
One Piece: Pirate Of Darkness

"hahaha! I've waited for this moment for so long, and they arrived." Teach gazed in awe at the colossal pirate ship emerging on the coastline, resembling a majestic whale. He raised his telescope to his eye, capturing a glimpse of the flying pirate flag in the distance. It was none other than the legendary Whitebeard Pirate Ship, renowned as one of the most formidable pirate crews in the world. ….. Yo there, editing from MTL cuz why not, rip my brain cells. Cover not mine, got it from Pinterest.

Shadoudia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

Chapter 24: The growth of Mobius

Mobius approached the wood, fixing his gaze on the upright, he secured his feet in front of the iron frame, steadying it to ensure stability before initiating his training.

After Teach had expertly dislocated and reassembled the three joints of each arm, the intensity of the pain had somewhat subsided. As he raised his right arm, a sharp tingling sensation shot through Mobius' brain.

A sharp intake of breath, almost a hiss, escaped Mobius' lips. This heightened awareness of pain awakened his senses, and he lifted his arm with cautious precision. Gritting his teeth, he attempted to utilize the movement of his shoulders to drive his arm forward. However, he quickly realized this approach was futile; it didn't have the desired effect on his arm's exercise.

Determinedly, Mobius clamped his teeth even harder and resolved to attain his goal. He had set a personal deadline to master this trick within a month. Doubts about his ability lingered, but he was resolute. This wasn't solely about gaining Teach's approval; it was also about his personal growth.

Amidst the struggle, Mobius continued. The air was filled with the sound of his arm flicking and twitching, as he envisioned Teach's snake hand technique. The pain was an ever-present reminder, fueling his determination and imprinting the technique's intricacies deeper into his mind.

His eyes bore an unwavering determination despite the tears streaming down his face. His hand movements were relentless, resembling a whip's motion, swaying from left to right and then back again.

Through the searing agony, Mobius persevered, his teeth clenched against the pain. Slowly, the tears subsided, and his right arm seemed to numb, the skin on its sides grazed and bloodied from the repetitive motion.

An incessant series of "pops" resonated through the air. Time lost its meaning; it seemed both endless and fleeting. Eventually, the wood yielded under the onslaught, cracks spider-webbing across its surface—a clear indication that Mobius' efforts were bearing fruit.

As the fractures deepened, a surge of excitement coursed through Mobius. Then, with a resounding "click," the wood finally gave way.

Breathing heavily, Mobius lowered his arms and turned his head to steal a glance at Teach. Teach remained engrossed in his own training, his flushed face a testament to his exertions as he pushed through his push-ups. Mobius was surprised; he hadn't expected Teach to still be training. It dawned on him that he couldn't afford to stop either.

He carefully removed the shattered wood and replaced it with a fresh piece. This time, it was his left arm. The arduous training resumed, but unbeknownst to Mobius, Teach, observing from a distance, allowed a satisfied smile to play across his lips.

The training continued, hours slipping away imperceptibly. From dawn till dusk, Teach relentlessly swung his iron sword. Finally, another crack echoed, causing Teach to pause and look towards Mobius. Glancing at the time, he realized it had been eight hours since morning—it was time for lunch.

Mobius surveyed the results of his efforts, collapsing to the ground with tears of joy streaming down his face. He had succeeded.

Teach's voice broke the moment of accomplishment. "Alright, now I'll reset your joints, and then we'll eat." Mobius nodded, his stomach grumbling audibly. Lost in his training, he hadn't noticed the passing time or his growing hunger.

Teach's motions were swift, leaving Mobius little room for reaction. In an instant, the sound of "Kaka Ka!" filled the air as Mobius' arm joints were restored.

"Ah!" Mobius gasped, gingerly lifting his arms. They felt foreign to him, the joints slightly stiff and awkward. Twisting and turning them, Mobius heard the creak of his muscles and bones, his movements still a touch rigid.

However, beneath the stiffness, he detected a newfound strength. His arm snapped through the air with a hint of forceful velocity. It was a fleeting sensation, but it excited him nonetheless—his muscles had swelled slightly from the intense training, signifying its effectiveness.

While his arms bore the scars of his ordeal, Mobius felt a surge of relief. The day had been taxing, but he had made progress.

Dinner was short but leisurely, offering a rare moment of respite. After the meal, Teach resumed his training regimen—strength and swordsmanship, relentless through the night.

Mobius, too, persevered. Life on the sea followed a monotonous rhythm, as their ship traversed a predictable route. The absence of pirate raids made it a peaceful voyage, a fact that heightened Mobius' awareness of the repetitive days.

Observing Teach's routine, Mobius couldn't help but notice the monotony. Training, eating, training—there seemed to be little time for rest or leisure. Sometimes, Teach would venture out to the deck, gazing upon the vast expanse of sea and sky.

Mobius was determined to match Teach's training pace on that first night. Seeing Teach persistently training without a hint of sleep, he continued as well. Eventually, his fatigue caught up with him, and when he closed his eyes, he drifted into a faint slumber.

Upon awakening the next morning, Mobius found Teach still engrossed in training. This pattern repeated itself on the second day, and then again on the third.

Curiosity finally got the better of Mobius, and during a meal, he posed his question to Teach. "Sir, how come you don't sleep? Aren't you tired?"

Teach, hands still in motion, responded matter-of-factly, "I can't sleep. I've been this way since birth. I take breaks when I'm tired." His explanation carried a sense of calm acceptance.

