

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

CHAPTER THREE - The contract's major rule

Sighing, Lily cast a gaze out the window. She said, "He has changed a lot," and then left to change.

Alex pulled out his phone and took a quick look at the background. He shook his head and grinned regretfully. Allen, we were so delighted," said Alex, touching the screen of his phone.

Lily arrived downstairs for breakfast in the morning, and Alex was there to greet her. "Good morning, Alex." She gave him a gentle grin in greeting. Alex gave her a nod without giving her a single glance.

Lilly sat across from him while sighing. "You remember what I told you about last night, Alex?" She jumped when he inquired in a deep voice, and juice from a glass fell on her. She exhaled and looked at Alex, who was giving her a death glare. The question "What the-" Before continuing, Alex restrained his rage. Why are you Lily so clumsy? He responded, which caused Lily to become upset and ashamed in front of the maids. With a towel in hand, one maid arrived at Lily and began tidying up the mess. Lily stammered, "I-I am so-sorry," as she expressed her regret. As soon as he got up, Alex departed the dining room. While Lily was looking at her with tear-filled eyes, Mrs. Rim approached her and patted her back.

"Don't worry, Lily; you know who he is. He was quickly enraged.As Lily was the most sensitive girl, Mrs. Rim advised her to be calm. Mrs. Rim is Alex's caretaker. She is the most reliable individual. Lily gave her a nod while wiping away her tears.

While Alex and his lawyer friend were waiting for Lily in the study room, Lily unexpectedly burst the door wide open. She made their appropriate bows.

Gianna said, "Lily you have grown up a lot," and moved closer to her. She grinned and gave her a hug. She returned the hug but broke it as soon as she felt a strong gaze on her. Their attention was drawn by Alex's throat clearing. Let's talk about the contract. Alex replied as he began to read the papers. Lily sighed and sat down next to Gianna.

"So, Lily, here are the rules,"

No. 1: You are not allowed to meddle in his business, including his office work and legal concerns.

No. 2: You won't anticipate his treating you with respect as a wife.

No. 3: You cannot love him, and if you did, it would be your fault and not his.

No. 4: You cannot compel him to join you at events and other activities.

No. 5: You are not permitted to enter his room or study.

No. 6: You may not touch anything that is his property.

No. 7: Oh, you cannot invite his pals over!

in particular, male pals.

No. 8: You are not allowed to interact with his housekeepers.

No. 9: You are not allowed to meet his relatives without his consent.

The last one is that, as you are aware, it is a contract marriage, therefore neither you nor he can be prevented from dating or meeting anyone. Gianna extricated herself and cast a quick glance at his friend, who was observing Lily without showing any emotion. In sequence of accord, Lily nodded. She glanced to Alex, who was staring at her emotionlessly as Gianna handed her the pen. Sighing, she signed the contract.

She then bowed to Gianna and walked away from them.

"Dude, this is excessive. I know you liked her, so why are you treating her like this now? His friend ignored his question when GIanna asked it of him. Alex aggressively told his friend, "Stop admiring things in your head and concentrate on your work," and left for the study area. When Alex's gaze unexpectedly landed on Lily, she was on her way there. He puzzledly turned to face her. Are you departing for somewhere? She scowled as he questioned her. She gave him a nod as she took his paperwork and prepared to go when Alex stopped her.

"May I ask where you are going?"Alex was clutching her arm as she looked at him. "Mr. Smith, it's none of your business." She said and released his hold on her arm. Someone laughed and looked at them distantly as he rolled his eyes.

Dr. Davis was working on his laptop as Lily sat in front of him. She just needed the medical report for her father because she was so impatient. She tapped her fingers on his table and asked him, "Did you find it, Dr. Davis?" She felt sorry as he shook his head. I warned Lily that it would be challenging to locate the record and that someone might have already deleted your father's reports from the records. " He reminded her once more, but if she found something, she could have some hope. She felt disappointed in herself as a lawyer after seeing Dr. Davis. She continued to have no luck. She lacked any information or evidence of her father's passing. Lily walked inside. There were no lights on. She scowled and reached inside her bag for her phone. She was about to turn on the flashlight when the lights abruptly came on, causing her to cringe. WHAT DID YOU DO AT THIS TIME? She stepped back as a result of Alex's yell and death look. Why are you concerned? You are the one who instructed me not to become involved in your affairs.

" She muttered, which enraged him further. Alex glared at Jones Lily and replied, "That is not the answer to my question, Jones Lily.

She sighed and walked into the space. Alex yelled again, "STOP RIGHT NOW, JONES LILY," making her shudder. She came to a stop and cast a furious gaze at Alex. What is wrong with you, I ask? He groaned when she spoke in a whisper to him. He left her speechless. Shaking her head, Lily went to her room.

Alex sat in his chair and sighed in the meantime.

Why am I not normal? What is she doing to me? He asked himself a few questions and wiped his face with his hands.

Lily was lying in bed. She cried out as she closed her eyes and a tear ran into them. I miss you, Dad. She hugged the pillow that was next to her as she sobbed softly. She was unaware that someone was hearing her sobs from behind the door. He was experiencing such despair.

Alex is aware that he cannot give her a hug. He was unable to console her. Alex headed to his room while clenching his jaw.

Moon On the patio where Lily and he used to hang out, James was standing. "I'm missing you, my love." He muttered, missing his sweetheart as he cast a glimpse towards the moon. His eyes started to tear up.

He wiped his tears away and cried. He chuckled regretfully and vowed to claim Lily back as his own once more.