"It smells so good, although I have a lot of questions to ask." I comment

"I'll answer them gladly, but before I do, you should eat up," Hanako replied.

She takes the stew and as she fills my plate, Hanako looks at me with a warm and lovely smile.

This smile filled me with happiness that I long have forgotten.

Hanako finished with filling our plates and then said

"Have a good meal!"

As I eat the stew with a side of rice balls I begin questioning her.

"Say, Hanako..'

"hm?" she replies while looking at me with the same warm smile.

"What happened to me? I don't remember anything before the day I woke up in the hospital." I ask her while grabbing a rice ball and eating it.

"Well you see.." she responds while drinking water "You and I were walking in a park nearby the coffee shop I always used to go." she continues

"It was getting late so you decided to go home. I walk with you and then-" suddenly she stops and noticed that the phone was ringing. Hanako went to pick up.

Here I sit still clueless about how I lost my memory.

Sunday 5. July.

Once again I have awakened, not knowing anything about my confusing life. As I head to the kitchen, this time no one was here. I was by myself.

I walked towards the couch where the cat again was sleeping on. As I sat down I gazed outside of the window where the morning light was shining onto my face.

"Why am I here? Why don't I remember? Is it worth it trying to remember?"

I asked myself. But I didn't find an answer.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door, so I stood up and went to open the door.

As I opened the door, there was nobody. Just a package on the ground.

"huh? Didn't just someone knock here? where did they run off to?"

I was asking confused. But I decided to ignore it as I took in the package.

I grabbed scissors and opened the surprisingly heavy package.

As I sliced the package open, I noticed that there was something hard in it. It was a book. Named "Crystals shine."

"What is this?" I asked myself as I was looking at the book.

I'm guessing it is just some roman I didn't see yet.

As I opened the book, I saw a small letter in it. I decided to read it.

"Hello, Kazuki. If you read this, you probably don't know why this book was sent to you. So I just added this letter to it. This book was the one you desired before the accident, and I decided to buy it for you. It was already too late then. Hopefully, you'll find some joy to read it. -Mom"

I was staring at the paper with a tear in my left eye.

I wiped away my tears and began to read it.

5 hours later

The book was beautiful, mom knows what I like. She is my mom, after all, I suppose that would make sense then.

I looked at the clock and was shocked.

"What?! It's so late already?"

I put the book away and went to the bathroom to shower myself. I took off my T-shirt, pants, underwear, and opened the shower door.

I stepped inside and turned on the water tap.

As warm water was falling onto my chest, I heard someone unlock the door and announced "I'm home." It was Hanako!

I turned off the water tab, jumped out of the shower, and ran to her.

"Hanako I-" I tried to say before she asked

"What are you doing? Why are you naked?"

"GAH" I screamed and ran back to the bathroom to put on some clothes.

I came out of the bathroom once again but this time with clothes.

"Sorry, haha. I forgot I was naked for a second there."

I answered while in embarrassment.

"it's fine. I saw you naked before so there's no need to be embarrassed"

she responded as if nothing happened.

"Oh, Oka- Wait what?!"

I was getting all red on my face but I snapped out of it.

"Say, what is our relationship anyways?"

I asked while thinking it maybe was the wrong thing to ask.

"Oh right, I forgot you lost your memories. I'm your girlfriend, you confessed to me 3 months ago." she answered while staring happily onto the ground.

I was once again in shock. The old me had the guts to confess to a beauty like her, and even get accepted! Good job old Kazuki.

"I'm sorry for not remembering. I must be a bad boyfriend, huh."

"No, it isn't your fault, don't worry about it," she responded quickly while trying to cheer me up.

"There's nothing you could've done to avoid the Accident"

"Wait!" I said.

"You didn't tell me yet what happened to me and how I got into this accident."

Hanako was looking at me sadly and then said

"Oh right.. I didn't tell you yet.."

She gasped for some air and shook her head around, then she calmed herself down... impressive.

"As it was getting late we decided to go home and I was walking with you, but then a car was coming at full speed down the road. You were hit and flew with your head against a pole."

I was just staring at her, without an expression. I wondered

"Why did this happen to me... What did I do to deserve this.."

"You didn't deserve it!" she responded as quickly as the light.

"It was my fault. if I had not suggested the shortcut, this would've never happened."

I gasped some air and said

"You aren't at fault either. You cant know if there was a car coming the way. So don't put all the blame on you. As long I am here with you and my family, everything is okay, isn't it?

Hanako nodded while crying.

Thank you for reading my 2nd Chapter. I hope you liked it. I was sitting on writing this for almost the whole night trying to make a good chapter. If you have any suggestions or so please join my discord: https://discord.gg/AvdgkAK8Ep

AstolfoLiquidcreators' thoughts