
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

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Cauda 08 - Rogue Waves

Movements: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1784930857318326548

Moments Earlier...

Blackjack exhaled quietly, bones still aching. It didn't help that he and Theo practically dragged the whole lab into the basement. The two now sat at a table. One half covered in drones and a laptop stolen from the lab, then configured by S to give feeds. Theo had also obtained a night stick from the lab which became his primary weapon. It laid on the table as well.

On the other half, more jars of preserves. Blackjack pigged out and though he could feel strength returning his body demanded rest.

He remained seated, allowing tire to overtake him.

Theo stole glances at the demon a few times. Though the team had its fair share of 'unholy' beings this was the first time he came face to face with a real demon. There was that red fellow whose name Theo already forgot but he knew that large man was just a regular guy at heart. Not to mention that Blackjack already bested him. He knew full well not to get too interested in Blackjack. Years of engineering taught him to separate work from hobby.

He still wanted to know more about Blackjack, however. "So are you really a demon?" Theo asked.

Blackjack puffed smoke, not in anger but unconsciously. "Yes. What is your deal anyway? You seem awfully too full of wonder for what you people are here to do."

With the laptop now displaying a feed of the drone, Theo activated it and the blades whirred to life. Strapped to its bottom were a series of bombs Theo could drop on command.

"To tell you the truth I have never really dealt with the paranormal before. I always knew such a world like this existed but never had the opportunity to, how should I say, sink my teeth into it...well, willing opportunity. I do not count ghosts. And this is my first encounter with a real demon too. This experience has been very eye-opening for me." Theo confessed.

Blackjack snickered. He appreciated Theo's forthright attitude. Under normal circumstances he knew he could screw with him. But being that it was Theo's team that saved him he felt otherwise.

"Well, us demons each have a function. Mine is for greed. I can tell you don't care much for monetary possessions though. I know greed exists in other ways, but I deal mainly with the gambler."

"I have my own sins and vices though you are correct. Money has never been the reason I do the things I do."

Blackjack nodded. He sat back, looking at the laptop as Theo began to control it. It took flight carefully moving upwards as Theo controlled it. Whirring past the stairs it slowly entered the bunker above. It was something to watch as his body worked through the sudden amount of salt and sugar Blackjack hit it with.

As Theo moved the drone cautiously, he continued the conversation. "Updike informed me they have hellhounds up there. That is what I need to destroy."

"Yes. Vicious creatures. Far worse than what they have guarding."

"I've noticed the guards here aren't that intelligent."

"Indeed." Blackjack puffed. "But they are stupidly loyal and dangerous in groups."

Moving into the mansion proper Theo found the window Huggy opened. Figuring it the best approach he activated a laser on the drone. Cutting through the grating it gave him an exit. With fog forming around Theo couldn't see much, condensation starting to form on the lens. He flew up, getting a better look at the compound.

"That's them." Blackjack pointed to a spot on the screen. Two long buildings forming an L with a small dirt yard in the area between them. Thanks to the hellhound's natural fire it glowed above the compound.

"Indeed!" Theo moved the drone closer to it, hovering just above the kennel now. Before he could inform Updike of its position he saw a blur fly past it.

Theo flinched. Blackjack noticed though wasn't paying attention to the camera the moment. "Did you see that?"


Theo whipped the drone into a 180. Further away he saw someone flying, rapidly approaching the drone. No time to study their features he whipped another 180 and started flying away, hoping the fog would conceal him.

"My goodness! We are being followed!"

He flew it straight ahead, hearing something behind him whipping close.

"S! Someone is pursuing me, please identify!"

"Huh? Bro you're too high up. I can't see anything. It's probably just some bird."

Hoping he was correct, Theo dove the drone down, whipping it past where Kapi and Boyfriend currently spoke. Nearly smashing into the window he hopped the pursuer would do so, unable to catch its sharp turns.

"Oh I see you now!...And you're gone." Nikku said.

Whipping the drone due upwards Theo stopped, hiding in air within a patch of fog. Looking around he saw nobody in pursuit, the drone hovering by its lonesome.

"Perhaps it was a bird." Theo sighed.

"Perhaps." Blackjack replied still not paying much attention.

"Do you see anything Team Lisp?"

"Negative." S replied instantly.


Cold air flanked either side of Ace, the monstrous anthro lying back on the boat's seat. Arms stretched out on either side around people's shoulders that were not there. He just stared up, head hanging out the boat, looking up at the black sky.

