

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

CHAPTER NINETEEN - Why Are You Attempting To Deny It?

Lily looked at the wall clock while leaning back in her father's chair and resting her hands on the desk. Her first day as the organization's new CEO was that day. The manager of her dad's company entered the space carrying swarms of flies. He pushed them toward Lily after setting them down on the desk. Hello, Mrs. Smith. This is Miss. Jones. He stopped talking and nodded. I managed your dad, Miss Jones, and now I'd love to manage you as well. Lily gave him a nod and a grin. Can you tell me who the most recent CEO was? He sighed in response to her question.

"Mr. Smith "Okay, could you please get me a coffee first? He gave a quick nod before leaving the office.

After turning on the computer, Lily went to the CCTV Footage folder. When you were the CEO, Mr. Smith visited this location. Let's see him. She grinned and began viewing the videos. For two hours, Lily had been viewing the videos. Before this point, they contained nothing. She was constantly tapping her foot on the floor because she was so frustrated. Someone knocked on the office door in an abrupt manner. Sighing, she opened the door for the individual to enter. "Miss Jones, you must come to the meeting right away." Before leaving the workplace, Lily gave the girl a wink and snatched her phone.

It's "this way." Since it was her first time in the workplace, the girl showed her the conference room. When Lily appeared, the room erupted in a gasp. She sat down in her father's CEO chair, leaving everyone else speechless as she did so. Now that everyone has shut their mouths, let's begin the meeting. They all quickly nodded in response to her icy, menacing glare, which sent chills through their bodies. Mrs Smith: "It's Miss. Jones." She stopped him off and corrected him while giving him a stern look. Sorry, Miss Jones; we need to talk about Mr. Moon James' contract. When she heard James' name, her eyes widened in surprise."I believed that contract would be handled by Mr. Smith." She questioned. He was, but given that you are present and that contract is for Jones's Cooperation, you must attend to it, Miss Smith—er, Miss Jones. After that, he bowed his head. Before taking a big breath, Lily nodded her head. "All right, please give me some time because, as you all know, I'm new. After I have read the contract again, I will let you all know what I think and decide. You may all go at this time. She received a bow from them before they left the room, leaving her to mull over their departure. "I wish I had chosen wisely.

Dad, this is so difficult. Lily looked at the projector screen while muttering to herself. "I ought to ask him to assist me." She turned and left the hallway.

When Lily walked into her office, she was startled to see James sitting on her chair and monitoring security tape. I said, "What are you doing here?"

James winced and cast a stern smile on Lily's way. I came over to say hello. How did you know I was here? Lily had a distinct emotion in contrast to James' actions. "James?" When she yelled his name, he was taken by surprise. Alex informed me that you would be handling the contract at this time.

He sighed in relief as she nodded. James, please give me some time to reconsider my choice. I hope it's okay. Lily gave him the most stunning grin, which caused him to become enamoured with her breathtakingly lovely features. James came forward her and said, "Okay," making her recoil.

His hand gently touched her face as he drew closer to her. "I hope all is well with you." She gave a quick nod before sitting down on the chair.

After seeing them up close, Alex gritted his teeth. He paused at his position just as he was about to enter the office.

"What are you doing?" His eyes grew wide as he turned around and saw his reflection in front of him. "You?" Alex murmured. "Yes, I am. What are you currently doing? He was perplexed by his appearance and stared at him in shock. "What do you expect me to be doing at my wife's office?" "Wife?" The picture grinned sourly. "Do you ever treat her like your wife?" Alex fixed his eyes on the ground. "You and your ex-girlfriend had a great time together. Lily merits happiness and should be left to pursue her desires. After viewing Alex's terrified form, the apparition grinned. "No, my wife is her. Anybody is welcome to take her away from me. He closed his eyes and roared in frustration. Lily caressed Alex's shoulder, and Alex winced a bit. He was seriously panting. He cast a worried look on Lily's way.

"Are you alright?" Alex gave her a deep hug and shook his head.

"What happened?" She enquired with worry. Never leave me, please. Her brows wrinkled. "What?" Alex was gently pulled away by Lily when she put her hands on his chest. Please understand that we are at work and not at home. Lily turned around and returned to the office to finish up her unfinished job. Alex exhaled a long breath. "What the heck is going on with me?" He gave a frustrated head shake and walked after her.

Lily put her hands on her torso. Because of what had transpired between them, her heart was thumping so violently.

She was too shocked to speak. "What did you say? Was he sincere? "Yes, I do mean it." Lily's eyes widened in surprise at Alex's abrupt words.

"Yes, I do mean it." She took a step back as he moved closer to her and kept moving forward. The question "What do you mean?" Lily speaks in a low whisper. She said, "Lily," while gazing into his wide range of emotions, which just added to her confusion. Everything was going through her head, as it had for the previous several months of her existence.

When Lily's back hit the ice wall, she hissed and closed her eyes. Alex put his hands on the wall and pinned her between them.

"Lily, turn around and look at him." He possessed such power. He forced her to open her eyes, and she gave him an unfathomable look of emotion. The question "Do you ever love me?" His abrupt query caused her eyes to widen. She closed her eyes as she mentally went through every recollection. "I love you." "I love you too, too, my best friend." "Alex, if I told you I loved you, what would you say or do?" You can't love me, Lily. It is against our policies. Her world was upended. A tear streamed down her face as she said, "Meet my girlfriend Lily." After what you did to Emily, "You are nothing to me." Lily sobbed while holding Alex's hand. however, it wasn't put to use.

She dropped to the ground as a result of him jerking her hand away. "No, I have never loved you." Before opening her eyes, Lily replied.

"Lily," "for the love of God, stop it and don't come near me. Just give me some space. He sank to his knees at the sound of her words. No matter how nasty he behaved with her, he believed Lily always loved him. "I'm sure. When you approach me, I am repulsed. How do you feel? After witnessing you kissing your ex-girlfriend several times, I now accept you. I'll never kiss these lips and say anything about what I said. He was abruptly shoved away, and she walked away. "Did she really find me repulsive?"