
one time sign in system in Harry Potter

, a boy died and met God who gave him to chances to choose from multiverse system and he ends up with one time sign in system let's see how he becomes a king from nothing ... .. .. .. . . . , English ain't my language first time writing a novel don't mind it do give your feedback please thank you and enjoy and you can take the ideas from my novel and create your own , and for description purposes Harry Potter series of novel doesn't belong to me but the original author only thing that belongs to me is the OC MC Si

GOD_OF_ENAS · Livres et littérature
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28 Chs


it was a beautiful wand.

The next few months went by with some things happening as I was ready to go to Hogwarts I made myself a wand holder just like the one Lucius Malfoy had in the movie but at the place of the snake, there is a dragon.

(imagine the dragon head on this)

and soon enough it was the day of going to Hogwarts packed my luggage Ravan was with me and I told him to apparate himself to me when I call him so he shall stay here for the time being.

and he did climb on his porch.

I met grandma and Charles and everyone William cried holding me just like him entire Britain came to know that I was going abroad for my higher studies in secretive private school I have to be famous after all.

as I was sitting in the royal car that was going towards the station I kept on thinking about the things I did.


well as I was waving my new wand and practising few tricks with it a thought stuck me suddenly I need a magical guardianship well as the royal family I don't need one but I don't know if I am dealing with a good dumbledore or a bad one as there is no magical person in my family technically dumbledore will be my guardian I need to take care of that somehow.

yeah, I can do that, then I got up and went to take a bath as I need to go somewhere so I did then I called for Kreacher and left for Gringotts as soon as I reached Gringotts I went ahead and met griphook.

Michael: may your vaults overflow with gold and blood of your enemies griphook.

griphook: may your gold overflows and so as your fear my lord, what can I help you with today.

Michael: I want you to send a letter to the Andromeda tonks neë black and inform her of a meeting with current lord black.

And only her husband and she are allowed in this meet they have to take an oath of secrecy and do mention that this meeting if successful it will be beneficial for them.

wait a minute let Kreacher take the letter to them as that will be good while I'll be inside the room and you will be outside griphook to greet them yeah we can do that it will be dramatic of an appearance for me wait I can do this too griphook ill be using old magic so don't be surprised as I'll be changing my appearance and age so go on send the letter fast.

then I went into the room and cast transformation magic to look like Michael Corvinus and used Transfiguration magic to change my clothes into robes with a hood so it will look cooler.





while somewhere else...

(Andromeda POV)

"you make one of the best tea honey and I got to say it is refreshing after all the ruckus I have to face I am tired of telling people that I am not of house black anymore but they just won't believe who was the one who took all their loans back well they made a mistake of signing a contract with artucus he was always the smartest in the family and now they are at loss. but even I am confused about who is the person ~sigh~ I feel uncomfortable knowing that some unknown person is the lord of my previous house."

"it's fine honey maybe one day we shall know you just need to keep patience, by the way, where did Nymphadora go it already 4 in the evening should she not be back home by now" tonks replied.

"well she is out with her friends for Quidditch that girl doesn't have any qualities regarding etiquette's and sense of time," said Andromeda.

"woosh" appeared Kreacher by apparating l.

tonks: (took out his wand and pointed at the house-elf) who are you how did you entered.

Andromeda(surprised): tonks put down your wand that's Kreacher house-elf of the black house, Kreacher what are you doing here.

Kreacher: lady Andromeda and her worthless husband are hereby given this letter from the vault manager of the black vault and the lord.

tonks: wait!! who are you calling worthless?

Andromeda: not now honey, Kreacher did this letter came from the current lord black.

Kreacher: yes lady Andromeda if you may.

Kreacher handed the letter to Andromeda and they opened it and read :


Andromeda tonks neë black

you are invited to Gringotts by the current lord of the most ancient and the most noble house of black for a meeting and please do not tell anyone about this meeting if you are interested to please come to Gringotts as soon as you can as the lord black is waiting here for your presence and I was also reminded by lord black if this meeting is successful then it will be beneficial to you and your entire family.

teller of Gringotts,


well, that was shocking why did lord black call us there what does he want from me.

tonks looking at his wife's worried face said "we don't have to go if you don't want to its fine honey"

Andromeda: no we will go and meet the lord of house black now, very well Kreacher take us there now.

