
Chapter 335


Still, Sanji was in a bad condition. He knew his own body enough to know that every part of his exoskeleton was broken. But he wouldn't show weakness in front of an enemy. 

If he couldn't fight against a foe like him now, then he couldn't proudly call himself the chef of the Straw Hat Pirates. Also, the last thing he wanted was to lose against this arrogant bastard. 

Enel snarled, "You are barely standing, fool. Just die!" he said as he raised his arms, before dropping it, "Sango!!!"

From the lightning orbs, multiple bolts of lightning came down, falling toward Sanji. But the cook already moved by then, using his speed-based powers to only dodge. He knew fighting like this was foolish. So he had to recover. 

A few of his crewmates were watching. So losing was not an option. Especially if Robin-swan was here.

So he was going to use a trick that he saw Luffy use many times. He didn't want to use this, as food should be enjoyed slowly, but this was an emergency.

As the lightning bolts dropped, Sanji jumped from side to side, using Geppo and Soru to bounce off the air to only dodge. As Enel was using his powers for so long, and fighting so cautiously, he was also worn out. 

So his attacks weren't as fast as previously. And with Enel being so infuriated, he didn't notice when Sanji took out a few bars of food, and chowed them down. 

"*burp…* I need to work on their taste." He said, while he used Life Return to digest the food. These were highly condensed nutrition bars, filled with calories and protein. Made so that Luffy could eat them mid-battle if he needed a quick recovery, in a long drawn-out fight. 

It wasn't a perfect plan as most opponents wouldn't be foolish enough to let you eat during a death battle. But Enel had his own flaws. As time went on, it became easier for Sanji to dodge the Enel's attacks. 

While Sanji wasn't as good at using Life Return like his captain. He speeded up the process with his powers. 'Wait… if I can speed up the digestion process of my body for more stamina. Can't I use that stamina to recover as well…?'

A massive grin split on his face. "You are gonna be in a world of pain." He said, grinning, "And I'm going to enjoy it."

Enel, who was in the air, continued to attack, not seeing how Sanji's wounds were seemingly closing. And how he was growing in power and stamina. 

The toll of battle was even catching up to Enel, and he seemed to be panting. So he decided to finish this. But it was too late.

Enel attacked with all his powers, throwing powerful orbs of lightning, towards the cook,  that were larger than your average man. "Raigo!"

While Sanji was able to avoid them at first, Sanji was soon surrounded by them. Sanji was still trying to recover, with his speed powers working at the maximum. But it seems that he was trapped. Seeing this, he activated all of his power.

Enel grinned, "It's too late. You are done now! I will destroy you, along with the island!" with that he brought his hands forward, and all of them hurled towards Sanji's body, as he was in the middle of it. Even the giant orb of lightning that was supposed to be used for destroying the island came down. And exploded at the same time. "10,000,000,000 V Lightning Devastation!"

A huge explosion occurred in the sky. The sky illuminated like there was a second sun. And in the middle of it was Sanji. Getting electrocuted endlessly. Even his Speed Overdrive couldn't bounce off all the lightning. Sanji did everything, trying to speed up his recovery and even cover his whole body with Armament Haki. 

But even then the power of the attack was ripping him apart. Was this the end for him…? no… I refused to die here.

"I won't give up!" he roared. And suddenly the time seemed to stop as something inside of him snapped. He couldn't lose, he had to avenge his mother. Find the All-Blue. He had to help his crewmates achieve their dreams. He had to find love. He couldn't give up now! No, he refused to give up!

He saw the faces of the bastard, his father, followed by his siblings. Hate riled within him. Then the faces of his crewmates came up one by one. Luffy, Sparky, Zoro, Gin, Coby, Kuina… one by one all of them showed up. And lastly came the image of Robin. An amused smile on her lips.

His once endless Hate turned into something different. Something that he hadn't felt since the day his mother passed away. And with that a burst of his will came forth! It was as if the roar of a dragon! 

The lightning attack that was buzzing blue, quickly got overpowered by the royal blue lighting with black outlines, lightning that of a King. Seemingly Enel's lightning wasn't a challenge any more. 


"Yahahahaha! Finally… I have managed to…" Enel who was celebrating stopped, as a shiver ran down his spin. It was almost as if the air became still, as his breath caught up in his throat. He didn't know what Conqueror's Haki was. But he had felt it before and again, he felt so powerless that even in the air his knees started to bulk.

A memory flared up of a man with a golden mane of hair. The powerlessness he felt against him. But how could a blue sea dweller…? He couldn't even finish his thought.

As suddenly, in front of him, the lightning disappeared, getting overpowered by sheer willpower as Sanji came out with a speed that even he couldn't match. "I-Impossible! What is this…!?" 

Sanji came out from seemingly nowhere, his feets laced with flames that flashed between orange and blue, "Ondo Rare Strike!" giving a dropkick right to Enel's gut.


Enel spit out blood and spit, as suddenly he found himself in a world of pain. 

The speed of Sanji's attack was so much that not only did it destroy Enel's organs, it even broke his spine, going through him. The speed was so much that even Sanji tumbled through the forest, before he was able to catch himself. 