Nary a star in sight, light pollution and clouds blotting out celestial bodies. He'd put the book away, now lying closed on the boat's table.

Turned off the comlink too, the constant chatter getting to him. He knew he would turn it on again, but not now.

Though optimism was drilled into his head by Theo he couldn't shake the feeling of dread that covered him. As soon as the team left, all that hope washed away leaving Ace with his mind as company.

With the water's waves his thoughts drifted, circles in his head about how it got to this point. He became so focused on his thoughts going back in forth that he didn't notice his arms freezing the boat's couch, ice shards emerging from out of them, tensing up. So focused in fact, he didn't hear the church's explosion. He didn't even hear the rocket boots behind, someone land and ask him a question. An innocent voice, more curious than malicious and more confused then annoyed. With Ace not responding, he asked again.

"Um. Hello?"

Now hearing it, Ace twitched, also noticing the damage he did to the boat.

"Theo? That you?" He asked aloud.

"Uh, sorry. I don't know a Theo. What are you, um, doing here?" It was a young voice, synthesized in nature but full of curiosity and intrigue. This person was interested, unsure what to make of the scene in front of them.

Ace ripped his arms off the boat and scratched his elbow absentmindedly. That moment he forgot all about the operation, the thought that he should be worried not crossing his mind. He was just some anthro lying on a boat in the dead of night sulking about his missing boyfriend.

Shifting in the seat he turned around.

Standing on the ground, stones throw away from him stood an android or robot. Ace knew that much by the simple grey cylindrical arms and legs with black spheres where the joints would be. He wore a white undershirt with 16 on it and orange shorts, reminiscent of a basketball jersey, at about average height.

No normal head, instead he had a television screen on it, simple with no fancy buttons or designs. Just two antennae atop it, frayed and warped by time. In its black screen a glowing blue face, two eyes and a confused mouth glowed forth.

Ace sighed, disappointed it wasn't Theo. Remembering the mission his first thought was to freeze the bot...but he didn't seem evil. And Ace just didn't feel like it. The bot had done nothing to him either.

"E-excuse me?" The bot asked, further weirded out by Ace's slow response. Just make something up.

Ace coughed. "I just came with here to think. Clear my mind."

"Oh! This place can be dangerous though. The uh, owners don't really like people coming by...You heard of them?" The bot asked, himself sounding unsure. He still didn't know what to make of Ace.

"I have." Ace sighed. "Are you with them?" Ace asked, pointing upwards.

"Not really. My name's Hex by the way!"

"I see." Ace said solemnly.

Just by standing close to Ace, Hex could feel his servos shiver. Ace was emitting cold air. Looking into his eyes Hex saw a deep sadness within the anthro. From the bags under his eyes to rings around the iris, the anthro was under a tremendous stress.

"I come here sometimes too. Just to sit and listen to the waves. Can I join you?"

"Sure, whatever." Ace mumbled, turning back to the other side of the boat.

Hex had no problem helping himself up, jets on his feet allowing him to ascend and land into it. He looked intently at Ace, wondering what to say.

"Thanks." He said happily. "My friend said he could feel your sadness. I came to look for him."

"Sorry I guess."

"What's your name?" He asked as he helped himself into the boat, taking a seat across from Ace.


"That's a nice name! Do you, um, wanna talk about it? What's wrong I mean. Cause, you look, uh, sad." The bot had an artificial voice which couldn't help but sound cheerful.

"Hmph." Ace started. "What's their to talk about? I screwed up. It's all my-" Ace stopped, choking up.

"What's your fault?"

"They took him. They took my boyfriend." Though Ace just mumbled and stared downward, Hex could feel the air getting colder by the second.

"Hey it's okay."

"It's not!" Ace stood up. "It's all my fault! Is that what you want to hear! It's my fault they took Retro! This whole thing, stupid, stupid, STUPID! All I wanted was to help him! I NEVER MEANT IT TO GET THIS WAY!"

As if being robbed, Hex rose his hands up, caught off-guard by Ace's outburst. Seeing just how loud he was being and Hex's shocked expression, Ace sat down.

"I-i'm sorry. I-I'm a, was a journalist." Ace stammered, fidgeting with his hands. "The Family. They took him. They...made me take him. And I came to get him back. Save him. But I couldn't even do that. Had to get them..." Ace stopped, realizing himself giving away the plan.

