
Robin vs Daifuku! (part 2)

Robin and Daifuku clashed again. His huge, blue djinn swung his glaive at Robin's avatar but, just like before, 10 snake like arms shot forward. Some blocked the glaive while some attacked Daifuku's djinn from his exposed side with a barrage of finger pistols.

'Damn it…'

It doesn't happen very often, but he could clearly see and feel himself being at a disadvantage in this situation.

'If this continues, best case scenario, it will be a replay of our prior clash. Now I practically bragged about how my djinn has up to 3 lives per day, so another suicide attack succeeding by surprise is very unlikely…'

As someone, who mainly relays on his devil fruit to fight, losing all his djinn's lives could be his last mistake. To make his current predicament even more serious, he noticed how no one came to assist him, neither soldiers nor his siblings, despite how unmissable their fight had been up till now.

'Something is wrong. Mama's order was to absolutely overwhelm them with numbers if a fight broke out but not only are we pushed back, numbers alone don't seem to face the Jackson-Pirates so far.'

Daifuku couldn't now that most officers were currently despairing against monsters like Sabo, Enel or Law and Augur. Even Big Mom was being held back by Kuina.

"I can almost hear you think from all over here."


Robin interrupted his train of thoughts with a sneak attack. One of the 10 giant snake like arms didn't attack his djinn but went for his life instead. Daifuku barely managed to dodge but because he kept thinking to much, that attack took a good chunk of his left lower abdomen.

If before, his situation was 'disadvantageous', now it became shit. To prevent a second direct attack, the djinn tried to cut that arm but it just vanished in a whirl of petals before his glaive could sever it.

"Hasshoken: Giant finger pistol lotus bloom!"

His opening was fully abused by Robin, who used all remaining arms to once more tear apart her huge, blue opponent.

"Now you're down to 1. Why not just give up and remove yourself from this battle?"

"You! Don't mock me! Do you think the Big Mom Pirates are scared pushovers!?"

"Not at all. I just thought that you are the loser of this battle."

From start to finish, neither Robin's calm tone nor her friendly expression changed, which only angered Daifuku more. Still, he had to admit that he underestimated her greatly.

'I can't win while trying not to kill her but Mama might become enraged if she dies by my hands… Forget it. First comes my life.'

"Djinn's Wonder Lamp!"

Suddenly, white fog was released from his body. It quickly engulfed everything in many tens of metres around Daifuku and was so dense that Robin had trouble to see her own hands. From now on she would have to relay more on observation haki than eye sight but that alone shouldn't be enough to help her opponent out of his plight.

'No need to wait and find out what he's planning. It's better to end this as soon as possible.'

"Hasshoken: Giant finger pistol lotus bloom!"

Sensing Daifuku, instead of his jinn, Robin decided to target him directly before anything else could happen but just as the attack was about to land, a screaming sense of danger forced her to dispel her own avatar with which she controlled those 10 giant snake like arms.

From behind a huge, blue, glaive wielding arm appeared trying to pierce Robin's avatar through her heart, aiming for her life like a death reaper, which in turn would force the same damage onto Robin's real body. Releasing it was the only option, even if with that all 10 arms disappeared as well.

"This is indeed quite troublesome."

After just one instaneous exchange of blows, she had to admit it. A jinn that could either partly or completely pop up out of nowhere and anywhere is a headache. Even more after witnessing how the arm that just appeared turned into white fog and vanished.

Though not for long. It appeared behind her once more, attacking Robin with murderous intention.


Her figure vanished from that spot as soon as she sensed it's reappearance.

'…Fighting that last jinn is probably futile. Guess I'll have to directly go for his summoner.'

One exchange. That was all it took for Robin to come to a decision regarding how to continue. Crossing both arms, caused petals to appear once more but instead of the usual pinkish petals, these ones were red. They too formed an avatar of Robin, but this one was even bigger than the previous one.

This one had reddish skin and demonic features. It was a complete body with arms AND legs. Daifuku's jinn suddenly reappeared from above and attacked with it's glaive before it could fully form, which shockingly succeeded easily as it pierced the new demonic figure.

Daifuku, who was able to see through this fog, watched as the glaive pierced his opponent and he would have been sure to have won now, had it not been so easy. Too bad for him he was right. Instead of showing signs of being wounded, the demonic figure dissolved in red petals and reformed in tens of human sized demonic Robins.

"What the f-"

But that wasn't what's most shocking.

"Ten are to cover me. The rest go and attack Daifuku directly!"

Robin, the real Robin, gave commands instead of manually controlling those demonic clones. Commands, which they followed.

"Don't tell me each one of them is sentient…"

Daifuku felt somehow cheated. Dozens of Robin's demonic clones rushed at him, even using soru! Instead of trying to attack real Robin, he attempted to wipe them out. His jinn appeared in front of them, swinging his huge glaive, but only around 10 or so stopped.

