
Chapter 320


While Luffy was mostly carefree, he knew they were at a disadvantage here. There were only five of them. Most of the other members of his crew, were on the other side of Jaya, helping with the ship's modification.

In a way, it was good. If a battle did occur he could go all out and not worry about the weaker members of his crew too much. Anchor was a bit behind compared to the other main fights of his crew, but he was still exceptionally strong. He just lacked in the skill area, though he was quickly catching up to that as well.

Luffy didn't have much time to think as the large Flamingo-style ship docked near port, Doflamingo jumped down from the ships' figurehead, not even waiting for the gangplank to set up.

Along with Doflamingo, Trebol, Diamante, Gladius and Baby 5 also jumped down with him. While Lao G and Dellinger stayed on the ship ready to jump in if needed.

"Fufufufu… well if it isn't the new Warlord." Doflamingo said grinning ear to ear. "Heard you were around, so came to pay you a visit."

"Really?" Luffy said with a raised eyebrow, "Wasn't really expecting a social visit from you of all people. But meh." He rolled his shoulder.

"Oi oi… speak with some respect kid!" Trebol said. And Luffy had to say, that was by far the most disgusting man he ever saw.

"Wow, aren't you just ugly. I'm not sure that's a face even a mother could love." Sanji said. "And belive me, that's coming from me..."

"I have to agree on that one," Luffy added.

"Why you!!!"

Dolfimingo held up his hand stopping Trebol as he grinned, eying Luffy, Sanji, Anchor, and then remaining on Kuina.

"Well, aren't you beautiful…" Doflamingo said, "Are you the one that took down Crocodile?"

Luffy was a bit surprised, he didn't expect Doflamingo to know that. Only a few people back in Alabasta and the upper ranks of Marines knew about who took down Crocodile.

Kuina taking down Crocodile was a political play on Luffy's part. That way, the World Government would be more reliant on him and his crew.

How you might ask… well, the World Government would think that, they are getting more than one Warlord-level pirate by recruiting the Straw Hat pirates into their ranks.

"I'm surprised that you know that… but yes, I did take him down." Kuina answered, "Why? Do you doubt my capabilities?"

"Fufufu… of course not." The Warlord grinned, "Though, unlike that looser sand-bastard, you can't beat me. I'm much more stronger than him."

Kuina smiled, a glint in her eyes that wanted to prove him wrong. But Luffy interrupted it.

"Why are you here?" Luffy asked, "You usually don't leave Dresrosa… it must be something important for you to come here."

"Fufufufufu… You don't know why?" Doflamingo asked grinning ear to ear as he walked up to Luffy. The large pirate was ten feet easily dwarfing Luffy who was six feet tall.

"No? Should I?" Luffy walked forward as well. Keeping up his guard in case Mingo had his strings outstretched.

"Fufufufufu…" Dolflimigo expression then turned serious, "Last day, a ship of mine got missing on these waters… and I have hunch that it was you."

Sanji snorted, "We didn't do it." He said, "What was in there anyways?"

"Oh you know the usual. Gold, silver, and Slaves… Sex slaves if I'm being honest. Others don't sell that well." Diamante said, chuckling, "Kukuku…"

That managed to piss off almost all of the Straw Hats, especially Sanji. The cook was gritting his teeth and actively stopping himself from kicking the living shit out of them.

Back when he was at Germa Kingdom, her mother and all of the women that his father 'mated' with to carry his children were more or less slaves. Kidnapped and taken away from their homes. His mother was no different, so he had a very grudge with slave traders.

Luffy was the one to break the silence, "If I did take your ship, believe me Mingo… I would have put their heads on pikes and displayed them on the Jaya port so that you could see." He said, coldly, "As you can see there are no heads and no pikes, so you are assuming wrong."

"Fufufu… I really don't appreciate you calling me by that, boy." Dolfamingo said, unleashing his Conquer's haki. The intense pressure from the haki was so intense that it seemed like the air was vibrating.

The ground beneath Dolflamingo's feet cracked, as the surrounding seemed to shake as well as the environment around the warlord visibly distorted because of the immense power being unleashed.

Even Dolflamingo's own crewmates that were near him were having a hard time standing behind him.

But unlike what Doflamingo expected, Luffy and the rest of them just watched him with an unimpressed, almost bored look.

Luffy picked his nose with his pinky, "Are you done? Three out of ten, if you ask me."

Dolfamingo felt his brow twitch, even his crewmates were confused as to why they weren't affected by their captain's haki.

"I give it a solid four." Sanji said, "Threw some sand in my eyes, I almost had to blink"

"Three point five," Anchor said. "Because… well, that wasn't very impressive."

Kuina nodded and continued, "Two, only because I don't want him to feel too embarrassed."

With that, all four of them started clapping as if Dolfamingo gave a passable performance.

The Walord on the other hand was barely keeping himself from ripping into the Straw Hats.

"This… this level of disrespect." Terbol said, with anger, "Doffy, we have to do something…"

Dolfamingo's hands twitched as strings around it started moving, but right then…

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