Figuring Hex would be laughing at him he just looked away. Instead, Hex's response came differently.

"I, uh. Know the people here. Not that close! But I could try talking to them. What's his name?"

"You could? I-it's RetroSpector. Demon. Shades of blue fur." Ace said, a little hopeful.

"Sure Ace! Let me try."

Ace watched as the antennas on Hex's head flicked upwards. A symbol of a phone appeared on his face, indicating he was calling.

"Hey P! I'm good thank you. Yeah. I'm there right now. He's just looking for his friend. Did you ever catch a demon. Retro? Blue fur."

Ace watched closely as Hex spoke, not fully convinced this bot could just get him back. At the same time, he was desperate, silently praying this would work.

"You can? Yeah I'll ask of course. I'm gonna trace it in a min yeah..if you think so. Thanks P!" He said cheerily as his antenna twitched.

Ace wasn't sure what to make of the call. He watched Hex carefully, in a curious look. Hex seemed to pause as something flickered on his face.

"Do you have, uh friends up there looking for him?" Hex started.

Ace nodded.

"Ah, that's it. See my friend up there saw them, got worried they were burglars or something. He's gonna see if he can get Retro for you and help them out."

"He-he can!?" Ace said, getting up.

"But it's gonna take some time. He sounded kinda relieved actually. But..."

"N-no. Don't tell me Retro's-"

"Dead? Nah." Hex said, finding a little humour in it. "It's kinda a strange request. Can you help me with something?"

"Anything. Just say it." Ace said. He felt a burning within. Screw the team and its mission. This was the closest he'd gotten to getting Retro back!

"I detected a signal earlier. Like people talking and listening to us. And they blew up the church I think. I'm gonna backtrace it. I think I know who did it."

Ace nodded intently, listening.

"Have you ever heard of a group called IRIS?" Hex asked.

Ace shook his head. It sounded like something he might've heard Updike mention once. He never did pay much attention in those lectures. All he knew was that TGG meant The Greater Good and he was in the Carnival. Wait. The mission! Ace recalled what his original goal was. But he was so close to getting Retro he didn't care a lick about the team. Not to mention, Hex's friend would help them too. He said nothing, waiting eagerly on Hex's next words.

"You really never heard of IRIS?" Hex wanted to be sure.

Ace shook his head. He repeated in his head. The Carnival. The Greater Good.

"Well they're bad people. They made me, dumped me into the trash then tried to capture me! And I think they're back for me. I'm going to trace them just to make sure." He said sternly. "Can you help me?"

"I'll protect you. I swear! But I, uh, don't know anything about computers."

Hex smiled. "I'm gonna sing to them. I'll show them real friendship. Can you sing with me? It'll trace out their signal. I'll find out where they are hiding out! Then we'll send my friends after them!"

Ace nodded. "Yes. For Retro!"

Hex smiled and pulled out a golden microphone from his jersey. "For Retro!" He declared.

And so a duet started, the waves as backing instruments.


Recalling the scent, Huggy closed his eyes and sniffed around. Scents were noisier here, many new odours adding to the tapestry. He had to focus.

In a round robin, Kapi, Theo and the others stated they haven't seen Ace. Kapi threw in a snide comment about him probably sulking on the boat, freezing his comlink by accident. S added in a comment that he could hear him singing in the distance, figuring it was just some way of trying to keep calm.

"Leave him. We have other routes." Updike said.

"Very well. I will keep trying to get in touch with him." Solazar said.

"Well, he hasn't moved at all. Er, hasn't left the boat. His link appears to be moving a little." Tess added.

Damp grass, concrete, demonic cologne, cooked food, the hoodie. Huggy narrowed in. Due west towards the mailroom and south near the building labeled 'Mearest Records'. Huggy motioned towards that direction, Updike and Kapi following. With Nikku commanding, they avoided the guard routes.

The mailroom was in sight, a strange looking concrete building with one visible window. They stayed off the stone path, preferring to stay on the side, close to the manor and bushes that surrounded it. They stained Updike's suit and dampened Kapi's hoodie and Huggy's fur but otherwise nobody complained.

"Argh! Finally! I lost 'em." Theo stated on the comlink. "I got a good view of the kennel. I can bomb the fences when needed."

"Good. Stay idle for now."

As they rounded the mansion the trio came upon the southern buildings. Mearest Studios and the Hangar. Though the fog blocked the studios, the hangar remained in view.