The 10 that stopped focused their attacks on the jinn, firing tempest kicks or using moon walk and shave to land finger pistols on it's head while the rest continued to rush at Daifuku. He of course, made his jinn vanish and reappear so he would stand a higher chance at defending himself but Robin had other plans for him.

She, once more, summoned her other avatar along with those 10 giant snake like arms, of which half rushed at Daifuku and half at his jinn.

There was little he could do. Whenever, either him or jinn, killed one of those demonic clones, they would just turn into red petals, and when he sent him to sneak attack Robin's other avatar or one of those strange arms, to inflict some damage on his opponent, she would just momentarily cancel her devil fruit powers, making them vanish. This combination was so toxic that it made Daifuku lose his temper for a moment.

"FUCK! You are just some clones! Don't think I will lose to you! I won't lose even if there arehundreds of you!"

The battle reached a point where Daifuku had to physically fight with dozens of Robin's clones. Using haki do defend and attack, making use of his physical strength and tenacity, punching and even biting whenever possible he struggled as much as he could but was ultimately overwhelmed.

The clones were individually only a bit weaker than Robin herself, and given their numbers, who encircled and attacked him from all sides, this outcome was to be expected. Whenever he tried to break through on one side, that side would fall back, while he would be attack from behind.

Even when his jinn intervened, about 10 of them would separate themselves to keep him busy while the rest continued trying to murder Daifuku.

"Cien Fleur."

Once his last jinn was defeated, Robin also joined the all out defence. By now only 12 demonic clones remained, which is a little less than a quarter. Even when considering that each could only take one hit, defeating so many was quite impressive... It just wasn't enough.

Hands appeared on Daifuku's body, grabbing his arms, legs and joints, effectively immobilizing him.


What followed was a deadly barrage of tempest kicks and finger pistols he couldn't dodge. Blood filled his mouth, as much as was leaving his body through his open wounds all over his body. Finally falling, he could feel how all strength was leaving him.

'…Is this my end?'

From the corner of his eyes, Daifuku saw Robin's back, who was already walking away.

"*Cough*… You!"

His voice now sounded hoarse and it was audible how much he struggled to speak. Robin, who heard him, stopped and turned around.

"…Nico Robin… Damn it... You… would have made… a fine addition to our crew…"

Daifuku finally lost consciousness after leaving her these words. Despite him not being able to hear her, Robin still felt the need to answer, what could be his final words.

"I don't think so. The current me only made it this far because of my friends."


Outside the white fog's range Perospero arrived just when it started to disperse.

"Isn't this Daifuku's. But why does his presence feel so weak? Did he lose against someone?"

As if to answer his question, once the fog fully dispersed, Robin entered his field of view. She dispelled her demonic clones, which turned into red petals and formed a whirl around her.


She suddenly fell to her knees while vomiting blood. Unlike what Daifuku thought, destroying demonic clones would indeed have an impact on Robin, one just had to either kill all of them or wait till she dispelled however many survived, till it would affect her.

Not far from her, lay Perospero's younger brother, his body bloodied and torn. He widened his eyes in shock, upon seeing him in his current state.

"…No way. Did he lose against her?"

Before this realization fully settled in his mind, he was already holding a jelly bow and arrow aiming at Robin, ready to fire a deadly salve.

"Nico Robin… even if mama wants you alive, I will not hold back. Survive this on your own!"

Robin, who was still feeling weak and fighting the urge to lose consciousness, looked up at Perospero, aiming at her heart. She heard his words, and understood that he was probably angry because of Daifuku's state.

For a split second the thought of dead really entered her mind, but it left as quickly as it had arrived.

"Die, Nico Robin!"

His fingers loosened, the arrow was about to be shot but-


"100 million volt vari!"


Enel intervened in the very last second, appearing right between him and her. A blinding blue flash followed together with the rolling sound of thunder and a scream, fuelled by pain.

"Not bad. Surviving that in such a good condition means your haki is not too shabby."

Enel sarcastically 'praised' after noticing an only 'slightly' charred Perospero glaring daggers at him. He stared back, with his trademark shit eating grin on his face while gleefully commenting.

"Remember this, bastard. We Jackson-Pirates don't die just because someone tells us to. It takes more than a 'mere' yonko and her crew, to kill us!"

(AN: AND CUT!!! Saw in comments that people aren't huge fans of multiple chapters for 1 fight. Fine by me, but you still have to try it out to know it. There are still some fights left and of course Jackson's 'situation', so I'll try to hurry it up a little to not bore you with fights, of which you believe to already know the outcome but who knows, you might experience a nasty surprise? It might even happen the very next chapter or perhaps the one after that? No one knows *shrug emoji* Anyways! If you enjoyed the chapter, do leave a comment, or meme, and if you found mistakes, be it logical mistakes or mistakes with grammar/spelling, let me know! Hopefully till next time!)

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