
Our destructive fate and the love in between

"ella, are you human at all?" Jace asked, looking utterly terrified "maybe your father can have an answer to that, this is a lesson for you Jace wealth, i told you not to underestimate just anyone" ella replied, smirking devilishly. she breathed out annoyingly and Jace started coughing profusely "ella please stop!" mama begged helplessly "you stay out of this moment! since you caused it anyway" ella said and swung her arm, making Jace fling to the other side of the wall he writhed in pain, looking despaired but still hoping ella would come back to her senses "good job isabella, you are doing well" ashes said grinning devilishly "I'm going to end your life now Jace, I'm sorry" Ella said and raised up her arm to strike him "i love you ella! i just felt i should tell you that before you take my life since its evident I'd regret not telling you in the afterlife" Jace said and a drop of tear rolled down his flawless face "let him live ella, he doesn't have much time left anyway, if he die by your hands, you are certainly going to regret it forever since you're in love with him too" mama said, trying to intercede her in every possible way "Don't listen to her ella, this is your chance to become free, you'd feel no more pain, you'd have your nights all to yourself, you can have the heart to love whoever you want, it's your chance to be human again ella, do it! kill him!" ashes persisted and ella breathed in fraustratedly, not knowing what decision to make either way, she'd be hurt either she kill the man she loves or spare him and let him die according to his fate. whatever option, she'd suffer an heartbreak author:#Hennie_G

Hennie · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

i would try and save you if i can!

Isabella was still busy staring blankly at the white ceiling when she noticed Rush's appearance in the room

"oh, you're back! how did it go?" Isabella asked

"pretty well, i even made friends with her" Rush said excitedly

"wow, that's so surprising, you never made friends" Isabella said and rush chuckled

"i know right, maybe its because she's pretty" Rush said and Isabella scoffed

"I'm sure there are thousands of prettier girls at your agency" she said

"then maybe because she seems special, i just felt some kinda attraction towards her so i made friends with her" rush shrugged indifferently "oh, its dawn! bye for now!'' Rush said and disappeared without waiting for Isabella to speak

"silly boy!" isabella mumbled and sighed

Meanwhile, jason was at the doorstep of the guestroom all the while

Annex complained of sudden headache so he offered to go get some water for her but he happened to hear voices in the guestroom where Isabella is staying.

"jason, you're here?" annex frowned as she walked out of their room ''I've been waiting for you" she said

"oh sorry, the headache is gone now, lets leave for our room" annex said possessively and grabbed Jason's arm.


Isabella was arranging her room the next morning when mack peeped in through the door and flashed a sweet smile at her

"hey stranger, Good morning!" he waved at her

"good morning mack" Isabella reciprocated the smile

"its time for breakfast, we are waiting for you" he said

"oh, let's go then" Isabella said and abandoned the duvet thus followed mack down the stairs

"hope you slept well" mack asked as they alighted the stairs together

"sleep? well..." Isabella trailed and sighed

"oh, you're here!" aliya waved at isa excitedly as she sighted her

"yeah, good morning ali" Isabella greeted

"a good morning to you too, how was your night?" aliya asked, smiling.

"oh, my night was great" Isabella replied and took a seat before aliyah

"seeing you all excited like this, i guess you've heard the news after all" mack said, hiding his disappointment

"news? what news?" aliya frowned

"so you haven't heard?" mack asked

"no, i haven't. what is it? tell me" aliya said eagerly

"check the school forum" mack said and aliya quickly scrolled through her phone

🪄 Big News! Maxwell modeling and art Academy's greek god, Douglas jerry was turned down yesternight by the Alicia Grand, the top ranker of the last national IQ examination🪄


posted by student: Alicia Grand

rank: Top ranker

grade: Final year

i hope this news make your day🎐

Aliya read out and turned to Isabella who shrugged innocently and took a bite of her food with a grin on her face

"hmm, yummy" she murdered and munched the food dramatically

"where's mister Jason by the way?" she asked

"oh, he escorted annex to the airport, she's going on a business trip" mack replied and Isabella mouthed an 'O' and continued eating

"we're late for school ali, we should now" mack said

"oh, yeah right. Isabella will you be fine all alone? its likely that brother Jason would leave for his office directly from the airport" aliya said

"its fine, the servants around seems nice" Isabella said smiling

"yeah and it seems everything is always fine with you" aliya eyed her "we need to talk when i get back from school" she said in addition

"sure" Isabella nodded

"why are you sounding harsh to Her?" mack scolded aliya "bye stranger, will see you later" mack bid her

"bye, take care" Isabella replied

*you take care too, let's go" aliya said and walked out of the house with mack

"thanks for the meal" Isabella thanked the maids around the dinning table and walked away

"oh mr Jason, you are back welcome" she said as she collided with him in the living room

"thanks, good morning" jason replied

"oh good morning" Isabella said

"if you have taken your shower, shall we leave for somewhere?" jason asked and Isabella frowned

"sorry, but where are we going to?" she asked grimly

"the mall of course! we have to get you something to wear" jason replied and Isabella sighed gently

"oh" Isabella mouthed

"hmm, how long are you going to stay here? do you want to talk about your family?" jason asked as they lunged out

"I'd rather not talk about it" Isabella replied politely

"hmm, i understand. you must come from a noble family judging by your dressing" jason said referring to the latest brand designer Isabella is wearing

"yes, I'm indeed from a noble family but do you think it's okay to call all the conglomerate families noble?" Isa asked and chuckled "i mean, Nobility is a strong word you know" Isabella said and jason nodded

"i agree with you.....wait, watch your steps!" jason shrilled as he sighted Isabella stumbled on a rock but luckily, he got hold of her right in time and she subconsciously wrapped her hands around his neck.

Isabella stared deeply into the transparent brown eyes of Jason and gulped.

if her dream comes to a reality, then she would fall in love with this man right before her eyes and she might possibly kill him with her bare hands

'can i really do that?' she wondered

Jason's P.O.V

she kept staring closely at me and i stared back into her bluish hazel eyes.

i feel strange whenever we make eye contact

the way she get lost in my eyes.....

i feel like she only knows about something I'm also supposed to know.

the other day when she called my name in her sleep, i knew she wasn't just dreaming.

whatever the case maybe, i sense Danger!

the more harmless she looks, the more dangerous she is and the more innocent she looks, the more brutal she might be.

i just hope.....will my family be safe?