"What? How is it possible to not sleep? In that case, you're getting more training time than others!" Mobius exclaimed, a tinge of envy in his voice as he contemplated Teach constant training day and night.

Teach chuckled. "Well, my small friend, it might seem like an advantage, but it's a cursed condition in my eyes."

"The agony of sleeplessness?" Mobius was intrigued, and as he thought about it, he recalled his own tiredness. Just two nights ago, he had trained until late, falling asleep almost instantly due to exhaustion.

Mobius felt a chill run down his spine, contemplating what it would be like to be unable to sleep.

Looking at Teach, Mobius became increasingly astounded. How had he endured a life devoid of sleep since birth? Yet, Teach had transcended this limitation, refusing to succumb to it. This resilience made Teach all the more formidable, a person whose heart and potential were unparalleled. It was only a matter of time before he would ascend to the pinnacle of power.

Motivated by this realization, Mobius felt a surge of determination. He couldn't afford to falter; he had to follow in Teach's footsteps, striving to become stronger. The next few days showed remarkable improvement in Mobius. The strength in his arms notably increased. He started with an exhaustive eight hours on the first day, then shaved off half an hour on the second, and another hour by the third.

Lacking proper equipment on the ship, Mobius tied a few stones to his wrists to simulate Teach's wristbands. This enabled him to train his arm strength in a makeshift manner. By the fourth day, he had further refined his training, managing to complete it in six hours, an improvement of one hour from the day before.

The palpable progress he felt was a driving force, keeping him deeply invested in the grueling training routine. He understood that while the initial phase might be challenging, perseverance was key. The eventual results were well worth the struggle.

Though Teach observed Mobius' advancement with mild surprise, he refrained from lavishing praise. This wasn't his style, and they were still early in the training regimen. Mobius needed to comprehend that this was only the beginning, and any lapse in dedication could spell failure.

Yet, Mobius was holding his own quite well. He hadn't given up after the initial intense day of training, and his dedication remained strong in the following days.

If Mobius managed to master this technique within a month, Teach couldn't predict his exact future, but he knew it would be promising.

The crew aboard the ship took no notice of the two dedicated training addicts, Teach and Mobius. They were used to their presence and discipline, neither finding it disruptive nor remarkable. Occasional visits to their quarters confirmed what they already knew—they were consumed by rigorous training.

This was the norm on their journey. The New World's erratic magnetic fields caused peculiar weather patterns, making the route lengthy and unpredictable. Twelve to thirteen days were needed to reach their destination, not accounting for potential obstacles. Despite the passage of time, the first island was yet to come into view, a fact Mobius confirmed by inquiring with the ship's crew, who affirmed that reaching the island would take at least another day or two.

As Teach continued his training, a sudden jolt rocked the ship, causing the kerosene lamp on the wall to flicker. Titch halted his movements, his senses alert to the disturbance outside.

"Everyone, brace yourselves. There's a massive tornado ahead on our route. We'll have to navigate around it, which might cause some turbulence. Hold on tight and steady yourselves," the captain's voice echoed from outside. Following this announcement, a flurry of hurried footsteps echoed across the deck. The sailors and guards, seasoned by years of maritime experience, swiftly took their positions. Confronting nature's perils was part and parcel of their overseas voyages.

A colossal tornado, if it draws near, can spell shipwreck and death. However, there are strategies to evade its destructive path if it's still far off. The alternative route would take longer, but it's a safer choice.

"Wow! Look, a waterspout! It's enormous!" Mobius exclaimed, peering through the window. The powerful winds carried a palpable force, serving as a stark reminder of the impending danger. Pointing a trembling finger, he marveled at the awe-inspiring sight. The waterspout loomed, a colossal vortex that stood around 100 meters tall and 30 meters wide.

This was nature's fury made manifest. The merchant ship shuddered violently as the vessel was thrown into disarray. The ship listed at a precarious 30-degree angle, the crew desperately steering to prevent being pulled into the maelstrom.

Mobius' wide-eyed gaze remained fixed on the immense tornado. It was the first time he had ever witnessed such a spectacle, and the sheer size of it left him awe-struck.

Concerned for his safety, Teach rushed over, catching Mobius gazing dangerously out of the window. This was no time for recklessness. He quickly shut and secured the window, ensuring Mobius couldn't be sucked out. Reflecting on the close call, Mobius shuddered, now recognizing the danger he had put himself in.

Meanwhile, Teach's voice resounded across the ship, "Stay alert! Keep steering. The tornado is moving, coming towards us." His timely warning spurred the crew into action. Despite initial skepticism, the captain quickly discerned the truth and issued orders to speed up, maintaining their course.

Worried, Mobius asked Teach, "Are we going to be okay?" The ship was tossing wildly, trapped within a colossal whirlpool and strong currents. Cracks had emerged in multiple places, allowing seawater to seep in.

"Don't fret. The captain is an experienced veteran, and the rest of the crew has weathered many storms in the New World. They won't be overwhelmed by its unpredictable weather."

Teach's words rang true. Under the captain's astute guidance, the ship skillfully navigated away from the approaching tornado, gradually leaving the crisis behind.

Within a matter of minutes, the crew had exhausted themselves—physically and mentally. They slumped to the ground, drained by the ordeal. The ship itself bore scars, several areas sustaining damage, leading to leaks that needed urgent attention.

"Don't worry, captain. There's an island up ahead!" A crew member's voice broke the tension, announcing the long-awaited sighting. Excitement and relief filled the air.