

"You're gonna fight too, Usopp?" Luffy asked Usopp who nodded at him.

" Not me! But my 80 million men that are under my command! " Usopp lied while his feet were trembling. Nami deadpanned him.

" A-alright fine! Yes, I'm gonna fight them with this!" Usopp declared and took out a slingshot.

"I call this the Ginga Pachinko! It's my signature weapon. I killed 8000 with this baby! " Usopp boasted. Nami smirked.

" What's this child's toy gonna do against grown ups? " Nami teased. Usopp narrowed his eyes and took out a small lead ball from his pouch he hung over his left hip.

"Watch this! Namari Boshi!!!" Usopp declared before firing the lead ball with his slingshot. the lead ball shot through the tree he aimed at, making a small hole in it.

"Okay, I take that back. It's not a child's toy." Nami muttered. Usopp smirked and rubbed his nose proudly.

"Then it's decided! Usopp will be the range support as he is the sniper of our crew! " Luffy declared with a grin on his face.

" Oi oi! I didn't say yes to joining the Straw Hat Pirates yet! " Usopp reminded him. Luffy grinned at him.

" But you are gonna join right?" Luffy asked. Usopp looked at Kaya subtly. He looked back at Luffy and grinned.

"Gimme some more time first okay?" Usopp asked which Luffy nodded.

"Okay. But I have good faith that you're gonna say yes. " Luffy grinned before looking at Zoro and Nami.

"You two are gonna be in the midst of the battle with me. Try to look out for each other. Nami, we'll clear a way for you so you can steal whatever treasure they have from their ship. " Luffy explained. Nami and Zoro nodded back at him.

" And Kaya, hide in that bush. Don't run out of your hiding spot no matter what happens, and don't you dare make a sound. " Luffy ordered. Kaya nodded repeatedly before hiding in the hiding spot Luffy told her to hide in.

"And now we start. Usopp, fire at will." Luffy ordered. Usopp nodded and aimed a lead ball towards one of the pirates.

"Namari Boshi!!" Usopp declared before firing a lead ball. The lead ball hit the pirate in the neck, the impact enough to knock him out. The Black Cat Pirates were shocked at their comrade's sudden fall.

Luffy, Nami and Zoro started charging towards them. The pirates noticed three people charging towards them and were shocked.

Luffy unsheathed his cutlass and used Soru to disappear from their sights. He appeared behind a small group of them.


The small group of pirates suddenly had large cuts on their bodies and immediately fell down.

Luffy sheathed back his cutlass and stretched back his right arm. "Gomu Gomu no....."


He threw his fist forward. It slammed into one of the pirates and sent him flying back, knocking him out at the same time. Maybe even breaking a couple of bones too.

Kaya and Usopp were shocked at his strange ability. "Is that what they call a Devil Fruit user? But I thought it was just a myth." Kaya whispered. Usopp was shocked.

Luffy's fist retracted back into place. He continued dealing with the rest of the pirates.

Zoro was cutting down pirate after pirate while Nami was behind him. He was clearing a path for Nami so that she could board the Bezan Black safely.

A pirate suddenly ran towards Nami and raised his saber up high. Nami took out a small stick and it extended into a metal bo staff.

She swung it towards him. The staff smacked into his face, drawing blood and knocking him down to the ground. Nami swung it at his face again, knocking him out.

"Oi! Nami!" Zoro shouted. Nami looked to see that there was a clear path for her to sneak onto the ship. She nodded at Zoro before she started sprinting towards it.

"Hey! Stop right there—Ack!!"

The pirate who tried to stop Nami was cut down by Zoro. With Luffy, he was cutting down pirate after pirate just like Zoro was. Usopp was firing lead balls after lead balls, knocking them out as he aimed at their solar plexus or their necks.

Suddenly, he saw Jango walking backwards towards him. Jango turned around to face him.

"Everyone! Look at this ring! When I say One Two, Jango! ' You will all become stronger!! All of your wounds will be cured and you will become stronger and stronger," Jango declared while holding a string that's tying up a ring.

" ONE... TWO.... JANG—


Jango's head snapped back as blood splashed out from his forehead. Everyone looked at Luffy who was holding his flintlock that had some rising out of the barrel. He killed Jango by firing it.

"One, two, you good my dude?" Luffy muttered before disappearing.


A large group of pirates were then defeated by him. Zoro defeated one of them easily before jumping away, dodging the stomping attempt from a new opponent.

The stomp cracked the stone ground they were fighting on. Zoro widened his eyes a little while staring at the person who did it.

It was an overweight man who wears an outfit based loosely on a black and white cat. He has pale skin, sharp teeth, tiny eyes, and wears cat ears on his head. His pants are striped black and white, with a yellow sash, and also wears dark brown shoes.

He wears a cape on his back, that is striped light and dark-purple, with a white fluffy brim. He also wears a shoulder pad on his left arm, and pale blue gloves with claws at the end.

This is Buchi and he is an officer of the Black Cat Pirates. He is also the protector of the Bezan Black.

"Behind you, Zoro!!" Usopp shouted at him. Zoro widened his eyes and jumped away again.

He dodged a swiping attempt by someone else. He looked at the person that tried to perform a sneak attack on him.

The person is a very skinny man of fairly tall height, standing at over six and a half feet

He also has a hunched back, making him look smaller than he actually is.

He has green hair that is parted to the side and curls at the end, with two other parts of hair on the sides of his head growing downwards in a curly-looking way.

He also has cat ears sticking out from the top of head. He has green, cat-like eyes, and is usually seen with a grin. He wore a navy blue shirt, with light grey buttons and a magenta bow tie.

He also had light-blue shorts, brown shoes and white socks that stick out of them. He is also seen having dark brown gloves, with claws growing out at the end.

This man is Sham and he is an officer of the Black Cat Pirates. Along with his partner Buchi, he is also the protector of the crew's ship, the Bezan Black, and together they are known as the Nyaban Brothers.

Zoro narrowed her eyes as he looked at the two of them. He gripped his katanas tightly.

"Let's do this....."

To be continued.....

Chapitre suivant