
One Piece: Starting with a Brain-Brain Fruit

Anime & Comics
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What is One Piece: Starting with a Brain-Brain Fruit

Lisez le roman One Piece: Starting with a Brain-Brain Fruit écrit par l'auteur On_theinternet publié sur WebNovel. MtlOver the past eight hundred years, the throne suspended in the sky has been impacted by figures of the past like Lox, resulting in a faint crack. Ambitious individuals are also beginning to stir. W...


Mtl Over the past eight hundred years, the throne suspended in the sky has been impacted by figures of the past like Lox, resulting in a faint crack. Ambitious individuals are also beginning to stir. Who will ultimately claim the throne? The Four Emperors? The Navy? The underground emperors who operate in secrecy? Or the deeply established superpowers? Perhaps even the all-encompassing World Government that hovers above the nations of the world? No, it's none of them! The final victor will only be me, Caldo. The imminent Summit War approaches. As the king, Caldo commands his legions, taking advantage of the turmoil across the seas while the Navy and the World Government are preoccupied. With the speed of lightning, he engulfs the entire South Sea, altering the world's course and facing off against the World Government.

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its good so far don’t drop. And link please?


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