Kreacher: please hold my hand's lady Andromeda and her worthless husband.

tonks: hey!! you called me worthless again elf.

Andromeda: it's fine honey Kreacher is like that you are lucky he is not calling you mudblood now that will be bad, very well then let's go Kreacher.

then we took Kreacher's hands and left for Gringotts in a second we were standing in front of a goblin wait how did we entered inside Gringotts apparition is not allowed in here then how.

Andromeda: Kreacher how did you apparate inside the Gringotts.

Kreacher: lady Andromeda doesn't have to worry much as the master is a friend of the goblin nation and thus allowed to apparate directly inside Gringotts.

looking at us the goblin greeted me and my husband and we greeted back he told us that lord black was waiting for her but before that we needed to take an oath of secrecy and as it was quite normal to do that in such meetings we did and soon entered the door of the room as we entered we saw a person robed in a black muslin with a hood and that was covering half of his upper face we could see a beard not too big not to small by looking at his jaw he had a circular face and I don't remember anyone of such characters in my family. as we entered he looked up to us and greeted me.

"hello Andromeda I feel very happy that you are here to meet me today child"

"likewise lord black" I replied.






as they entered I greeted them both they looked just like their movie counterpart but much handsome and beautiful so I raised my head to look at them and greeted her.

Michael: hello Andromeda I feel very happy that you are here to meet me, today child.

Andromeda: likewise lord black.

"well I don't like to beat around the bush so I would like to directly jump to the reason why I summoned you here today at Gringotts, would you like to enter the black family again with your husband and daughter properly recognised by magic and becoming part of the black family you were part of I know it may be hard to accept it so I will be adding some boons just for you...."

"yeah my lord" replied Andromeda before even I was finished.

tonks looked shocked for a while and then said "andy are you sure"

"yes, yes I am love please it is important for me."

"ok fine you win but I would like to hear about the boons first"

Michael: well the boons will be told to you but before that, we shall reinstate you back in the family.

I took out my dragon cane and then took my wand out of it they looked shocked with the beauty of it well it was really beautiful.

I pointed the wand in the sky and said


as I was done I saw tears in Andromeda's eyes well she was really happy.

Michael: And now for the boons tonks you haven't had a good job for a long time so you will become the lawyer of THE MOST ANCIENT AND THE MOST NOBLE HOUSES OF BLACK, AMBROSE, AND PENDRAGON FROM NOW ON.

as I said that tonks was shocked and so was Andromeda, they looked at me and shouted


Michael: manners Andromeda.

Andromeda: sorry my lord but you just said the heir to the three houses one of them is the royal house while the other one an elder house and lastly black the ancient house. but why are you only an heir should you not be a lord my lord.

Michael: well you see andy I am still too young to gain the lordship of the three houses so that's why you will be now my guardian and I would also like it if you sign something for me when I give you your boons.

as I said that I put three things on the table a key, a bunch of documents, a portkey made out of a ruby and a folded parchment.

they looked at the things on the table and asked

Andromeda: what are these, my lord.

Michael: well this right here(pointing at the key)is a vault key that is under your name from now on Andromeda then this documents as you sign in you will be the guardian of the heir of only house black and will have no rights to use the power of vote of both the other houses and also there is a manor deed under your name which is under powerful wards of the anti apparition and nigh-Fidelis charm on it and is at near to the village of Ottery St Catchpole so you will know the secret and others too but they will need your permission to enter the house, and this ruby is a portkey to that place with the secret written on the parchment.

and I would like it if you move to that house now as it is going to be difficult living in your current house.

Andromeda: but my lord you didn't answer why are you are not the lord but the heir.

Michael: well because of this.

I waved my wand on me and I was back to my normal appearance.

Andromeda:( I am shocked to see the lord I was talking to is really but a child and he soooo cute with a mature charm to him he has golden blonde with a bit of black at the corners of his hair he has an angular face with almost pale skin he will be a lady killer when he grows up I thought but even I am attracted to him is that his charm but how and suddenly I didn't felt that charm anymore but he is still really handsome but I don't feel the need to hug him tight is he like a veela no not possible) heir black do you perhaps have a veela bloodline. and what's your name heir black.

