
Misunderstanding and fogiving

" Arora... Arora" my mom called me. "Coming mom" i replied closing my bedroom door, Then started to go down stairs.

When i finally reached to her I asked why she needed me. "David have been waiting for you in his car for so long. He said that he was looking for you. Is something wrong between you two?" She asked curiously. I didnt want to tell her any thing so i hit her with the, "Yeah!... Of course we are... pretty much... great...uhm... dont worry about it. He is my best... freind what... could happen." I was very sure she wasnt convinced but i tried to make her shrug it off. "Mom i am so hungry can you make me some food? I am starving." I tried to act as i said those words. I started to walk back to my room when i heard a voice behind me. "Why are you ignoring me?" It was david. My mom looked at us moving her head left and right then got out of the kitchen saying" I will pretend like i didnt hear anything." "Oh...shit... why does he always have to be loud." I said to my self. He came toward me and asked me the same question again."Why are you ignoring me?" Was he for real he doesnt even know why?...Oh-my God he literally poured a bottel of water on me and humiliated me infront of my freinds and know is like, 'Why are you ignoring me.' Man he should know his fault on his own way i am not going to say a word." I turned my face to leave but he grabbed my hand.

"You are not going any where until you answer me." He said with anger. "Let go off my hand David. If you dont really know what you have done then you must have erased it from your memory. It took you seconds! Seconds to do that but now you dont even remember oh God!" I shouted.

"Wait is that about the thing i did at school about the water i poured on you?" He asked,Holding my hand even tighter. "Why are you making it seem like it wasnt a mistake." I looked at him furiously waiting for some answer. "Oh my... Look I I am sorry, first it was a freaking stupid dear i did, secound i didnt mean to make you laughed at and i thought you would just shrug it as always, I really didnt excpet that you would get mad. That's right i wont blame you for being mad but please not for so long." I didnt respond to what he said but he was worried that he now knows why i was mad at him. He stopped me from my thought with. "Ok lets go to your freinds and then you can pour 5 bottle of water on me in PUBLIC." He said hoping that it will make me feel better. I tried my best to play a little hard to say 'It's ok.' So i said, "Why only 5 hum...?" He got frustrated and said, "No...no as many as you like just pls stop being mad at me?" I never tried this much hard not to laugh but i bursted out laughing. "Ok..ok whatever i forgive you.

He looked at me and started doing his happy dance, and stopped right away. "Oh... ok let... let's go i uhm... guess..." i saw the sacred look on his face. "Where?" I asked. "To your freinds... i.. will call them...and... and do like i have... said."he replied. To be honest i really was having fun for making him feel guilty but i didnt want more, so i decided to let go his punishment too. "You know i dont like to punsh people, I am not like you." For a moment he was shocked but also relived. "So... you forgave me?"

"If you will take me out for a ride far away to a silent place." I asked gaining a smile from him. He hugged me and spin me around.

My mom came into the kitchen while he was still spining me and, "You guy i real love you. I am gonna head out know to the groceries. Bye."