
Chapter 426 | Smoking Hostage

426 | Smoking Hostage 

Aisa closed her eyes, her observation haki working on overtime along with her enhanced sense of picking up sounds. She tried to pick up anything that would make it easy for her to recognize the oncoming ship.

And she did pick up a conversation, 'The headquarters asked for back up in Enies Lobby.' A female voice said, before taking a drag that 'sounded' like a ciggerate. 

'So it's that bad huh…' A male voice sighed, his voice deep with a sense of strength in it. He took a drag from what 'sounded' to be multiple cigars? How did that work? Her new devil fruit powers were working weirdly well with her mantra, 'Full speed ahead… we need to get there if it's anything serious. I doubt it, with having one of the Vice Admirals, but still…'

Aisa snapped her eyes open in panic, "It's the Marines!" she said, making everyone present groan. They didn't even question the little observation haki prodigy, quickly taking action. 

The Going Merry drifted silently through the mist shrouding the maze of earth pillars. Nami leaned over the railing, squinting into the haze. "We have to hide the ship." They had to find a place to hide before the Navy caught up to them.

"There!" She suddenly exclaimed, pointing to a small inlet carved into one of the massive earthen columns. It would just fit the Merry. "Hard to port, quick!"

Anchor spun the wheel and the ship slipped into the narrow gap. But they wouldn't make it in time, not without help. 

"Franky grab!" The cyborg in the group literally launched his right arm, from the middle of his elbow, towards one of the earth pillars grabbing it. A thick metal chain connected both parts of his arm, leaving a long trail.

"Cool!" Usopp said, and Aisa and Groot shared her vision with stars in their eyes. 

"Heh, I know. I'm SUPER" Franky smiled using his other arm to grab the mast of the ship. With his other arm grabbing onto the earth pillar, he grits his teeth pulling the ship in. Seeing this Cricket and even Oimo and Kashii helped pull the ship in. 

Hatchan even jumped down to pull the ship in trying to push it from under the sea. Nami tried to stop him, but the Fishman was determined to help. And it did help, with everyone's effort, the Going Merry came back to a corner, concealing itself from prying eyes. The crew waited with bated breath, hoping their gambit had worked. 

They needed to hide for a reason. They were trying to throw the Marines off and get back to Water Seven. Getting spotted here, will throw away all the work Nami did to misdirect the marines. 

The pirates held their breadth as a giant shadow went through the fog. The silhouette of the Navy ship being visible. The crew held in their breaths, hoping for them to pass.

But things didn't work out it seemed. 

The crunch of splintering wood resounded as the Navy battleship, took a hit due to a sea king falling in front of the ship. 

Even if the sea king was small, it shook the whole battleship, steering it off course, and making the ship take a hard right. Coming face to face with the Going Merry. 

Well, it wasn't the Going Merry the navy was seeing. No, the setup was still in place. So they weren't recognized as the Straw Hat pirates. Mentally Usopp groaned as to why they didn't rip off the bad disguises after getting out of Enies Lobby. Now they were spotted. 

Marines swarmed the rails, gaping at the discovered pirates. And the head of the ship stepped forward… well at least two individuals. 

"Oh, you got to be kidding me," Anchor who was using the spyglass quickly dropped down on his stomach to hide his face. Gin also joined in with a scowl on his face.

"Well, shit," Usopp said, even though he fixed his Sogeking 'mask' in a fight the mairnes would easily be able to tell who they are. 

"This is Rare Admiral Smoker!," the marine said, as he squinted his eyes at the ship. Not recognizing the pirate ship, "Your pirate vessel…"

Anchor tuned that out with an almost proud expression. He was still on the floor hiding his face with Gin. "Huh, it seems Smokey got a promotion…" he gave a small chuckle, while Gin rolled his eyes.

Usopp sweat dropped unlike both of them, he and the others still had their disguise on, so they didn't need to hide. But still, even with sea stone, a logia in an environment that was literally his terrine way bad than it looked. 

If Smoker was smart enough, he would know that Smoke, Fog or Mist didn't have much difference. While Smoker's fruit might not be the gas gas fruit, but devil fruit powers usually blurred the line of logic. 

"I am Groot!" Groot suggested bringing all of their attention to something he had brought back from Enies Lobby. 

