
One Piece: Twin Brother Of Ace (Dropped)

Killed in a car crash, Jackson Blaze was reincarnated to the One Piece world. Read his adventures with his twin brother, Ace

LuciusAgares · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Setting Sail

#Jackson's POV#

"See You Later!" I yelled.

Over the last seventeen years, I had been training as hard as I could. Their was no devil fruits that I had found near windmill village, nor did he really want one.

If I found a game changing devil fruit like the rumble rumble fruit or the forest forest fruit, I was all for it, but otherwise, just having haki was fine.

The other thing, is that I really started to find my family in Dadan, Ace, and Luffy. While Dadan seemed rough around the edges, she really did her best to keep us happy.

My twin brother Ace on the other hand was a bit of a delinquent. He was loud, and was a training maniac. However, he was very kind, intelligent, and polite once I got it though his thick skull that he wasn't better than everyone. No matter what I tried however, I could not get him to stop his narcoleptic moments.

It was weird having a brother, I didn't have one in my previous life. But I slowly started to love it. It's better then keeping everything to myself, he was quite similar to me in which he loved to prank people. I knew I could always rely on him for anything. That's why I eventually made him my Vice Captain. Nobody's better than your own brother.

Garp on the other hand was weird. He always wanted my brother and I to join the navy, which neither of us cared for. He was very pushy and those fists of love really hurt.

When I saw him punch are goofy little brother Luffy, I asked him why he could hit a rubber man like Luffy. He said that he could use haki.

After a lot of nagging, I eventually got him to train us in it, at least the basics. Ace and I both could use armament and observation and much to my suprise, both of us had conquerors haki.

Ace was better at armament then anything else. He also learned to wield a spear Garp got him for his birthday. He was fast, very accurate, and had great maneuverability. He also learned to be quite a powerhouse when it came to close combat.

I on the other hand preferred a sword. Garp gave me my fathers old sword when I asked him, saying of how I would be the the prefect marine. Instead of armament, I was seeing how far I could go with conquerors. I knew some of the greats like Shanks and Kaido could coat weapons with it. Shanks could also kill off a persons observation with it. I eventually wanted to do that.

"Captain, where too first?" A blonde man with a top hat said with a cheesy smile.

Over the years, Ace, Luffy and I had met Sabo, and we quickly became one best friends. Sabo was a runaway noble of the Goa Kingdom that wanted to live his own life. We were frequent training partners.

I eventually convinced him to become the of my future crew, he had great navigational, financial and cartography skills, so he became my navigator.

Sabo wasn't as strong as Ace or I, but he had reasonable observation haki and ok armament. He still likes to fight with a pipe, but he preferred to use a form of grappling claw-like style similar to the dragon claw style he used in canon. I was planning to once we found the flame flame fruit, to give it to Sabo. Ace and I didn't need it, and extra firepower on the crew was always good.

"I heard a rumor that a strong devil fruit was on Sixis," I said calmly. "Let's head there."

"Sounds good!" Ace exclaimed. He was really exited to leave the area, "let's have some fun"

"We're Off"