
One Piece: Reincarnated as Vivi

An inhabitant of our world suffers an untimely death after a meeting with a strange old lady and wakes up in the body of Nefertari Vivi. Upload rate: 5-6 chapters a week. Support me on Patreon -patreon.com/Kriogenix You can get 10 advanced chapters ahead of time. Extra info: - The story is going to follow the adventures of the Strawhat crew. This will not be an AU. - The fic is going to be told from the perspective of the MC. That means that many events will the omitted or skimmed over if the MC is not present. Some knowledge of canon will be required. - There will be romance later on in the story but it will not be the main focus. The pairing has not been decided yet (feel free to give recommendations). But it would most definitely be a female. Even if you don't like yuri, don't worry because as I said, it will not be the focus of the story in any way. But I just feel that a fic with no pairings is missing something.

Krio_Genix · Anime et bandes dessinées
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347 Chs

Chapter 128 Vision of the past Part 3

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 128: Vision of the Past, part 3

The wife and daughter of the Lunarian's leader were the first ones to arrive at his side.

He looked at them and gave something to his wife.

The blonde girl seemed to be yelling like crazy and started to point her gun at the wife while other armed humans were already running to their position.

Vivi then was able to get a better view of what the leader had given to his wife. It was the strange fruit that was hanging from the giant tree before.

"Are you telling me that all of this was for a fruit?".

She had noticed that this fruit seemed to be extremely important for the humans, and the Lunarians seemed to want it too. But to be important enough to start a war… Vivi wondered what made that fruit so important.

"The writings on the poneglyph said something about the Lunarians wanting to steal their God…but there is no way that fruit is a God… could the tree be the God?"

Her Thoughts were interrupted. The lunarian leader may be dying, but he was not willing to let that girl hurt his family. The flames on his back went out as he used all of his strength to attack the blonde girl and the soldiers behind her. Allowing his wife and daughter to escape with the fruit.

The battle got even more intense after that.

Giant robots with horns came to the aid of the humans, turning the tides in their favor for once.

The robots seemed to be unfazed by the lunarian flames.

But the fire was not their only weapon. The Lunarians made use of giant weapons and moved with inhuman speed.

Soon, the robots also started to fall.

The humans were barely holding at this point while using their strange rifles that shot some green beams of light.

From the flying castle, came the king of the humans, flying on top of his golden bird and holding his scepter high in the air. He seemed to be chanting something while his royal guards protected him.

The Lunarians flew up to stop the King from finishing whatever was trying to do but were unable to stop him in time.

The King finished his chanting and as soon as he did, lightning bolts fell from the sky, taking down several Lunarians.

The battle continued for a while. With numbers on both sides thinning out.

The lunarian side was the most noticeable since they were few, to begin with.

Vivi only counted 10 of them left, including the little girl who was now holding the strange fruit against her chest. Meaning that well over half of their population had perished.

Her mother was focused on some rectangular device in her hands and was furiously pushing buttons on the small keyboard.

She then stopped and yelled something at her comrades.

The other Lunarians halted their fights and retreated away in a hurry.

Vivi did not have much time to think about the meaning of her actions.

A gigantic beam of white light descended from the skies, parting the clouds away, and impacted against the floating castle.

The entire area was bathed in light and Vivi could not tell what was happening.

With the information she currently had in had, Vivi could speculate that the device in the wife's hands was the control for the weapon that just shoot that white beam of light that reminded her of a particular attack from Enel.

"Uranus…" That was written on the side of the spherical device the Lunarians had previously launched into space.

The blinding light dimmed down, revealing the results of the attack.

She was expecting to see a lot of destruction but was not prepared for what she saw.

The flying castle was nowhere to be seen and most of the city was gone too, the only parts remaining were left in complete ruin.

The King and his guard had also disappeared. They were floating very close to the castle so it was easy to predict what had happened to them.

"Tens of thousands of people must have died with that attack. That city was densely populated, with a lot of tall buildings…and it's all gone now." Vivi lamented.

The Lunarians celebrated while the humans started to retreat, trying to get far away from the destruction.

Vivi spotted the young blonde girl running towards the giant tree with a few others following her.

She then looked at the Lunarians' side. The mother was giving orders to the remaining members while pointing to several spots.

Vivi then saw the little lunarian girl, still clutching the white fruit. She had an expression on her face that Vivi could never imagine she would see in a small child.

The face of the little girl was contorted into a wide smile of pure joy as she watched the destruction and death that her mother had just caused.

It was one of the creepiest things Vivi had ever seen and she was probably going to remember that face for a very long time.

The last thing she saw before her vision turned dark again, was the image of several Lunarians setting the giant tree on fire.

A sensation of dizziness and disorientation invaded her body as her consciousness returns to the real world.

Vivi opened her eyes and found herself back in a familiar environment.

Extremely hot temperatures, black rocks everywhere, and a giant burned tree right in front of her.

"You wanted to show me what happened on this island. The Lunarians caused this mess…" She spoke to the tree but received no answer.

She placed her hand on top of the trunk again, but she felt nothing.

"Are you really a God?...and what was that fruit for? it reminded me of a devil fruit but a bit different…"

She spoke again but the tree gave no answer…and it felt cold to the touch.

The God tree of the fire island had just passed away.

A.N - Remember to comment, vote and/or leave a review if you have the time. Those things help me a lot and I would really appreciate it.

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