

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

CHAPTER SIXTEEN - I Desire To Divorce

Lily was recovering incredibly quickly after a week. She saw that ending her life was a dreadful choice. She remembered everything that had occurred during the previous few months at those times. She grew more powerful. Her life and heart were completely upended when she witnessed her mother sobbing in front of her and pleading with her to live long and blissfully. Lily vowed never to let her mother sob and beg in public. She was quite disturbed by it. She was waiting for her mother to see her while sitting on the hospital bed. She was eager to return home. This week, Alex didn't visit her. He had a lot of work to do.

He was simultaneously managing two sizable corporations. Making time for Lily was challenging for him. Although Alex was at fault, his shame couldn't restore her broken heart.

When James walked into her room with a bouquet, she smiled a tiny smile. "May I enter, ma'am?"

He enquired while grinning. "Yes, you may, Mr Moon James." He grinned widely as a result of her approval. I'm giving this to my lady. He declared. As he set it on the side table, Lily grinned. Let me examine your leg. James grinned as he examined her leg, which was also hurt in the collision. Wow, nice girl, you are recovering swiftly. She grinned warmly as he complimented her.

"Thank you; you are solely responsible." Lily credited him with helping her get better. He was the one who stayed up late with her and comforted her by holding her in his arms. In good times or bad, he was always there for her when she needed someone. James was always by her side. She was his top concern. She had his undying love. The doctor said that you would be discharged shortly. Lily, I am anticipating that day. She was off in another direction when he exclaimed eagerly. Her thoughts were frozen.

"Are you alright?" James looked at Lily's disoriented form and questioned. "I'm fine," She responded, feeling compelled to smile. "Lily, tell me the truth."

He sighed and sat next to her, looking troubled. James: "He didn't come to see me once. Despite her discomfort, she grinned. James gave her a gentle head pat while sad-chuckling. He is on his way. The man's heart bore a significant scar. Why does she still think of him, and why couldn't she see him, he wondered. "I hope you are right, but..." she began as the door burst open to reveal Lily. "Why is it not him? When his piercing stare landed on James, who was seated close to Lily, he bit his teeth.

So you're having fun with your filthy ex behind my back?

His words caused her heart to fall from the skies, and she started crying. She wasn't prepared for that from him. "I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU, AND YOU'RE SPENDING YOUR TIME WITH HIM." She recoiled in terror as he roared in anger. Dude, you're doing it incorrectly. James said as he stared at Lily's gruesome performance. "Oh, please stop talking." Before turning his attention to Lily, he shot James a death gaze.

The question "What do you want, Lily?" She asked with a sad heart while remaining dispassionate.

After heaving a sigh, Lily got herself together and asked, "What?" I don't see why you come here after a whole friggin week and claim me as your wife, Alex clenched his fist and moaned deeply. when you were the one who failed to appear following the day when I was battling for life or death. The lads looked down at the floor as she sobbed louder. "You always treat me like a given. You've always treated me badly.

When you had a screaming wife still alive in the guest room, Alex, you brought your ex back into our home and begged me to let you live with her.

You are the one that consistently discards me, and here you are asking these questions. Stress was causing Lily to have trouble breathing. She was worn out from it all. She desired to shout and sob more loudly in order to release the ache in her chest.

"I need to be alone myself. I detest overanalyzing things. When she was igniting her heart, I detest seeing you joyful with her on the same bed. Alex was ashamed of himself. Why are you marrying me when you love her? Why do you make me hurt? What did I do wrong? Why do I, Alex? Why?"

She questioned while slapping her chest in an attempt to alleviate the excruciating pain. James could not stand to see her on this platform because it broke his heart into a million pieces.

James muttered "Lily" after he had had enough of the Alex saga. Why are you still here, Alex?

Can't you see that she's not in the proper place to be speaking to you?

You are playing additional games with her. James became enraged and shoved Alex. Lily claimed he'd had enough of everything. His heart and intellect were being pounded by her words like a hammer. He was desperate to impart a lesson to Alex. Alex severely damaged his first love.

"Why did you harm her like that?" James stared at Alex and grabbed his collar, preparing to give him a heavier hit to the face.

I said, "Leave my collar." Alex demanded as he kept staring at his wife, who was lying still on the bed.

"Why?" James grinned in his face. James, I don't want to play my nasty game with you. With a furious expression, Alex admonished the man. When Lily spoke, they were locked in a death look together. Say "Leave each other." They separated from one another as a result of her subtle voice. "I want to divorce." Alex was astonished when Lily made a small smile. He sprinted over and grabbed her hand. "Lily? Why?" She grinned sourly.

"Why? Do you want to know why? She stared at him in shock. There is no reason to stick by your side when you have your ex back, thus I want a divorce. Lily calmly shook her head. "You are my wife, so I won't do that." Despite the fact that he had never treated her like a wife, he claimed her once more. His talk irritated Lily, who exhaled a heavy sigh and asked, "Are you for real?"

"You already have Emily. Please just return to her. I don't need your pretended concern. Lily turned her head aside, acting coldly. After that, Alex's actions and remarks were also unacceptable. I'll file for divorce once I'm feeling better. It won't take too long, so don't be concerned. As you are aware, I am also an attorney. She forced a big smile on her face. I wish you luck. Can you leave now, please? I should get some sleep. Lily wrapped herself in the duvet. She turned around so that her back was to him. While being really ashamed in front of James, Alex got up and left. Lily," he paused. "Would you please leave me once?" Please give me some alone time. James walked away silently, letting her to recover on her own.