

[Chapter 27: Asura]





Suddenly in the middle of the night, on top of a marine ship, a man appeared without anyone noticing and started walking calmly while his steps echoed through the silence of the night.


A very muscular old man wearing a long white coat with the word justice on its back suddenly appeared behind the mysterious man and called out for him. With gray hair, a beard, and a small scar next to his left eye, this was the Hero of the Marines: Monkey D Garp.

"Asura, where have you been for the past few weeks?"

Garp looked at the man called Asura with a pitying gaze on his eyes, after all, this was not the first time he disappeared out of nowhere only to come back days later.

"I told you before, It's none of your business..." The man answered with a cutting and cold tone on his voice.

With a dark coat that covered most of his upper body, and a partially broken gas mask that covered almost all of his face except from his right eye that was still showing, this was Asura. An ex-bounty hunter that has made a name for himself after killing hundreds of wicked pirates with just his sheer combat abilities. With his completely red eyes that seemed to glow slightly under the darkness of the night, and his completely white hair that reached his neck and shone under the moonlight, his sole name imprinted fear on the hearts of almost every pirate, even more so now that he had become a marine and a disciple of the Hero of the Marines Garp.

(Illustration by NOT me)--->

"Did you leave to kill pirates again?" Garp looked at him with a sad expression as he noticed a few blood stains on his coat and hair, which meant that whatever he did, it wasn't beautiful.

"As I said, get your nose out of my matters if you don't want to get hurt" Asura glanced at Garp with a cold and hostile gaze on his eyes, right before he turned around and started leaving the place.

"It seems like I have to teach you to respect your elders, huh?"

"You're free to try"


As two completely black fists clashed against each other, the whole ship started shaking slightly, while black lightnings started coming out from their clashing fists.

"Hoh? You have actually improved your haki during this last week" Garp grinned proudly after seeing that Asura wasn't blasted away after receiving his Fist of Love.





As the two continued exchanging blows, without anyone actually backing off in the slightest, many marines started coming out from inside the ship to see what was causing such a ruckus.

"Garp-san?! And he is fighting Asura-san?!"

"They are at it again, huh?"

"Geez, for those two to fight right away after Asura disappeared for over a week..."

"They never cease to amaze me!"


"Gah!" Garp spouted a mouthful of blood as Asura's fist smashed directly his lungs.

"Tired already?" Asura mocked Garp right away, and started walking towards him with his fist raised in the air ready to punch him once again.



Asura opened his eyes wide when he noticed Garp suddenly standing right in front of him ready to punch his face


Asura was sent flying towards the sea out of the ship after receiving a clean hit directly on his face, however, right when he was about to fall into the water he kicked the air and started flying back towards the ship by using one of the secret techniques of the marines, The "Geppo".

"Tch... This brat is a complete monster"





As both of them continued clashing against each other for the minutes to come, in the end Garp managed to win as Asura fell to the ground unconscious after fighting with Garp for so long. Though Garp didn't leave unscathed either, as he had bruises over all his body, and his clothes were covered in his own blood.

"Sigh... I swear this brat is going to kill me one of these days... Take him to the infirmary to be treated, and tell him that tomorrow we begin training once again whether he likes it or not"

"Yes sir!"

Although normally anyone could be furious towards Asura for his disrespectful and violent behavior, even more so Garp, none of them actually blamed him since he had a very tragic past that made him turn into that kind of person.

After having his whole family burned alive right in front of his eyes, and being tortured for countless days by the pirates after having everyone he knew murdered. Asura swore revenge towards all pirates in the world and started an indiscriminate murder towards any pirate that crossed paths with him.

It wasn't until he defeated a pirate with a bounty that he started working as a bounty hunter for the sake of making a living while accomplishing his goals at the same time. Finally, after some years of working like that, he decided to join the marines in order to expand his search range, and to get access to the information and location of many famous pirates in the world in order to hunt them down.

It was until Garp met him that he decided to try and guide the young man into a better path where he could only live with a reason other than revenge. He didn't try to stop him, as he had seen countless cases like these, but he tried to change his views of the world, as once Asura accomplished his goals he could also lose his reason to live, a thing that Garp wanted to avoid at all costs.

But he ended up getting a surprise once he noticed the incredible talent Asura had in combat, as he barely at the age of 19 managed to control Haki and injure him in a fight, a thing that many vice-admirals were completely unable to do.

"Let's hope it's still not too late for you brat"

After that, Garp left and the other marines started taking Asura away towards the infirmary in order to treat his injuries. And after three hours of operation, the doctors of the ship finally finished treating him and left the infirmary so that Asura could rest properly.

After everyone left, Asura suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the ceiling with a blank look.

"Fuck that hurt... But I guess it was worth it"

He suddenly stood up from the bed as if he wasn't injured and started stretching his limbs right away.

"Geez, to think that I could have to restrain myself in order to fight someone as strong as Garp, as expected of me"

The reality was... that all that past that everyone knew about him was completely fake. And it was all planned perfectly by him in order to create the perfect edgy character that could become the most legendary Marine in history with the objective of eventually taking over the whole organization under his control.

And while he actually didn't like pirates, he didn't have any extreme hatred towards them either. They were more like annoying ants that sometimes think too highly of themselves, and of course, there were also exceptions among them.

"Sigh... I'm tired"

His appearance soon started changing to that of a black haired youth with furrowed brows and reddish brown eyes that shone mysteriously under the darkness of the room, His gas mask also started dissipating away as if it was never there in the first place as his hair got shorter at the same time.

Indeed, the real identity of Asura has always been the seemingly normal and average marine "Sid Ansel"!

"The plot has started moving... I guess it's time for me to finally enter to the scene, huh?" Sid took out a small paper from his pockets and started grinning slightly.

Inside the paper, a youth with black hair, and a small scar under his left eye smiled towards the camera in a silly way while wearing a straw-hat on top of his head.

"Monkey D Luffy, The protagonist of this world finally appears... It seems like I will need to go back to Loguetown in a few days more..."

As he grinned evilly, he tore apart the paper and burned it with a strange flame that came from inside his sleeve.

"I hope we meet soon"


Plot starts, and I suffer!

I was actually writing this chapter earlier, but suddenly the power went off and I lost all my progress in one go.

So here I am writing it again :)))

Let's hope I don't mess up anything while writing the story. But just in case I will have to read the manga again.

That's all for today, goodbye.

Jarron7creators' thoughts
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