
Chapter 420 (Lucci vs Anchor)

420 (Lucci vs Anchor)

Lucci wanted to follow through with multiple tempest kick, but he fell to his knees, exhaustion hitting him like a train. 

Just a moment later Anchor came out of the rubble, dusting off his clothes. "Shit! I got cocky…" he admitted, panting. 

Lucci snarled, "Y-you can even stand? But how…" 

Anchor laughed, "Our crew has the tenacity of a coach-roach." He said, panting, "We train even harder then this crap." 

Lucci gave a challenging growl. Anchor grinned, always ready for a challenge. The two fighters eyed each other warily. They had each withstood punishing blows that would have felled lesser men. 

Anchor popped something into his mouth making Lucci tense up. 'What did he eat now? And what's even up with his powers.'

"Don't worry, I just ate some steel… I was a getting hungry with all the fighting so don't mind me." As he said that Anchor's body took on a silvery appearance, it was as if he was growing a second skin of iron. Extremely lightweight and strong metal, that he forged with his own powers. 

Something that will help him from getting caught off guard. The wounds on his back still remained, but due to eating iron, they stopped bleeding. It was a bit hard to move, in this new form. But this was better then using Tekkai. 

"It won't save you, bastard."

"We'll see."

Both of them charged! Anchor landed a heavy punch to Lucci's sternum that folded him over. A whip-fast kick from Lucci crunched into Anchor's side in retaliation. They exchanged earth-shattering blows, neither giving any ground.

The intensity increased as they fought tooth and nail. Anchor landed crushing haymakers while Lucci slashed with feral intensity. Their grunts of exertion and pain echoed amidst the constant booms of their trading blows.

As the duel raged on, the toll of their battle became evident. Lucci's claws could not penetrate Anchor's iron-hard skin, while Anchor's strikes struggled to damage Lucci's insane speed. But in the midest of it, they were going too deeper into the city, and marines and agents unfortunate enough to be near were getting killed by Lucci's relentless attacks. And Anchor really didn't like that. 

They were locked in a stalemate of strength versus speed. But it was getting clear who had the advantage.

"You don't even show mercy for your own man? What kind of man are you?" 

Lucci snorted, "The kind that follows order and knows his place in the grand scheme of things. If you die their sacrifice will be well worth it. This is what I call a necessary evil." 

Anchor gritted his teeth, "You folks are that's wrong with the whole organization." 

"What would you know?" 

The former marine didn't say anything as he landed a devastating uppercut square to Lucci's jaw, breaking multiple teeth with a satisfying crunch. The leopard-man soared backward, crashing in a pile of rubble hundreds of feet away. 

Anchor would have followed through, but he also was grasping for breath. Wondering if holding back was wise or not. "Shit… I'm still not used to using my devil fruit powers," he said wiping away his sweat. Even if he got strong, his mastery over his powers needed much improvement. 

Lucci laid motionless in his crater, before moving with much difficulty. 

Anchor frowned, "You won't stay down, will ya…" 

Lucci growled, his body was literally shaking due to all the attacks he had taken. But he refused to go down, to pirate like this. 

Right then both of them heard an animalistic scream. Both of their battle instincts flared up, as if noticing a new powerful present. The amount of wild bloodlust that both of them felt was bone-chilling, giving goosebumps to both experienced fighters. 

Anchor quickly jumped to the nearest rooftop to get a better viewpoint. Lucci doing the same. And then they saw it, far from where they were fighting they saw the wolf zoan. And how deadly wild it looked. 

It was larger then normal, with it's fur almost taking on a bloody red shade. Killing intent so intense that it could felt from here. Anchor didn't know that happened. But knew that his crewmates were in trouble if that thing wasn't put down immediately. 

His skin crawled and his instinct told him how strong the thing was. The beast was running rampage, destroying anything and everything rather than any target. But even then, the ground beneath them shook as it attacked.

Anchor gritted his teeth, he couldn't waste any time anymore. Anchor took in another ball-sized object. This one was shrunken down with Usopp's power and right as Anchor gulped it down, his body started growing in size.

Seeing this sudden transformation taking place, Lucci didn't sit idly either. He also quickly took out the zoan drug, intending to follow Jabra's suit. He quickly gulped the small thing down.

And right as he did, Lucci's blood started to boil. In almost literally he could feel himself on fire. The pain, bloodlust and the power was intoxicating.

Lucci's back arched and his muscles spasmed as the drug took hold. His fangs and claws lengthened, bursting from his fingertips in fresh spurts of blood. Wounds, broken bones mended themselves back, as yellow fur took a tint of Coarse black. While, his proportions become even more feline and hulking.

With a bone-chilling roar, Lucci dropped to all fours as the transformations accelerated. His face distended into a cat-like muzzle lined with razor-sharp teeth. Spikes of bone erupted from his spine, tearing through fur and flesh. His tail whipped back and forth, growing thicker and more muscular.

The leopard-man's senses heightened acutely, he could hear every heartbeat, smell every drop of blood surrounding him. His body rippled with newfound power and speed. All capacity for reason left Lucci's mind, replaced only by a primal desire to kill and destroy.

"You are dead, now…" Lucci couldn't even finish his sentence as he suddenly plummeted to the ground. It was as if the weight of the world was on him, holding him in place. The building underneath him cracked making him go down the floors, while he was barely able to do anything. 

Anchor also had his transformation, being around 22 feet tall, his upper body vastly more muscular than him thin legs. Two rounded ears were on top of his head along with a pair of detail white glasses. 

"My crewmates need my help. So, go to Hell!" Anchor said, with his both hands pointing towards the crushed building was at. The power of gravity was his own doing, applying the unique-ness of gravity technology from skypiea into one of the Pacifistas. 

Along with a few other things, he was on his way to creating his own version of them. A version that was made specifically for him to eat and gain their powers. 

Small holes on the palm of Anchor's hand started gathering light, and as Anchor opened his mouth, light also started gathering there. Before firing at rapid speeds towards Lucci's location.

The CP9 was unable to do anything with the gravity holding him down, even with his boost in strength, his opponent was just too strong. The last thing Lucci saw was yellow light gathering in front of face, before he was blasted off, into a solid destruction of yellow light.

Anchor shot multiple light beams from both of his hands and mouth before stopping. The beams of light created a massive distraction.

The concentrated rays erupted forth with the power of absolute distraction, bright enough to temporarily blind all who looked upon them. As they made contact, small and contained explosions rocked the island to its very foundation. 

Massive shockwaves emanated out from each blast point, vaporizing everything within a hundred-yard radius in an instant. 

When at last Anchor ceased his merciless onslaught, the place was unrecognizable. Fire and smoke raged across the area. Enormous plumes of smoke blackened the formerly azure sky. Nothing remained of that building and the surrounding ones had already collapsed due to the destruction.

Anchor didn't even stay there, already moving towards Jabra with all intent on stopping him. 


Shameless Pa-atreon plug. I've got one, goes by the username (FallenCrown) on there. 

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Read my other fics if you have the time. If you want to have a chat with me, hit me up on discord.



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