
One Piece: The Cheshire Cat

A man from our world reincarnated in the One Piece world 7 years before Roger’s execution. Follow him on his journey to become strongest.

Ciel_Styn · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Journey Begins

1508, Loguetown

Last 8 years have been kinda hectic to say the least. I would not have expected to see so many pirates in East blue. Every day around 15-20 pirate ships are docking and going to grand line. There is marine base but it isn't garrisoned properly and the captain is super corrupt and eagerly accepts bribes. Every day the newspaper for East blue has at least 10 new bounty posters. This is madness to say the least. An underground economy has bloomed to say the least, and recently a devil fruit which I am pretty sure was a bird zoan was sold here in loguetown. My crew is coming along nicely as well, we have four fighters with different styles and one navigator. We have been hunting some pirates and looting there ships as if we try to go over 2 million berries reward we would have to deal with the captain of this fucking base that is something I don't want to do. So instead using my devil fruit I trap pirates in illusions and and clean out there ships and then kill them when they have lost there sanity. Currently I have around 12.5% mastery over both observation and armament haki compared to cannon shanks. Which probably puts me in the top 1% in outer seas no questions asked.

For Shota, he loves his heavy axe. He is a lot taller than me. He knows the basic armament and observation. He is surprisingly fast and can easily shatter a stone weighing tons.

Then we have Fujin, he is a samurai who also have basic grasp of both observation and armament and can cut through a lot of enemies quite efficiently.

For our gun slinger we have Moro, he wields dual guns. I want to find a way to extract the door door fruit from bluebo so he can have a pocket dimension full of guns. For our accountant and navigator we have the twins sasaki and Sasori. They both use fish men karate like me.

"Hey, how do you guys feel about setting sail for grand line this month?" I ask the group as we have been talking about it and we all agree we can take on the blues quite easily and survive in paradise for the most part.

"Well we have around 18 million berries in reserves and three ships that we haven't sold yet. In terms of money we can easily afford commissioning a special ship." It's sasaki who is the accountant.

"Well I feel like the targets in East blue are getting too easy. Last week we took down some pirate crew with the bounty of 8 million and Moro didn't had to fire a single shot. We should be able to conqueror the East blue in no time" says Fujin. I agree with him but I need a super majority because the journey will be dangerous.

"Well I already studied the map of paradise and got a couple log poses from that cunt of a merchant. We would be good atleast initially. We should commission a ship at Water 7 as they have the best ships, right now we can just use the ships we have." Says our esteemed navigator.

"We need more men and a shipwright too" says Shots

" alright what I was planning was to recurit some meat shields in East blue anyway we can surely find a shipwright in a couple of pirate crews we slaughter" I say grinning as this is exciting. " let's buy all the supplies we need today and leave by the tomorrow morning, we cleaned the largest ship anyway we can use it for the time being."

"Also, do you think we can steal a marine vessel from one of they corrupt captains in East blue?" I ask just to see the reaction of the other four.

"Well we can probably over power the weak captains like you did with the slimy captain a year ago, but the problem would be manpower as we are only 6 people and those ships have a crew compliment of 100s if not 1000s" says Shota and he is right. Without people we can't do shit. Should have left some pirates alive when they docked.

"Alright we have a pirate crew of Bird pirates and they have the crew compliment of 25-30 people. Let's kill the captain and vice captain and pick 10 people and throw them in the third storage room on the ship. Since the money is in the twins room and any other important items will go to our rooms we can have them as meat shields and have them do the menial chores."

Night Time

Me, Shota and Fujin reached the location where Bird pirates were docked. According to bingo book information the captain has Bird Bird fruit Model: Ostrich. He is going to favor kicks and agility. I could use my devil fruit ability and start by trapping some of his crewmates in an illusion and cut down the numbers but the idea is that we need only the shipwrights, cooks and if possible doctors.

"Moro, shoot the man nearest to the captain that should get the attention of the crew. Sasori & Sasaki go to the ship and see if any crewmates are in it and don't let them back on the ship. Fujin, me and Shota would like to welcome the new crewmates." I gave the orders and we moved into position. This jackass has a bounty of 5 million and his vice captain has a bounty of 1 million. This is easy money and we have taken down crew a lot more dangerous than this.

Bird Pirates Captain POV

"We should be restocked by the day after tomorrow then we can go and enter the south blue" My navigator tells me as he is being busy at work trying a way to figure out how to get to the other side of the calm belt.

I heard there is an island where there are only women in the calm belt. That sounds like the real paradise.

"I think we should go to the marine base near cocoyashi island and get the information…" before I can finish my sentence the navigators head explodes and his blood splatters everywhere.

Before I can figure out I see four people surrounding the thirty of us and the black haired kid speaks "Hello I am the captain of MadLad Pirates and we are looking for shipwrights which one of you is one?"

"You dare…You dare trying to poach my crew" I can barely control my anger. I transformed into my hybrid form and run towards him. He is kid, he can't dodge this and before I can get close enough to connect my kick I hear the kid say " that's not gentlemanly behavior and I see my body travel a little distance. This is it huh I'm beheaded.


After killing the captain the rest of the crew surrendered immediately. This wasn't even a fight as after there captain got defeated they all gave up. Traitors the lot of them, now I have a choice as the ship they were using is a lot bigger than what we have and they are fully stocked we can just take control of this ship and crew and go from there. It would be waste of human lives and resources. There are only 20 people here as excluding cap and vice captain who was shot by Moro, five crew were on the ship sleeping as they had the early morning shift.

"There are around 12.5 million berries in the treasure room of the ship and they have around five storage room, three of which are used as living quarters for the meat shields." Sasaki informs me as he inventoried the ship.

"Alright use the treasure room and convert into living quarters for you and your brother. Let the previous living arrangement stand as they have four rooms and used only two. We can occupy those four rooms."

"Alright captain" Saksaki then leaves and gathers our things to be transferred onto the new one.

"Alright MadLads lets conquer the seas" with that we departed towards South blue ferry station.

Right now we have around 40 million berries and as we are bounty hunters we can move around easily. We plan to go to south blue to find more recruits and possibly steal a marine navy ship for the ease of access to calm belt.