
Our Greatest Adventure

A 7 tale of adventures. Theire are 7 season in this novel every season have a new mc if you want to read also feel the adventure your welcome here~ all kind of world exist in here Virtual reality, Cultivation, Reincarnated all kind of thing like that or maybe modern age or the lost era demon,angel,elf,dwarf,human,mythival creature all of them exist in here we welcome you to our grearest adventure all the 7 of us.

type · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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Season 1- Wishes era or Disaster era

Time went by.

All thing change rift,gate,dungeon,monster appear also the people that have power we call them the protector.

2063 First of junuary

Because off the sudden reality the goverment have paanic of this power in all of cauntry they all change.

Japan-a lot of people went missing

America- people became obbses of making robot

Korea- a weird hollogram appear in front of them

China- people can now cultivate

Russian- the people become more sensitive about nature

Iceland- they were communicatibg to snow and fire

Philipine- theire are mysterious land appear above and places also the blessing

The blessing.

Since i pilipino and all the people here always belive in god we got a blessing different blessing right now what i am doing is still the same...if your thinking is how do you get a blessing if the got god came here and give blessing no neither the goddes when domeone turn 5 years old its automatically get a blessing no one kbow what kind of blessing he get or what kind of gift did he get its only when he say what hes blessing.

And i am here sitting i been hearing what's goibg to happen now since all of us got a blessing..there a one young boy say when will stand up to protect our land...its kinda dramatic then the govermenr let's say the president make a move they make rule and change everything, and now where i am now is peace well not really cause all the young acually thos who got blessing is fighing thos rift,monster,dungeon even a gate appear....gate- gate is the hardest thing to clear because only a one a one team raid it and when they clear it they are half alive even so they take down a one gate, ok let's talk about the mysterious land and the land above us

Mysterious land we called them training place if you go there the only rhing you can see is 5yrs old kids fight a goblin or devil first, even a sline can be seen in that mysterious land.

The land above us we called hem I.M.P a.k.a Impossible we call them like that because he is the second of the top 5 hardest place to clear as i said its only a second the 1st is in china the third is japan and the 4th is in korea and the last in top 5 is in america.

Thought i say all that things even thos i don't kbow what kind of blessing i have.

Also because of this all of happening the highess people decide to call as Wishses era.

Now then should i go to training area i want to eat something so let's hunt some goblin should we?!.