
Chapter 1

My name is Arthur I was an orphan in my previous life, yes I did retain most of my memories from my previous life. I was a decent man I believe, I tried to help people whenever I could, and I was an exceptional soldier and the youngest rear admiral in my country. However, war broke out due to the lack of natural resources and the whole world plunged into chaos. The world order completely collapsed and it took a toll on our world, almost 90% of the world's population perished in the war and the remaining had lost all hope. I was at the forefront of the war and I lost count of how many people died because of me both friends and foe alike. However, no matter how hard it was I always followed the justice in my heart and I wanted to build a better future for everyone. I was ambitious, I tried my best to bring about a change in the cruel world and I was able to do so after a few unrelenting years of madness but everything has a price the war took its toll on me even though I was a human with the enhanced physical ability I was not able to witness the world that I fought for. I died from all the residual injuries that had accumulated during the span of the war. The only regret I had was that I did not have a family and that could not see what I built. Honestly, I did not believe in life after death, however, I was proved wrong. I was reborn into a new world and I was not sure of it until I saw how humans fought in this world.

" Jane, we need to move now. They have us surrounded, it should be a buster call. I am not sure if I can hold them all back I am sure those old monsters have also joined the hunting party." A tall man who represented the epitome of a warrior physique who is my father informed my mother.

I was just a babe barely a year old and at first, I thought I was reborn in a normal world until I met one of my favourite characters from a manga world, little Nico Robin. Robin was like a sister to me and she used to play with me always, I got to know that both our mothers were close friends. Back in my old world, the manga was one of all-time best and I realized that my being here has thrown the entire storyline into chaos. Both my parents were in hiding at Ohara I was not sure why and because I had retained most of my previous life memories I knew what was about to happen but I could not do anything my life came crashing around me and I realized how cruel fate was.

"Gary, we need to warn the others they would bury Ohara along with us to bury the secret. We need to save as many as possible".

However, before they could start moving they were surrounded by a dozen men wearing masks and they were being led by an old man who was almost three metres tall. From my memories, I could guess they were from the infamous Cipher Pol and they should be fairly high-ranking because the man they were escorting was one of the infamous Gorosei.

"It's too late to run child there is no escape, the island is already sealed and it will be buried. It is just a bonus that we can exterminate those troublesome researchers".

This is when I realized that this was not a manga where it was all fun and jokes and it was fiction. I was in the real world and I realized how cruel the new world could be, I was helpless in my current situation. The old man did not even flinch when he was talking about mass genocide.

"You should come with us child the power you wield is a gift that we bestowed upon you and it should only be used for our benefit. I can spare your family if you obey us and you should know that there is no point in defying us". The old man tried to persuade my mother so that we would not resist and go peacefully.

"Busoshoku koka" My father suddenly charged at the people who had encircled us to create an opening the sudden attack caught the others by surprise and I could feel the intensity of haki my father was emitting and I could say that he was strong really strong and if I am not wrong maybe even admiral level.

Using the sudden opening my father created my mother just blinked while carrying me and a quite large package on her back. In the meantime, my father was being besieged by a dozen members and I could feel that out of the dozen, I could feel about three auras equal to that of my father and one aura as vastly superior and I immediately realized my father was fighting a losing battle.

Through all this, I realized I was able to sense everything around me and put it in the back of my mind because I did not know if I and my family would come out of this alive.

My mother blinked about 500 metres from where my father was fighting and she staggered and that is when I realized that she had a blade protruding through her chest. And she was coughing blood.

"My my how careless of you my little protege haven't I taught you enough times not to overestimate your fruits abilities? You should know that you are not the only one who has space-related abilities little one. Oh, and by the way, the blade is made of kairoseki and if I am not wrong the blade must have pierced your heart so do not try anything stupid and surrender so that you can at least fulfil your duty to us before you die. At least that way your kid might get to live a good life".

My mother's body was shivering and I could feel it and she was losing too much blood and fast I was not sure how long my parents could withhold the onslaught. It was then that something inside me snapped and a pressure so strong erupted from my little body that covered the entire battlefield and it stunned almost everyone there including my mother and father.

However, my mother and father were the first to recover because my outburst was subconsciously directed towards my enemies. My father's eyes were resolved and he knew that this is where he would fall and he at least wanted to hold them back enough so that I and my mother could escape. I could see him exchanging blows without care for his injuries and cutting the head of one of the admiral-level fighters and I knew the man was dead because my father's blade was clad in haki.

"Jane, get out of here now I will stop them as long as I can. You need to live for our son's sake we can not both die here. I believe he will be the light that will liberate this world. I am sure he will fulfil our long cherished dream".

