
One Piece: Pirate Of Darkness

"hahaha! I've waited for this moment for so long, and they arrived." Teach gazed in awe at the colossal pirate ship emerging on the coastline, resembling a majestic whale. He raised his telescope to his eye, capturing a glimpse of the flying pirate flag in the distance. It was none other than the legendary Whitebeard Pirate Ship, renowned as one of the most formidable pirate crews in the world. ….. Yo there, editing from MTL cuz why not, rip my brain cells. Cover not mine, got it from Pinterest.

Shadoudia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Chapter 6: Breakthrough

Over the past two years, he hadn't grown much taller or changed much in appearance, but his skills in kendo and physical prowess had been steadily improving. He needed pressure to break through to the next level.

While Teach's physical development required time and patience, he knew that once he achieved a breakthrough in kendo, it would open up a whole new world for him. He craved the pressure and challenge to overcome this crucial step in his journey.

As he rushed towards the warship, all eyes were on him. Lightning and flames intertwined above his double knives, clashing with one of the vice admiral, who was also a skilled swordsman.

"You want to fight me? Just a kid who hasn't even escaped from his pops's protection. Since you recklessly rushed up, let's end you here," the VA(Vice Admiral) taunted, drawing his sword from his waist.

The VA possessed immense strength and seemed to have mastered Haki to a certain level. Teach, on the other hand, had not yet fully grasped the use of armed Haki, putting him at a disadvantage. Furthermore, his kendo skills were lower than those of the VA, making him the underdog in this duel.

But that's exactly what Teach desired. The VA was not in his prime, and although he appeared formidable, Teach knew he would be vulnerable after enduring powerful blows. Teach had confidence in his physique and strength.

As the battle ensued at lightning-fast speed, the turban on Teach's head was blown off, revealing his long black hair that fluttered in the wind. A wild smile graced his face.

"Let's have a good fight," Teach spoke out, his body surrounded by lightning and flames, exuding a powerful aura.

The clash between the two combatants was fierce, each driven by the desire to kill the other. The surrounding navy soldiers dared not approach, aware of the danger. The other Vice Admiral, who had considered intervening, changed his mind when a sword almost struck him.

"I can't allow you to interrupt their fight," Vista smiled.

Vista was well aware of Teach's situation, as Teach often sought his advice. In terms of swordsmanship alone, Teach had long surpassed the average swordsman. However, he still fell short of being a true master.

In order to swiftly overcome this group of navy soldiers, the members of the White Beard Pirate Group unleashed their full power. The remaining navy soldiers stood no chance against them, and the battle quickly turned into a massacre.

Unable to call for reinforcements or communicate with the navy headquarters due to their communication equipment being destroyed by Whitebeard's devil fruit ability, the navy found themselves overwhelmed. The White Beard Pirates, experienced in numerous battles, easily overpowered their opponents. Every passing second claimed the lives of dozens of navy soldiers.

"Where is the navy's power? What happened to your justice?" Teach, though at a disadvantage, continued to display his unwavering spirit. He aimed to provoke the VA and subject himself to even more pressure. He sensed he was nearing a breakthrough.

"Don't underestimate me, kid!" the vice admiral growled, realizing Teach's intention to use their battle as a means to grow stronger.

"Return of life!" the vice admiral shouted. He had mastered the six powers of navy, a testament to his pride. Such strength placed him among the most formidable of the navy.

The outcome of the battle was already predetermined. Teach faced an inevitable defeat. In his desperation to kill the pirate in front of him, the VA would undoubtedly draw the wrath of Whitebeard upon himself. And he knew that, he of course wouldn't survive the encounter with Whitebeard, he had made peace with that and went all out and beyond. He knew he was dying here today one way or another.

With his life force burning away, the VA's strength surged exponentially. Teach struggled to withstand the increased pressure, his aura surging as well. He knew he had reached a critical point, teetering on the edge of his limits. The vice admiral understood this, but refused to relent, intensifying the pressure on Teach. If Teach wanted to break through, he had to defeat his opponent.

"Father, should we help Teach? He's in danger," Marco anxiously asked, observing the battle unfolding at the center of the battlefield.

"This is Teach's choice. We must trust him as his family. Anyways, His strength goes beyond what meets the eye," Whitebeard replied, a smile gracing his face.

"Huh?" Marco scratched his head, unable to fully comprehend.

Teach was completely immersed in the battle. Amidst the chaos, it seemed as if he could hear whispers in his ear—the voice of all things. Initially faint, the whispers grew clearer, and he found himself drawn deeper into them.

His eyes gleamed with increasing intensity as he grasped the essence of the voice of all things. Many present, especially the swordsman among them, sensed the change. Teach's swordsmanship transformed, gaining even greater power, while his opponent struggled against this newfound strength. However, this enhancement had its limitations. Teach had yet to reach his full potential as a swordsman.

Yet, would the VA grant Teach the opportunity to reach that stage? Just as Teach was on the brink of a breakthrough, the vice admiral seized the moment, exploiting a flaw in Teach's defenses. His sword struck true, plunging deep into Teach's chest. Blood flowed from the wound, trickling down the blade and dripping onto the ground.

"Why... how could this happen? I have failed…," the vice admiral murmured in disbelief. His face aged, the consequence of burning his life force. He looked down to his chest and saw a hole.

Few seconds back, in a swift and unexpected move, Teach's left hand rose to meet the blade, momentarily delaying its trajectory and he counter attacked with his sword. The blade still managed to penetrate his chest, causing blood to gush from the wound, but Teach didn't falter. He discarded the sword and tore a strip of fabric from his sleeve, tightly pressing it against the wound to stem the bleeding.

"Someone, come help! I can't let myself die out here now can I hahaha!," Teach called out, realizing his nearby companions were momentarily stunned. They quickly snapped back to reality and rushed to assist him.

"That was incredible, Teach! You killed a vice admiral!"

"You can now call yourself a true swordsman, and you're only fourteen years old!"

Teach's eyes burned with happiness as he stood there, his gaze fixed on his dead opponent.

After the battle, Teach noticed a subtle change in the attitude of his companions towards him. Though they still treated him as equals, there was now a newfound respect in their interactions. They recognized his strength, as he had defeated a navy vice admiral, a feat that most of them wouldn't ever claim to achieve. The loss of three vice admirals was undoubtedly a significant blow to the navy, as Vista had also killed his target on his side.

And today Teach's victory solidified his position among the strong.

Teach sensed this change in attitude, but he remained unfazed. He collected his purgatory weapon, which he had unleashed during the battle, and gathered his own trophies. The vice admiral's sword, though not comparable to his prized Purgatory and Thunder Fang, was still a renowned weapon.

As Teach returned to the Moby Dick, the eyes of his companions remained fixated on him. He had emerged as the most impressive figure in this battle, and their admiration was palpable. Teach glanced at Whitebeard, his father figure, and couldn't help but stand a little taller.

"Father, I emerged victorious in this battle," Teach said with a smile.

"You've earned it, my son. You truly deserve it," White Beard chuckled in response. Only a few people within the Whitebeard Pirates were aware of Teach's exceptional physique. While others engaged in leisurely activities, Teach had always dedicated himself to practice and training. It was a testament to his deserving nature, one Whitebeard had always recognized.

"Go and heal now. The final battle will be left to me," Whitebeard declared, his gaze focused on the sea in the distance, sensing the impending arrival of their enemies.