after Gilgamesh ended their punishment he was thinking about Shalltear and her mission will Artoria be enough to stop that perverted vampire from being manipulated.
Shalltears pov
I'm sitting in carriage right now with Arroria I don't know why lord Gilgamesh send her here with me ,he said that she need some time out and after I asked her about that.....
Shalltear look at the hole in her belly and knows that it is bad idea to talk about this topic even if she is vampire it's still hurts being pierce by her hand it was humming she didn't even need weapon to easily being me to brink of death.
Shalltear stare at specific part of Arrorias body and say" i see the 'lord' ( by lord they mean one of supreme beings no 'Lord' biblical god) gifted you with great assets maybe even 'little' bigger than mine" I proudly show her my chest ,but what Artoria said to me made me spit blood.
" I must agree with you your F-A-K-E one is little smaller that my N-A-T-U-R-A-L one" Artoria said coldly and deliberately spell the worlds fake and natural while looking straight in her eyes she smile at my misfortune.
I should kill her I will tear her apart my aura start leaking ,but right before I attack she pointed at my belly that still hasn't recovered and said " what it still didn't heal and I thought that vampires had strong self-healing abilities" she said coldly if it didn't concern lord Gilgamesh she was cold ,but some times she likes to tease people just like her creator.
" yes it's still didn't heal " I was furious and worst thing is that she can't do anything about that and that brings her pleasure? Yes I have every fetish that was on Wikipedia even if I don't know what that Wikipedia is.
" perverted vampire you want to have intercourse with Ainz and let's ignore that you would still sleep with your lovers you have no boundaries and go against your role as guardian" she say to her don't mind now that she didn't say lord Ainz ,but now she wanted to insult her why is she so agreasive she didn't do anything other that ask why is she here.
poor Shalltear she doesn't know that Artoria is now in jealous yandare mod and she is the easiest target after her punishment she need to went her anger.
" don't you do the same try to get in lord Gilgamesh bed he must be ashamed of you as your creater acting like Hippocrat " i fire back at her not knowing that this is my end.
" Shalltear my dear you are mistaken about my duties I'm not a guardian. I'm a knight and knight duty to protect my lord and as good knight make him happy and that means fullfil his every desire and need even the physical ones ,but only for my lord" I could see obsession in her eyes she is truly loyal knight and I couldn't arque with her if my lord doesn't wish to eat me I couldn't eat him.
we stop at our destination there was big cave in which bandits hideout was located I walk slowly towards it some guardsmen stood there locking at me with lustful eyes I was thinking about having fun so I cast illusion so that they see each other as me and have fun some confusion spells were maybe cast to i really wanted to watch them I was little to 'exacted' watching them and my underwear have little accident.
I let vampire brides capture the rest and my familiars were searching for any strays and so I have time ,but as I was having fun some of my familiars were killed, my ager affect me and my skill vampire rage was activate so I lost my reason.
running towards the enemy I was greated by Artoria holding some old women in robe and laughimg while saying "mission successful"
after that she turn towards me and say " ohh little flat chested bait I didn't see you finally we can go back I don't need to babysit you anymore" she was really after me what did I do to her that she hate me so much.
" I'm not baby I'm Shalltear floor gurdian of the first three floors I'm more than capable of doing the same thing as you " my pride didn't let me admitt what she say I'm not a child at any sense.
" you have intellect and body of and child only thing that is abnormal is your perrvert mind" Artoria wanted to kill me she was for blood not some petty fight she knows my weaknesses what should I do.
" ohhh let's report to lord that mission was successful and you play your part ,I won't
deny that let lord decide what to do with your reward/punishment " Artoria didn't dare to report false information to her lord.
" and our mission was capture old women you wanted to say to me and I sense more people that were retreatimg ,why did you let them with your strength it should be easy to deal with ants" I didn't understand what supreme being meant by all of this
" ohbhb Shalltear don't tell me you don't recognise what that robe is" Artoria was dumbfounded at my comment I wonder why.
"no I don't it's something important , just old robe" I don't see anything special just your fat in chest travel to your brain and affect it.
" this robe is world class item 'downfall of castle and country' that can control any player or NPC but only one at the time and if the mind control person is killed it get destroyed , it's one time use " Artoria knows that this world item could be regard as one of the worst ,but if use right it can be one of the strongest
" what world class item how did it get here " wanted to know isn't this low level world where you couldn't find even divene class items how would they get this
" ask lord if he is willing to tell you you will know ,now let's return" I still can't get use to her cold behaviour.