
Only I Won't be Attacked by Zombies

Baiyin, a high school student secretly engaged in illicit activities, had originally planned to visit his adopted sister. However, he unexpectedly found himself transported to a parallel world. As the apocalypse struck and zombies began to rise, humans fell prey to the undead. Amidst the chaos, a notification chimed: "Ding! System binding successful!" "Kill ten zombies to gain the ability of a corpse companion!" Bai Yin became the only human who wouldn't be attacked by zombies. Determined to find his sister, the reclusive youth embarked on his journey through the end times. Along the way, he encountered a black dog, and the two became inseparable companions. "Blackie, sometimes, it's not the zombies we should fear, but rather, people..."

MaxKnight · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Chapter 7: Plan


Gradually shaking off the zombies, he rushed into the milk tea shop with its door wide open on the roadside.

In the next moment, with a bang, he kicked the door shut, plunging the room into darkness.

Bai Yin then let go of He Li and said nothing.

He went straight to the staircase with light on the second floor, then climbed up.

He Li hesitated for a moment, then finally followed upstairs after staying in place for a while.

Eventually, she found Bai Yin in a bedroom on the second floor.

At that moment, Bai Yin was leaning over the wide-open window, observing the situation downstairs.

"Thank you, thank you..."

He Li walked over, feeling somewhat awkward.

Bai Yin turned around, staring at her expressionlessly for a few moments.

Feeling guilty, He Li finally lowered her head.

She stood there motionless, like a primary school student who had done something wrong.

"Is there anything else you want to say before this?" Bai Yin turned his gaze back outside the window.

He Li hesitated, then said, "I'm... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken your things..."


"Yes, I was wrong... It was indeed theft..."

Her voice grew lower and lower, as if she wanted to find a place to hide.

And to commit such a mistake, especially as a teacher, made her feel extremely ashamed.

"Give me back the bag first!" Bai Yin turned around and reached out his hand. He Li hurriedly took the bag down and handed it to him.

Bai Yin took it, then sat down on the bed and unzipped the bag, touching the bottom of the bag.

Fortunately, it was still hard.

These people didn't notice the hidden compartment at the bottom of the bag, probably because they were too excited about the food and didn't bother to look.

Bai Yin unzipped the hidden compartment.

He took out a small black box from inside.

Seeing that there was something else in the bag, He Li couldn't help but feel surprised.

Bai Yin opened the box, revealing two sharp-bladed daggers inside.

As well as two bags of black powder and three packets of white granules.

Of course, they couldn't be drugs.

Bai Yin wouldn't touch that kind of rubbish that harms both oneself and others.

It's precisely because of these kinds of messed-up things that so many families end up broken.



The black and white powder in Bai Yin's hands was not drugs.

These things were purely what Bai Yin occasionally needed when carrying out missions.

Since the black box was facing away from He Li.

Under the cover of the lid, He Li didn't know what was inside.

Bai Yin just closed the box while putting it into the hidden compartment of the travel bag, saying, "I don't intend to forgive you. After all, I have no obligation to forgive you."

"Yes, yes..."

He Li lowered her head in disappointment, feeling it was only natural.

"But speaking of which..."

Bai Yin changed the subject:

"I really didn't expect your daughter to be my classmate.

Come to think of it, you two look quite alike!"

"My... daughter?"

He Li was a little confused, and Bai Yin asked back:

"Isn't He Hua your daughter?"

"She... no, she's my younger sister..."

Realizing that she had stolen her sister's classmate's things, He Li felt even more embarrassed.

But at the same time, she couldn't help but wonder if she looked so old? Like the mother of such a big child?

"I see...

When you were talking, I couldn't hear you clearly because you were too far away.

So, you four were controlled by those three guys?"

"How did you..."

"Isn't it normal to go and look for things when they're lost as the owner?

Moreover, you are a teacher at A3 High School.

Isn't it reasonable for me to go to the school and try my luck? "

He Li understood.

Bai Yin's implication was:

He had once gone to the school after she left and happened to see the situation in the canteen.

"I... I remember now... You're Bai Yin, right? I often heard He Hua mention you..."

Trying to get closer, she was met with Bai Yin's ruthless words:


He Li was speechless, while Bai Yin said:

"I often take long leaves, up to now.

I spent two years at A3 High School.

The total number of days I actually attended class is less than two months.

Your sister, as the class flower, had so many people around her. Do you think she had time to mention me to you? "

Yes, Bai Yin's high school life was completely transparent.

The fundamental reason was his boss.

That man who took him from the orphanage in the first place.

Giving him tasks every now and then.

Those tasks were mostly long-term trips out of town, with hardly any short-term ones.

While He Li was embarrassed by the obvious lie being exposed, Bai Yin changed the subject, saying:

"I'm going to the next county.

Considering that I owe you and your sister a favor, I might as well help you guys before I go.

 After all, what you did has nothing to do with your sister, right?

In modern society, it seems like the guilt by association has been abolished.

It depends on whether you're willing to tell the truth and let me in."

Regarding He Hua, Bai Yin owed her a favor in the past.

Of course, that princess probably doesn't remember that little favor.

"Is... is that okay?"

"I hope this time you won't treat me like a child."

"Well... no..."

He Li had indeed treated Bai Yin like a child before.

But now, after careful observation, she realized that he might really be able to help her.

Especially with the axe hanging from Bai Yin's waist.

There were many black bloodstains on it.

It should be from fighting zombies.

This showed that Bai Yin was a seasoned survivor.

In any case, he shouldn't be weaker than her.


As He Li spoke, she recounted all her experiences since the outbreak of the zombies to Bai Yin.

In the middle, she occasionally wiped away tears when she reached sad parts.

A pitiful and touching appearance.

But Bai Yin showed no sympathy, just saying:

"If you want to cry, then cry. Keep your voice down, be careful not to attract zombies.

Also, watch your snot, it's disgusting!"

After that, He Li didn't cry again, as she was someone who cared about her image.

Especially in front of a student more than ten years younger than herself.

After listening to He Li's story, Bai Yin just said:

"In short, it's those three scumbags. They want you to find a place where there's water, right?"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Well, isn't this perfect? There's water here!"

"Here? Really?"



"But what does that matter?

They don't know if it's true or not. Just tell them there's water here."

"Do you... do you have a plan?"

A hint of hope appeared in He Li's eyes.

Bai Yin sat up from the bed, carrying his bag, and said:

"Wait here for me. I'll go out for a while and be back soon!"

Bai Yin left, walking out from the front door on the first floor.

The creaking sound of the door opening was very distinct as he left.

He Li was very worried that he would be targeted by zombies.

Two hours later, Bai Yin returned with a

 new bag on his back, bulging with something inside.

As for his own bag?

It was still on his back, flattened.

He Li was curious, wondering what was in the new bag.

Bai Yin threw the bag onto the bed and approached to unzip it.


A bag full of bread mixed with mineral water spilled out.

He Li's eyes lit up with disbelief.

Bai Yin said, "This is my last stock.

If these baits can't lure any fish, then it's just your bad luck."