

"before I let sleep take me a man I never knew walked into my room."

In a weak voice, I ask "who are you" although I wasn't afraid I still was cautious.

A smile creeping onto the old man's face as he said "that doesn't matter now I am just here to check on your progress". Confused I ask what he was talking about. The old man stated, "it's better if I show you sit still".

Seeing the look on my face the old man sighed and said " look you're dying anyway right, let me show you ". Knowing I have a few days left I agreed. As the old man approached me slowly he raised his hand and whispered a few words before touching in between my eyebrows.

As the old man touched my forehead I felt my body relax instantly, as if all the tension in my body suddenly vanished. "Deep slow breaths " I heard the old man say and I complied without any problems. Out of nowhere came waves of burning pain, pain so bad I couldn't make a sound. The pain getting progressively worse as tears and blood leaked out of every hole in my body.

Wondering what I did to deserve this I realize the pain is gone, not just that I was no longer in the hospital. I'm in a seemingly endless dark room with a dim blue glow. Not knowing what to do I pick a direction and started walking. After what felt like hours I stumbled across a blue lake and around this lake were several faceless figures, even though they were faceless I could tell they were looking into the lake.

Following in their footsteps walked closer to the lake and gazed into it, a desire to see what was under it took over me as I walked into the lake. As more of my body entered the lake a feeling of warmth took over me, once fully submerged I opened my eyes to see the old man smiling once again as I was surrounded by a dark blue aura.

Before my conscience slipped I asked the old man one question, "what did you do to me" to which he replied, "what your father should have long ago, now rest and remember I was never here". Wondering who this man was and how he knew my father frightened me but knowing I'll get answers tomorrow I drifted away into a deep sleep.