Michael: yea I do and I can control it.


nice to meet you, my new magical guardian. nice to meet you.

Andromeda: nice to meet you to Michael are you from the royal family on the muggle side.

Michael: yes, yes I am and I got my letter to Hogwarts too as I am 11 now so I shall need a magical guardian as I won't be needing dumbledor as the person in charge of me so I had to bring you back to the family early on well as that is done now I shall take my leave I will directly leave for Hogwarts from Buckingham palace and the floo network of your manor is directly connected to the black manor and Buckingham palace but I would prefer if we meet the only i. the black manor from now on and if u don't mind please teach Nymphadora about noble etiquette as it will help her a lot and yeah I have a house-elf waiting for you at your manor his name is poppy so with that done I shall take my leave.

I stood up left before they can say anything with Kreacher.

(Andromeda POV)

Well that was fast now I am back at my house I took the parchment and it read TONKS MANOR IS NEARBY village of Ottery St Catchpole. and I remembered which manor Michael was talking about that was one of the oldest manors under the house black and it's big too well lucky us ted was flabbergasted when be saw the name of mankr is tonks manor hahaha. I signed all the documents and gave them to griphook the goblin and then I saw the vault key the number on it was 721 that's so I inquired about the vault from the goblin.

Andromeda: Mr.griphook what is the content of vault 721.

griphook: griphook is fine lady black the vault 721 is a personal vault that is tied to you and minority to Mr. tonks it has 2.7,000,000 galleons in it. and some jewellery and heir rings for house black for you and your family my lady and a trust fund for young lady black carrying 10000galleons per month and am told that the galleons will be spent however miss Nymphadora wants and you are not allowed to interfere in her spendings.

I was shocked with the number of galleons, ted and my salary together was around 4000galleons per month and this much amount of money I don't have to work anymore. but before I can thank young Michael for it he left what an amazing use of Transfiguration that child has well what can be expected from a royal heir of Merlin.

------------------------FLASHBACK END---------------------------

soon enough I reached the railway station it didn't take me much time but I had to cover my face once I left the car for the station soon enough I found the 9/10 wall and went straight inside the wall as I passed the wall I took of my mask and the looked behind me and there I was looking at the famous red train, the 'Hogwarts express. I then gazed at my trolley only with a tall silver cage safely enclosed a glossy

black-feathered owl. merlin. I had my entire stuff inside my newly acquired bracelet and I was I opened the carriage and let Merlin out and told him to fly to Hogwarts on his own. then I put the cage in the inventory.

As Michael strolled towards the train, Michael turned around and saw a group of red

haired monkeys slowing down after running

through a 'wall.

Michael : (Nooo! Not these idiots! Harry is

revolting with his ignorance. Don't even get me

started on Ron! His arrogance, ignorance and

stupidity are astonishing! To top it all off he's

even prejudice.)

Molly Weasley: "Come along now boys."

Pointless chatter...

Molly Weasley: "Come now Ginny, you'll be going

next year."

Michael watched as Harry entered the train.

Getting a few looks himself due to his purple and black chromate eyes and pale blonde hair.

Michael boarded the train and searched for an

empty compartment. Only to find himself out

of luck, deciding to board the least

objectionable cabin. He found the door to the said

cabin and decided to knock.

Door: "Knock...Knock...Knock."

The door was opened by a girl slightly smaller

than Michael with long straight blonde platinum

hair. Daphne Greengrass herself opened the

door, a chibi version of Michael did a little fan

girl dance in his head.

Daphne: "Hello, who might you be?" She asked

with a rather confused look, (Why would a

muggle-born be coming to a cabin with a

bunch of pure blood inside...Another ignorant

one I suppose but he is handsome is he a muggle his clothes do yell that he is.)

Michael: "Hello miss Greengrass it's a pleasure to

meet you."

Michael peered over her shoulder

after greeting her to get a closer look at his

'soon to be a best friend'.

Draco: "What a mud-blood doing in here!" He

sounded almost offended at the idea of being in

the presence of me.

