

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

CHAPTER SEVEN - A new business associate

Lily jumped onto the bed.

She was crying a lot. "Why am I hurting right now? You realize I don't love him? Lily sat on the bed and combed her hair with a hand. "WHY?

WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT? She screamed out in anger. Alex sighed and laid his back on the hair. When he heard a scream coming from Lily's chamber, he scowled. He quickly went to her room and gently knocked on the door.

Lily, are you all right? In order to help her feel better, Alex said softly. "JUST leave. I DO NOT WANT YOU HERE AT THIS TIME. Alex became more concerned about Lily as a result of Lily venting her rage on him. Please allow me in and open the door. I'll break the door if you don't open it, Lily. When Lily began to panic, she focused on a sharp knife. Please, Lily. She was lost in contemplation as he implored.


Alex's eyes bulged in surprise.

"Don't you dare, LILY? He began rapping his shoulder against the door. Lily picked up a knife and prepared to slit her wrist. "Dad, I'm coming over." Tears that were at the edges of her eyes fell as she whispered and shut her eyes. Alex smashed the door to get to her. "ARE YOU CRAZY?" he yelled as he snatched the knife from her and hurled it aside. As she fell, he roared at her yet his eyes grew soft. "Lily?" She lay her head on Alex's lap. To wake her up, he gave her cheeks a gentle pat. Alex picked up her unconscious body from the ground, carried her into his arms, and led her into his room.

"I gave her an injection. She'll be all right. She has depression, therefore it happened since it would be so bad for her. Please, Mr. Smith, keep an eye on her. Patients in these situations merely require love and care to recover. While keeping his focus on Lily, who was still unconscious, Alex nodded at the doctor. As the doctor exited, he sighed and followed him to the gate. She is in so much pain following her father's passing. When Alex's eyes landed on a piece of paper, he halted moving in the direction of his room. He picked up the piece of paper on the ground and asked, "What is this?"

After seeing Mr. Smith's name there, Alex scowled. He was unaware of that. "Why did dad tell us a lie?"

When he noticed that she was embracing his pillow and sleeping, Alex's expression softened.

Lily, you remain the same. He shook his head and then sat down next to her on the edge of the bed. Lily's hair was tenderly stroked by Alex. "I was really missing you. I yearned for our embraces. A slight curvature could be seen on his lips during their recollections' recall. "You are my little shorty."

ALex gave a soft kiss to

Head of Lily. I love you, Shorty.

Alex adjusted her ear hair.

He moaned and shifted to sleep on the other side. Saying "Good night." While lying on the bed, he mumbled.

Moon James, who was quite inebriated, set an empty wine glass on the table. He kissed the image of "Lily" as he wiped away his tears. "Why did you harm me in this way? I need a justification. His lids began to droop. James leaned his head against the table and dozed off.

When something heavy touched his chest, Alex awoke. He moaned and slowly opened his eyes.

Observing his wife cuddling up to him, Alex laughed. He warmed her by caressing her back. Lily clung to his waist and curled up inside of him. She felt her heart skip a beat as he said, "Wake up." in a deep, silky voice. She got to her feet right away. "I apologize. I had no idea how I found myself in your bed. Her head was once more resting on Alex's chest after he had drawn her back to him. I brought you here the night before. She changed her thoughts after Alex gave her some mental space. "Don't think too much or it'll hurt your little brain." She sighed as a result of his taunts. You don't have to be concerned about me. You shouldn't worry about it. She states icily. What, What? I'm your closest pal. I have every reason to be concerned about my shorty. Fast heartbeat in Lily. In amazement, she muttered, "-shorty?"

"Yeah, Shorty, my Shorty." She escaped his hold and went outside.

"I know. She will find it difficult to accept my apology this time. Alex got up and headed for a shower. They both gather in the dining room after getting ready. Between them, there was an unsettling quiet. No one dared to say anything. Alex would occasionally steal peeks at Lily to see if she was eating. "Lily?" He spoke out of nowhere, and she choked on her food.

She received a glass of water from Alex, who also offered her a quick slap on the back while she gathered her breath. "Are you alright?" He returned to his seat after receiving her nod.

"Say it." Lily questioned as she consumed her meal. "Can you accompany me to my company today?" He enquired while grinning. "Why?" Lily questioned icily. Actually, Gianna isn't in the city, and I need you to take care of the contract because I'm about to sign a new contract today. She sighed and contemplated for a moment before nodding her head in agreement. He grinned broadly and carried on with his breakfast.

When James awoke, he experienced a severe headache. He took a quick look at the wall clock before rushing to his bedroom for a crucial meeting. He repeatedly swore at himself for his recklessness, "Shit, shit, shit."

Alex halted the vehicle in front of his sizable business. Lily exited the vehicle and walked toward the door. Because he had never seen her before, the guard stopped her. She gave him a bewildered glance.

"Your card or appointment, Mam?" Lily grinned and shook her head in response to his demand. Guards saluted Alex when he approached them. She is my wife, I say. They opened the door while nodding. Alex and his wife joined the business. Everyone was awed by her beauty. Alex was a little upset that the male employees were staring at his wife. "Everyone." He had them all looking at him. Meet Mrs. Alex Smith, my wife. As everyone bowed respectfully to them, he grinned with satisfaction.

With his fingers entwined in Lily's, Alex held her hand. She was perplexedly looking at him. She was forced to sit on the couch after Alex took her into his cabin. "Sit down. I'm going to review the meeting preparation. She nodded and again blinked her eyes. Alex stroked her face before departing.

James' automobile came to a stop in front of the impressive structure. He exited the vehicle and walked toward the door. He walked by them and they all bowed to him. As they followed him into the business, one assistant had an iPad in her hand and the other had a file in her hand. In the meeting room, Lily was seated next to Alex. Their focus turned to the door, which revealed MOON JAMES.