A long building, stylized after it's namesake: an air hangar. A curved roof like waves, simple plaster walls and a massive door that stretched across nearly the entire wall.

During the investigation nobody found proof the Family were in possession of aircraft. Rather it was Tabi who explained they filmed music videos there, the hangar containing massive green screens and equipment.

Huggy pointed to that building. That is where the scent originated. He exclaimed through sound.

Updike paused to watch the squads, making sure ample paths were available. Perched down in the grass, Kapi couldn't help but find Updike crouching and watching awkward looking.

"Are you sure you're stealthy?" Kapi asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Updike responded; eyes still focused on the guard's movements.

"Well, I mean. You're a big guy, and bright white. You stick out more than..more than anything."

"I blend in with the fog. They cannot see me. It is you I should be worried about with your blue, red and yellow hoodie."

Kapi rolled his eyes, ever stubborn Updike was.

A ding rang on Kapi and Updike's comlinks. Such a chime only played when a new person joined the conversation, and only on their first time. Since during practice they always had them on that all the dings had ceased.

Neither needed to question who called them as they identified themselves instantly.

"This is Sakuroma of the Seven Deadly Sins. Team Zig do you read me?" A voice called, distorted by an accent, it sounded as if the speaker was playing two voices at the same time. Of course, they had spoken with her enough to know that was just what she sounded like.

"Loud and clear." Updike responded.

"You're being followed. Can't make out exactly who but they've been hovering above the roof, watching. That Smile fellow is nearby as well, hiding."

Kapi started to look up, curious to who it was. Updike stopped him, forcing him to look back down. He felt it and knew full well not to tell the person they knew.

"I got a clear shot."

Updike glanced towards the buildings far south of the compound. Between the night and fog they were invisible, dark rectangles against a dark sky. He knew the Seven Deadly Sins had taken up position somewhere there.

"Wait for now. Keep sights."


Pushing Kapi along, Updike and Huggy took a step towards the hangar. He stopped, then pulled on Kapi's hoodie, an additional instinct kicking in.

"What's the big deal?" Kapi complained.

"We're gonna go the other way."

Huggy let out a quizzical sound. Why just abandon the path? Figuring it was part of some plan Kapi motioned Huggy to follow as they traced back their steps.

As they passed the door, Updike stopped. It was as if something held him in place, like he had hit a wall.

'What are you doing here?'

Having been trained to the arts of the paranormal he knew himself ready for anything. So when a voice popped into his head he listed four possibilities.

Insanity, onset from stressful conditions. Impossible. Intrusive thoughts, onset from madness. Unlikely. Mind projection. Someone speaking with him. Airborne parasite. This isn't fog.

Kapi froze, now hearing the voice too. Huggy looked around in confusion as to why his two friends stopped suddenly.

"U-Updike? Was that you? Did you hear that?" Kapi asked, bewildered.

Judging by the other reactions, Updike determined it number 3. Now was a matter of if it was a parasite, lovecraftian, telepath, magic or some other being.

'It doesn't matter what I am. I thought you were here for Retro, but it seems I am wrong. You aren't IRIS either. You are The Greater Good.' The voice echoed in Updike's head.

"Hold on you two." Updike said.

'Wise move. I can already see you all care little about Retro. Now answer my question. What are you really doing here agents?'

'Why should I? To invade such privacy is disrespectful. If you have a question, introduce yourself.' Updike thought.

'So thinks the man that broke into my domain and freed one of the prisoners. Maybe one of your friends will be more welcoming.'


Huggy let out a strange sound as he looked at Kapi. Updike turned to see Kapi, a blank expression on his face, looking nowhere.

"Now." Updike muttered into his comlink. He kept his mind blank as could be, allowing instinct to take over.

Now Playing...

Artist: Twenty Knives

Song: Crows Ghost

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8njtBlYEk4

With several people listening in Updike's command was recognized twice.

Though the buildings behind were black and formless, if one looked they would've seen a small spark shoot from it. If they were closer they would have heard a loud gunshot. Updike didn't need visual confirmation, the sound heard when a bullet struck someone in the back above him.

Someone winced in pain as they toppled downwards, hitting the roof then falling off, landing on the grass in front of them.

A humanoid, wearing a purple jacket. Before Updike could ID him a second spark, this time from the kennel set off. Theo's drone dropped the payload, a series of firecrackers and a grenade, specially modified by Whitty. Burning at temperatures far exceeding normal, it melted through the chain-link, cheap iron turning to liquid.

