

The whole of Freeland was thrown into grief as desolation consumes the Western family after the Lost of their eldest son Clark western which drove his cousin and best friend Kylie western almost crazy to the point of attempting suicide which lead to her losing her memories of who she was before the accident. 13 years later Faith brought Jordan and Kylie together. Sparks flys as they both grow from friends to best friends and into lovers. but their happiness was short-lived as they both have too fight their families and enemies in order to be together. will love win or will envy, jealousy, lost and deceit prevail??.

Uzowei_Tehillah · Sports, voyage et activités
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 * * * * * * * 

Kylee brought out her phone and called her dad. She had refused to speak to them after arriving at Northwell because she was angry at them for sending her there. However, that anger was finally beginning to pa

"Hey, dad. Good mornin

"Good morning, my love. It feels really good to hear your voice again. Are you still angry at me and your mom, dear?" Jerry asks, but already knows the answ

"Well, dad, I'm ready to forgive you both, but only on one conditio

"I knew it. You want something." Jerry said, laughing. "What do you want, my lov

Kylee quickly told him what she wanted him to do and when. She was really happy when he agreed without any argument. Now all she needed to do was to speak to Principal Park


 * * * * * * 

"Come in." The deep voice of the principal came from the other side of the door after Kylee had knock

"Good morning, Principal Parker." She greeted with a smi