The already destroyed forest was even more damaged as Sanji came toward the ground, ripping through the remnants of the forest, uprooting ancient trees and hurling them like matchsticks before he could stop himself. 

The air was thick with swirling debris, a chaotic dance of charred leaves, and splintered branches. Even the ground trembled beneath the weight of the devastation, with deep fissures snaking through the earth like the aftermath of some colossal earthquake. All because of Sanji's landing. 

"I'm not finished with you yet bastard…" Before Sanji could finish his sentence, the upper half of Enel's body fell. Making Sanji flinch back in disgust. "Oh… ugh… sorry about that."

Enel, who couldn't believe what happened, looked at Sanji with fear. His once arrogant god complex was gone, replaced with pure fear as he was dying. Sanji's blonde hair reminding him of his previous powerless defeat, and the horror of it all, "Y-you… you are the devil!" with those words Enel dropped his struggle, falling dead. 

Sanji frowned, clicking his tongue, "I ain't no devil. I'm a cook!" he said, but Enel didn't say anything as he was dead.

Sanji's brow twitched seeing such a lackluster ending, as he dropped to the floor on his ass. There was seemingly no injury on his body, but he had zero energy in him. Now that his opponent was gone, the exhaustion and mental drain hit him like a train.

Feeling your whole body getting ripped apart and being repaired at the same time wasn't something comfortable. 

"Still, I did gain one thing from it…" Sanji gave a weak smirk, as he opened his palms. In his hands electricity danced at his command, before getting reabsorbed by his body. Not only did his lightning ability improve, he could also feel that his exoskeleton got stronger. What the cook missed of course was his own awakening of his Conqueror's Haki. 

"Huh, I wonder what I should cook for breakfast." But then he blinked, looking at the sun. "Shit! It's already noon!" 

"Really, that's what you are worried about?" Zoro scoffed, he had appeared a few seconds ago. 

"Shishishi… at least he has his priorities straight." 

Sabo just shook his head, "I was worried there for a moment." 

"Nah… did you get what you came for?" Luffy asked. 

Sanji looked over his shoulder, and in Sabo's hand was a fruit, that was most definitely a logia. The lightning logia. 

Sanji smirked, "What are you waiting for… eat it." He said.

Sabo blinked, "I… I can't, this is your fruit…" 

Sanji scoffed, before turning to Luffy, "Do you have someone else in mind for the fruit Captain?" 

Luffy grinned, "No… Though, I'm a bit surprised… don't you want anything in return?"

"Nah… I would have gifted the fruit to Robin…" Sanji said, quickly saying another name, "Or Nami-swan… but as they already have a fruit its best that Sabo eats it."

Luffy frowned, feeling bothered for some reason, as if he missed something before he shrugged. "That is true… the others are too weak and would rely too much on the fruit. So I agree with that."

Sanji smiled, seemingly dodging the bullet. "Anyway, I did get stronger from the fight." He said, before smirking towards Sabo, "And besides you can take this as a payment for helping me train back in Alabasta." 

Sabo hesitated, "I… still can't…" but he couldn't finish his sentence as Zoro grabbed him by the shoulder and Luffy shoved the fruit into his mouth. Making him eat the whole thing. "Aagh…!! This tastes absolutely horrible!" 

Both Luffy and Zoro laughed, giving each other fist bumps, seeing Sabo's suffering. Though it quickly ended as lightning started to crackle around him. 

Luffy grinned, "Oh, Ace would be jealous about this! Shishishi!"

'At least one of the tasks is done… now let's get the gold.' Luffy thought as he laughed. All of them laughed, seemingly ignoring the bloody half-body of Enel that lay lifeless on the floor. Where the other part of his body was, no one knew. 


"I wonder if monkeys have wings here?" 

Gin looked at Sparky weirdly.

"What? That's a legitimate question." 



I made Enel a menace like he should be. Without changing things too much. I did give him a bit of a back story, but other than that everything remained the same.

Also in my defense. I don't usually make the enemy strong like other fics. No, as you have seen a bunch of times. I have made allies such as Cricket and Law to be stronger than they should be at this time. Or even made-up strong characters like Anchor and Sinbad. So of course there will be some changes here and there.

This is my story. With AU involved. So I took some creative liberties.

Also, don't worry. I will mostly keep other antagonist characters like the Admiral or Yonko crew the same level. Because let's face it, they are overpowered as they are. It's just the pre-timeskip characters that should have been strong, in my opinion, that I'm changing.

Also, Sanji's Speed Overdrive increases his speed the longer the time he uses it. Almost like new Broly's Ikari mode, the longer the stays in Speed Overdrive the faster he gets. Until he can't control the speed anymore. 

He can also control it so that he stops the speed from growing more.

But once he's out of Speed Overdrive, he has to restart the process and build up speed again.

Hope this makes sense. Anyway, have a nice day.

Edit by the anonymous editor: I've decided to stop editing after the Skypeia arc, so if someone would be willing to replace me as an editor to help out dear Crown, that would be great. Could probably ask about it in the comments if you'd like to take over. As for the errors in the past 3 or so chapters, I kinda forgot about this. Those should be fixed now if Crown reposted/updated those chapters. That's all. 

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