It destroyed the drone with it, though Theo always planned for that outcome.

This scene did not go completely unnoticed, bright lights alerting the hell hounds, already on high alert from previous explosion. With the hole present they charged through, fangs bearing at all who got in the way.

Thinking purely on instinct, Updike realized what he'd done. He didn't realize the Theo still on the line, taking the 'now' as 'drop the bombs'.

"What happened?" Kapi stumbled, Huggy catching him.

"That. Hurt." The guy in purple growled as he got up.

Hell hounds started to approach, Huggy now taking note. He hissed at them, a primal outburst.

Reacting quickly, Updike grabbed Huggy and Kapi's hood pulling the two aside. He ran back heading fast towards the mansion. Huggy growled at the dogs in the chase, a few stopping, actually intimidated. Seeing an open door, Updike quickly tossed Kapi inside, running in and slamming it behind him. Huggy understood, helping Updike hold the doors closed as Kapi lay on the ground, confused as to what just happened.

Hellhounds lunged at the door, trying to bite through it. A few targeted the purple-jacketed man though it didn't last long.

The two felt something huge hit the doors, like a blast. Whatever happened silenced the dogs, all barking stopping in that instant.

"What the hell did you guys just do?!" S shouted. "It's a bloodbath out there. Got some purple guy, hellhounds and that troll thing duking it out!"

"What's going on?" Kapi asked, getting up. Nerves aside he knew he had to be strong, as evident from the worried look on Huggy's face. He looked around, wondering why he was back inside.

"We need to head back to Theo. We're dealing with a potential Hofnarr-level abomination."

"W-what does-"

"We gotta go now!"

"What the fuck is all this?" A shrewd, angry voice shouted from the end of the hallway.

Kapi turned, eyes going wide as they could at the sight. Makeup back to perfection, black jacket, red dress, knee-high boots and garter belt, Mommy Meanest.

"You!" She declared upon seeing Updike.

Without so much as even acknowledging her, Updike stuck his hand into his coat pocket, drawing the silenced pistol. He immediately opened fire, Mommy just narrowly ducking out of the way. She screamed in pain, at least one of the bullets hitting her kneecaps.

As she ran away, Kapi looked to Updike, completely lost.


Without looking back they ran, Huggy picked up Kapi and placing him on his back. He had no idea what was going on but seeing Mommy reminded him of the executives he'd seen before. And if Updike shot them they must've been evil he decided.

Updike envisioned the plan. They screwed up. Shot Mommy who apparently was ALREADY back from hell and pissed off a potentially insanely powerful-

As he ran he heard S mention something on the comlink.

"Damn. It's like war out here. Haha! Pompom get me some popcorn!"

Outside the dogs stopped moving, forming into a battalion. Standing at the front was that purple guy.

"AH!" The purple-jacketed man felt something jam into his back. It hit hard, cutting through the jacket and into his 'flesh'.

"I WON'T LET YOU HURT MY DAUGHTER!" Smiler screamed; axe lodged into the beings back. Control on the dogs was lost, the hellhounds returned to their previously ravenous state, a few lunging at the mindreader, attempting to bite through.

Knocked down, Smiler swung the axe down and up, practically attempting to cleave him in half. Dogs attacked Smiler, the trollge also being torn apart by jagged teeth. It didn't stop him.

For a brief moment it looked at if the mindreader had been defeated. A flash of purple energy hit all around him. He got up and adjusted himself, floating upwards as he looked down at Smiler.

"You've outlived you're usefulness. Be gone."

Smiler stood strong, not once faltering as the purple guy rose his hands. He smiled. "You'll never find her. You'll never win."

As they ran Nikku delivered the news. "Uh..that purple guy just killed Smiler."

Updike kept running. He wasn't scared of the Family. Never was. S, in his limitless eldritch energy and Nikusa's psychopathic tendencies didn't bother him. Running from the mindreader was different.

He felt fear.

Dealing with some kind of abomination. Something he knew he didn't have the weapons to kill. He kept running, keeping breath because it would only take a few seconds for that purple guy to catch up.

The next chapter will be called Mindreader.

I wrote a few weeks ago that discovering Blackjack isn't the worst thing to happen to the team. Well here we are! 

Also if you're interested the chapter "An Odd Assembly" in the previous book now has an image courtesy of Rawrmoona! Thanks to her for drawing it. Here's a direct link: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/An-Odd-Assembly-1046247634

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