
Only I Won't be Attacked by Zombies

Baiyin, a high school student secretly engaged in illicit activities, had originally planned to visit his adopted sister. However, he unexpectedly found himself transported to a parallel world. As the apocalypse struck and zombies began to rise, humans fell prey to the undead. Amidst the chaos, a notification chimed: "Ding! System binding successful!" "Kill ten zombies to gain the ability of a corpse companion!" Bai Yin became the only human who wouldn't be attacked by zombies. Determined to find his sister, the reclusive youth embarked on his journey through the end times. Along the way, he encountered a black dog, and the two became inseparable companions. "Blackie, sometimes, it's not the zombies we should fear, but rather, people..."

MaxKnight · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Chapter 31: Anze, Part Four - The Woman Who Came Knocking Unexpectedly

At night, lying in bed, Baiyin struggled to fall asleep.

In theory, the meat he and Anze had been eating for the past few days was not even half of that wild boar's.

But now the whole refrigerator only had four pig's feet and half a pig's butt left.

Not only that, the heart, liver, and other organs were completely gone.

Could it be that those meats were thrown away?

But this seemed somewhat illogical.

In this small clinic, besides himself and Anze, the only other person who could eat was Anze's daughter, Yaya.


How could a ten-year-old child eat...

Moreover, Anze didn't privately cook.

So how did her daughter eat those raw meats?

Baiyin has a bold speculation.

But upon second thought, he shook his head vigorously.

Forget about those.

Today is already the 14th day.

As long as tomorrow passes safely, his task will be completed.


"Knock, knock, knock!!!"

Baiyin planned to rest early, but unexpectedly there was a knock on the door from outside.

At the same time, a woman outside was shouting:

"Is anyone there? Is there anyone? Please help me..."

The woman's voice was filled with sobbing, sounding like a young woman.

Baiyin frowned and quickly got up from bed.

When he opened the door and came out of the room, he coincidentally met Anze coming out of the opposite room.

The two looked at each other, nodded simultaneously, and instantly understood each other's thoughts.

"Didn't you turn off the lights?"

Baiyin walked over and whispered.

Anze responded in a low voice:

"I was just about to sleep, and haven't had time!"

"No wonder, I guess you came over because you saw the lights on this side."

"What should we do?"

Anze was a little nervous. Baiyin thought briefly and then said:

"Just in case, I'll take Blackie to the basement first.

You be careful, don't act rashly, your life is more important."


Baiyin said and then returned to his room.

After that, he quietly packed up his things and took Blackie to the hidden basement.


"Is anyone there? Please help me..."

The woman outside was still banging on the door, her voice trembling.

Anze took a deep breath, opened the door with a creak.

Then he saw a young woman in tattered clothes, looking messy all over.

She was probably in her mid-twenties, pale and thin.

When she saw Anze, she became somewhat excited:

"Great, there's someone, finally saw a living person! Sir! Can you give me some food?"

The woman pleaded, looking pitiful.

Anze hesitated for a moment, then let her in.

Then he locked the door from the inside.

He went to the kitchen to prepare food for the woman. When a steaming bowl of noodles was brought to the table,

The woman immediately wolfed it down eagerly.

Throughout the process, Anze remained silent, just watching quietly.

After finishing the noodles, the woman's face showed a satisfied expression, then she said somewhat embarrassed:

"Thank you, sir, I haven't even asked for your name!"

"I'm Anze, what about you?"

"I'm Jin Xiao, I'm alone, and I wandered here..."

"That's lucky for you. There aren't many zombies in Hei Jiang City. As long as you work hard, basic food and clothing are not a problem."

"Is that so? Then I came to the right place."

The girl chuckled lightly and then said:

"Sir, are you alone?"


This answer made the woman pause, and she became somewhat wary.

At this moment, Anze said:

"I also have a cat. It's sleeping upstairs right now."

"Ding dong..."

Coincidentally, a sound came from Yaya's room.

Anze followed up:

"See, the cat is messing around again!"

"I see..."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief, then said:

"Um... Sir, can I stay here? I'm very capable, I can do anything!"

Her eyes were full of pleading, looking very pitiful.

Anze sighed and just said:

"If you're willing to stay, then stay. I'm alone and also want someone to talk to!"

"Thank you, sir!"

The woman's face lit up with joy.

But there was a hint of cunning satisfaction deep in her eyes.


The woman took a shower in the bathroom and came out wearing Anze's clothes.

Shirt and jeans.

She was quite pretty, with black wavy hair. Although she was a bit thin, her figure was good.

But Anze was not interested in admiring beauty.

He just casually placed a pillow and blanket on the sofa, then said:

"Can you sleep on the sofa?"

"Yes, I can!"

She readily agreed, but felt somewhat dissatisfied in her heart.

The woman thought that Anze would be indulged in her beauty and let her sleep on the bed while he slept on the sofa, or perhaps they would sleep together in the bed?

In any case, letting herself sleep on the sofa was something the woman hadn't expected.

But what could she do?

The other party was the host, and also a man. As a weak woman with no power, what else could she do besides obeying?


The woman soon fell asleep on the sofa.

But Anze, who returned to his room, did not really fall asleep either.

On the contrary, he held a compound bow in his hand.

This was something that was only needed during hunting.

It was also the only long-range weapon Anze had to protect himself.


There was a fundamental difference between that woman and Baiyin, which made Anze feel very uncomfortable.

Although Baiyin was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old teenager.

He usually gave Anze a sense of maturity, and sometimes even a feeling of cunning.

But during the days when he and Baiyin were together, Anze didn't feel the slightest discomfort from him.

In short, he got along very harmoniously with Baiyin.

Not like the woman tonight.

She felt particularly insincere.



It was probably two thirty in the morning when Anze heard the sound of the woman getting up from the sofa.


Next was the sound of the door opening, his front door was opened.

"Tap, tap, tap!!!"

There were slight footsteps, and more than one.

"Sure enough..."

It seems that Baiyin's guess was correct, the person who came was not good.

Anze quickly loaded an arrow into the compound bow and stood quietly at the door.


The light in the living room was turned on.

Then he could hear the whispering between the woman and some man.

Finally, about half a minute later, the woman knocked on Anze's door.


"Anze, are you asleep? I'm cold, can you give me another blanket!"

The woman knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response from inside.

Finally, after looking at the man behind her, she made up her mind and opened the door.


Anze's door was not locked, and the woman twisted the doorknob!

Then she immediately saw Anze

 aiming at her with the compound bow.

"Don't, don't do this, Anze!"

The woman hurriedly raised her hands, looking frightened.

Behind her were two men.

One fat and one thin, both in their twenties.