

worlds divided, hearts conflicted, some face enormous challenges, others unlikely deaths, and few may find love in the most unlikely of places. the world is at stake over family rivalries. a tale told of a brother who wanted to be out of the spot light and another who wanted it all to himself. a father with secrets to shake the heavens and another who wants his son ruling by his side. a fight to bring peace, gain power,find love, and discover hidden truths no one ever expected.

"The world is only part of what you make it and the rest is how you perceive the details."

"This new menace is sweeping though our race," exclaimed Lanes. "If we don't do something, Schorl will kill us!" "Our forces have the threat under containment for the time being," the ambassador stated, "we don't need to send our children and young to a planet that has long been forgotten by our people." "Our worlds has only ever been separated by our own differences with the inferior races of that reality if we let it it might shift the slaughter!" Lanes argued, "The only differences between us and them are that we have abilities that they do not possess, and the change we go though on the trip." "The decision is final," the council stated in unison.

Despite the best efforts of Lanes the council would not see his reasons to want to travel to the backwater reality more primitive than most worlds. Unlike the council though the people saw Lanes's proposal as a new beginning and were more than willing to escape the tyrant destroying their homes, but Lanes had a secret that was not shared with the people that was much deeper than anyone would have realized. Now he was faced with a decision either to directly defy the orders of the government he had sworn to protect or let the people he loves suffer and die. On Turasus, the counterpart of earth, the council was the judge, jury, and executioners of the planet and disobeying them meant death. On the way back to his home, he felt an overwhelming power; he hadn't sensed since his sons were brought into the world. He turned. "Hello mother" were the only words to escape his lips before the first attack was issued. The attack wasn't directed at him but just to the other side of his head striking an invisible enemy. His mother had not come to visit since the previous council scheduling and every other time she visited the attacks were directed towards him trying to make him see how right he was on his decision to run and hide. This time though the enemies were from the council sensing his disobedience. Deciding to fight instead of run from the five council guards, he transformed into his primitive form. He instantly grew a spine like tail that mimicked the ashy blue color of his sectors more hostile skin that came just past his trench coat tails, and an extra set of lean muscular arms that broke out of his skin just under where his original set were, and both sets of hands growing in size and his nails sharpening to spear-like points. Even before the transformation was complete he started the attack to take the remaining enemies around him out of the situation. While using his telekinesis, he sensed the vibrations in his opponents shadowy hooded figures. The attack he delivered was with blinding speed crushing two of the enemies bodies to the ground with his telekinesis, killing them, and the other two were torn apart by the strength in his four beastly arms.

Lanes turns to face his mother expecting another attack to be pointed towards him but her reaction was not what he had expected. "I see you've finally chosen to side with the people over that blasted council," she spoke in his mind having a mind manipulator ability connected in with telekinesis. "I don't have time for your nonsense Ellan; I have to go Schorl is coming, and I do not know how to explain it to the people. I promised I'd keep us alive. She then spoke out loud seeing as her presence in Lanes's mind had been pushed out. Since they were of the same sector5 region, they had the same powers, but not in the same class. "I came to help you with your brother, I alone know your secret and it would be foolish to think you can kill him without me." said Ellan. " I'm not going to fight him. I'm going to give him exactly what he wants and run away. I already have groups with jumpers set and ready to open portals to the primitive planet of earth. When I leave, they will depart as well." She embraces her son finally seeing that he had taken up his role the events to come and knew he didn't have much time. So as she was leaving, he so taken aback by the simple hug, he had let his mind slip and heard her final words to her son; "I will hold him off as long as I can. I love you lanes."

Lanes dashes to his home to be met by one of his own scouts outside the front door. He pushes pass the guard as the guard slips out of his path and opens his door to find an expecting group of individuals ready to leave. "Only the three kids we had discussed can come with us," said Lanes as he tried to calm the parents of the third kid, Tourmaline. This girl was special to both of his sons, Kraazh and Envy. Envy didn't think friends were needed, but had an almost sibling bond towards Tourmaline. Kraazh saw her as more of the perfect fighting partner. They had spent most of their training sessions together. Just as he was finished explaining to the couple the situation. He heard aloud bang at the door. His guard had been killed. "Schorl is here," were the only words anyone heard before the door came crashing in like a ton of bricks had slammed into it. "You two hold him off while you open the portal to earth," was the message that shot through the parents minds from Lanes. They ran out of the house ready to attempt to hold back the 2 sector5 beings coming from both sides of the door. Tourmaline, Kraazh, Envy, and Lanes disappeared through the portal, but not before watching as Tourmaline's parents be torn apart by Schorl himself to personally kill his brother.