And that were the last words that I ever heard from my father, I was losing consciousness and the last thing I saw was my mother pulling out the blade from her chest and plunging it into to man's neck who was still dazed from my earlier outburst and that was it and everything went black.

In a remote shoreline in Ohara, a huge battle had just ended, the old man panting and was waiting for the report from his subordinates. The old man was speaking with someone in his den den Sushi and finished the conversation when he saw his subordinate approaching.

" My lord, we couldn't save fox. We have lost four of our men among which two were admiral-level combatants".

Three hours after the start of the combat.

The old man had a deep wound on his temple and he was bleeding from the same however he did not care about it and was looking at the horizon.

" How troublesome these people from the D clan always cause us a headache. First Roger now this, what about the girl were you able to catch her?".

"No my lord she plunged into the ocean along with her child, we made sure there was no life sign resurfacing and she must have died because she is a devil fruit user and she also lost a limb while we were on pursuit". The agent gave a full description of the events that had transpired.

"Hmm such a waste of potential, send a word out to make sure that the fruit is found I want no more mistakes and also send out the instructions to Spandine and Marines to raze Ohara to the ground. No word about this battle should ever leak out we already have enough trouble with the stunt Roger pulled". The old man instructed the man who seemed like the head of Cipher Pol.

"What about the civilians my Lord, they are being escorted out on ships as we speak" The subordinate reminded the Gorosei about the civilians the marines were saving.

" Did you not hear my instructions clearly, no survivors. Send out your agents to hunt down anyone who has a connection with Ohara. And take care of the media I don't any negative comments on the World Government due to this incident". The old man started walking towards a ship that was parked near the shore and the subordinate turned towards his men to carry out the Gorosei's instructions.

The next day the whole world received a piece of news that shook its core, This incident shook the world to the point where Ohara was no longer drawn on the map. Robin was given a bounty of 79,000,000 berries and was demonized by the World Government. To cover up the Buster Call and the real reason for Robin getting a bounty, they said that she sunk five Marine ships and that the Ohara scholars were seeking out forbidden knowledge to destroy the world.

It has been a month since the tragedy of Ohara occurred on a remote island in east blue a woman who was covered in a cloak was carrying a child and was making her way towards a remote mountain within the island. However, if one looked closely one could notice that she was missing an arm and was carrying a package on her back.

It took me another week for me to regain consciousness, I was in a small wood cabin. I could hear the sound of someone chopping wood maybe my mother sensed my awakening and rushed into the cabin to check if I was alright. She started crying when she saw me wide awake.

" I am sorry, I am so sorry I thought I had lost you". My mother started pouring her emotions and I was able to sense my mother's weak life aura that is when I noticed that she was missing an arm. I could feel my rage boiling within me uncontrollably and I was unintentionally leaking my Haoshoku haki.

My mother sensed my outburst and started consoling me and I searched around for my father who was nowhere around to be seen, I realized what he must have done back to hen save our lives. I couldn't control my tears and both I and my mother spent crying in each other's embrace.

It has almost been two years since the tragedy struck our life and my mother started growing weaker every passing day. I knew that the damage she received in the battle was fatal, however, she kept herself alive for my sake using a sheer will.

"Arthur, I know you are a smart child your father and I believe you are special, we both know I am not long for this world. I have taught you everything that I know and the chest under my bed has most of the information that we have gathered that may be of help to you in the future".

My mother motioned for me to retrieve the package from under her bed. Then she pulled out a long package wrapped in silk, and I realized it was a katana and it was not just any sword but 'Shusui' one of the 21 Great-Grade swords. My mother released the blade from its sheath.

"This blade is named Shusui, it is believed that the blade was tempered with the blood of dragons when it was forged. This blade was forged by your ancestors and it was gifted to the Shogun of Wano country as a token of friendship. Most people underestimate this blade, however, what most people do not know is that this blade can jump grades, in the hands of the right fielder this blade can even surpass the 12 supreme grade swords".

It took me a minute or two for me to fully realize that I was gawking at the blade without concentrating on what my mother was saying. My mother had a smile on her face when she saw my dumbfounded look. Then she retrieved a few books in front of me and started explaining what they were for.

"The sword is a gift from your father it belongs to you now, and these books contain all the information that we have collected also have practice manuals for all the types of haki, make sure to guard all these because this information is much coveted and it may cost your life if you are careless".

I knew my mother's life was at its end and this would be my final day with her, she cupped my little face in her hands and kissed my forehead.

"No matter what choices you make in life you will always have a proud father and mother, I wish I could spend more time with you and know that I will always love you. Last but not least it would not be fair if I did not give you a gift before I leave".

Before I could recognize what happened I blacked out and the last word I heard from my mother before my consciousness faded.

" I will always love you Arthur, 'ROOM' ".

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