Franky blinked before a slow smile spread over the shipwreck's face. "I don't know what's going on… but I might have an idea." 

He said grabbing the wrapped-up figure and holding him in air with one arm, while his other mechanical arm pointed at his head like a gun. 

"Bah! Finally! Release me pirate…" The words of Spandine died down when the previous chief of CP9 looked at the scenery change. "Uh, shit. Not again."

Spandine well known enough to be even considered a hero for destroying Enies Lobby back when he was still at work. And he really made a good hostage.

"Let us pass, or your chief gets it!" Franky declared.

Hina and Smoker who were on the ship, halted their orders at seeing the roughed-up chief. Even though both sides could see each other, both of their ships were still far enough and Nami was already steering the ship out of the way and not engage the enemy. The marines hesitated, looking between their leaders and their captive commander. 

Smoker's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You dare threaten a government official?"

Franky's brow twitched, he was really done with self-rigitious marines for his whole life, "Bitch! If you want him breathing, stand down and let us leave," 

Franky gave a not-so-gentle squeeze on his neck, making him hiss, "Oi! Oi! D-drop your weapons! The pirates will kill me!"

"And don't do anything funny!" Usopp or Sogeking said, standing with massive difficulty, but he had to act brave, "I know all about you Rare Admiral Smoke… and if I see you using your powers to even get close or block our path. Let's just say… his death will be on you." 

Smoker grimaced, wondering why that long nose seemed so familiar. But he shook his head. Now wasn't the time to wonder.

With Spandam as insurance, the Straw Hats stared down the Navy forces. They couldn't attack without endangering one of their own. It was a standoff.

Right then the marine battleship groaned and shook. And right after that a giant sea king came out of the sea. An octopus sea king. Big enough to be a threat to both Smoker and Hina. 

The sea king was already wrapping its tentacles around the marine vessel. And the Straw hats used that chance to steer the ship away, and seemingly with greater speed. Smoker and Hina barked out orders, while both of them tried to fight off the sea king as the pirates escaped. 

But Smoker took to air, not wanting to let the pirates escape. But when Franky shot a warning shot near Spandine's ear, he stopped. Getting back on the Navy ship. The pirates might really kill the former chief, if he chased after them.

Right then another sea king, this one much smaller had bit into the metal navy ship. Taking a good chunk out of it, as water started getting in. Smoker grunted and barked out orders for the soldiers to halt the ship, while he took to air to stop both of the sea kings.

With everything working against him. Smoker could do nothing but let the pirates leave.

The Going Merry sailed out, with Usopp keeping an eye on Somker with his spy-glass and observation haki. Only after their forms were out of sight did they release a sigh. 

"W-we actually got out!" Yosaku said with a weak smile on his face. Yeah, fighting a logia wasn't something they could afford right now. 

"Eh, I don't know why you guys were so tense." Oimo said. "Me and Kishi could have taken him on. He doesn't look that tough…"

Their crewmates just shook their head at the giant's naivety while the ship sailed. Usopp and Aisa made a note to keep their observation haki on in case of something like that ever happened. 

Before long Hatchan had came over and admitted to the fact that he was the one that made the escape possible. Heck, he even managed to make multiple large fishes pull the Going Merry forward. 

All of them were really grateful to him as they nearly missed a bullet. They also didn't forget to pet and praise Groot for his quick thinking. With Spandam as their hostage, they were free to continue their escape. 

Soon they got out of the fogged-up area, and back into the wild sea. The effects of Aqua Laguna was still at play, but now they were getting mild. The sea almost returned back to its usual calm self.

And while traveling, in the middle of the sea they met some unexpected friends. 

— — — — 

A/N: Enies Lobby part was already over. And in a few chapters, I'll try to wrap up Water Seven.

I tried to develop the characters as much as I could through their battles. And also laid down some plot points to be used later. 

If you have any suggestions or ideas. Don't forget to mention them. Thanks!


Shameless Pa-atreon plug. I've got one, goes by the username (FallenCrown) on there. 

Support me if you want, but don't feel pressured, I'll be uploading my stuff outside it regardless and not keeping it all behind a paywall or anything like that.

Read my other fics if you have the time. If you want to have a chat with me, hit me up on discord.



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