Michael: "I can assure you heir Malfoy that I am anything but a mud-blood. but that may be an understatement looking at your lack of etiquettes and nobility ~sigh~ such a shame that the heir to the noble house of Malfoy is graced with a Gryffindor Heir. My name is Michael by the way"

The cabin seemed surprised by this because

Michael acted as a pure-blood should.

Daphne: "Oh would you mind telling us your


with slight disbelief, Daphne spoke.

Michael: "Good question miss Greengrass,

however, I'll leave it as a surprise for the sorting

ceremony. Do you mind if I join you? You can

despise of me later if I turn out to be a 'Mud-


The last comment gets a few surprised

looks. Draco begrudgingly moved aside to

make room for the new arrival.

Michael not wanting to make a bad impression

sat down, took out a book on potions and

quietly read while participating in their

conversations whenever he felt necessary.

Until he was the topic of converse.

Theodore Nott: "Your name was Michael right.

What book are you reading?"

Michael: "Yeah it's Michael. And since I finished

learning up to 4th year in most subjects, so I'm

trying 5th year. Plus I've heard the potions

Professor at Hogwarts is pretty strict."(f**k u kiddies I am just making the impression of easy to go with a genius for you all.)

This caught a sneer from Draco and an impressed

look from Pansy, Theo, Blaise and Daphne.

Daphne: "Oh your definitely a Ravenclaw then."

Michael shrugged at this a responded with:

"You'll be surprised."

The journey was rather dull with the topic of

conversation changing frequently. Until a

bushy brown haired girl, rudely barged into the

compartment. well well if it isn't

Hermione: "Has anyone seen a toad, a boy

named Neville has lost one?"

She asked in a bossy tone, catching a few scowls from everyone

Draco: "Get out you filthy Mud-blood!"

The boy raved, furious at how someone with 'lesser blood would speak to him like that. Draco's

response made Hermione storm away in anger.

while looking at her storming away I heard Daphne say something.

Daphne: well she was rude.

Michael: well yes yes she was ms. Greengrass (i stood up from my seat and went to the door looking at fleeing Hermione I sighed and said) and you were a disgusting creature just now Malfoy you are nothing of a noble house but a drunkard down the knockturn alley.

as I left to catch up to Hermione I heard pansy say pansy: hey you forgot your luggage.

she looked around and didn't found it and then looked at me confused I showed her my bracelet and said I have it with me and thanks. then I left to find Hermione.

(3rd POV)

Draco: how dare he be disrespectful full to be the heir of the Malfoy family.

Daphne: well you were a bit disgusting Malfoy.

pansy: hey hey did you see the bracelet he was wearing didn't it looked like the...

Blaise: the shrinking cabinet bracelet then yes it was that.

theo: isn't that like around 120,000 galleons or so.

Draco: what!?!

Daphne: what is his surname and which family does he belong to to be so rich to buy something like that.


I followed Hermione and tapped on her shoulder from behind she looked at me flabbergasted must be my looks before she could say anything I said

Michael: I am sorry for what you have to go through when you entered the door without knocking and you were a bit impolite but still with that such bad behaviour towards you from my seatmates was out of bounds so I am sorry.

she didn't say anything for a while then she replied

Hermione: I am sorry for being impolite and thank you for the apology I am Hermione, Hermione granger and you. have we met before you look familiar somehow to me.

she smiled.

Michael: no I don't think so my name is Michael, nice to meet you so have you found the toad yet.

Hermione: no I haven't yet.

Michael: oh really what's the toad's name.

someone from being me: it's Trevor

I looked behind and there was Neville I smiled at him and introduced myself and so do he and then I took my wand holder out of my inventory in such a manner that it looked like I was taking it out of my bracelet.


Michael: Accio Trevor the toad and zoom it came right at my wand but I pointed it towards Neville's palm and he got it.

Hermione: wait how did you do that and where did you take the wand from.

Neville: thank you but is that the shrinking cabinet bracelet that you are wearing isn't that costly.

Michael: yes it is and doesn't worry Hermione you will learn it in school so I shall take my leave.

without saying anything then I heard them opening the main canon cabin to sit in and voilá the golden trio is back. I went to the changing room and changed my clothes to uniform and then opened the gate to the moving train and stood and looked outside waiting for Hogwarts to arrive after 35 minutes we reached the station and I was finally at Hogwarts.