
Chapter 22 - The Academy Again

We were back at the academy.

A red velvet carpet stretched out towards us from the front door, as if welcoming our return and standing on either side were the butlers and maids.

Why were they all standing there?

"Alright boys, and girls. Welcome home. There's just one more thing that needs to happen tonight before you can return to your bedrooms."

"Please follow Liam to the great hall."

As if on cue, Liam walked to the centre of the carpet, and gave us a bow. The doors opened, and we followed him, as he led us through the front door.

We passed the staircases, columns of walls, paintings big and small.

Where were they taking us? Was it another test?

It felt like I had walked through a maze when we finally came to a stop in front of a large wooden door. It was so big. It made the first door look small, easily twice its size.

With a loud click, the door opened.

The room inside was enormous. It was as if we were at the centre of a large football-size hallway. Filled with luxurious velvet red carpets, massive snow-white pillars that stretched into the sky, it was like a hallway for kings and gods.

And standing there in the middle of the room with their backs to us were four individuals.

May I present to you the trainers. They are going to be your bread and butter in the coming days."

"You are going to rely on them, learn from them, try and snip as much information from them."

"For they will be the ones responsible for keeping you alive in the tests to come."

Zoe's voice boomed into the room.

"Trainers, if you don't mind, please turn around and meet our lovelies."

And they turned.

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