
One Piece: I Have a Billion Skill Points

At the beginning, there were billions of skill points available, and any skill Ron acquired could instantly be maxed out with the skill points. His swordsmanship, physical skills, sailing skills, culinary skills, medical skills, and even his Devil Fruit abilities were all upgraded to the maximum level. Three-color Haki? It too received a significant boost. All skills Ron learned could be instantly maxed out with these skill points, including life skills. Then, a message from the system appeared: "System upgraded! The host now has the ability to bestow skill points on others!!!" ... This Fanfic is pure Wish-Fulfillment Support can be given at - [patreon.com/chibi_mon_mon] Author: UNKNOWN (literally) Translator: Chibi_mon_mon Link for RAW: https://novelsemperor.com/series/one-million-skill-points-at-the-start-of-one-piece DISCLAIMER!!: This is not my original work as it is translated.

Chibaku_Monster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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132 Chs

Chapter 50

Okay guys I won't be posting chapters until February 16, 2024, basically next week Friday. Why? well, that's because I'm setting up my charity program (HEHEHE! 😁) better named P@treon and also stacking a lot of chapters so that I won't have to be reading while writing because it's not every day I feel to write. And also to make my P@treon members surpass you BOZO'S!! (Don't worry I love you all)😘 

So just sit tight with these two chapters until I'm back. Remember to throw your power stones if you somewhat like this Fic.

Hey, guys let me share a secret with you, did you know that listening to music while translating is the best? And anyone who first tells me which artist promotes (999) I'll make sure to make an omake chapter for you (I'm gonna test my actual writing skills). I'm watching the times of each message so NO CHEATING 🕵.

BYE 👋🚀


The villagers were happily drinking, and Ron followed suit.

From time to time, some villagers came to toast and thank Ron their great benefactor who saved the entire village and even the entire island.

"The wine is quite strong!" Kaya on the side secretly took a sip of wine and suddenly stuck out her tongue.

"If it's not to your liking, you don't have to drink it!" Ron shook his head at Kaya, then picked up a plate of food and handed it to her. "Have some of these."

"Thank you, Ron!" Kaya smiled and squinted, then took a portion of the roast meat and offered it to Ron. "Brother Ron, you should eat some too!"

"Kaya, wait on the ship. I'll make some cider for you to drink. Cider is sweet and very suitable for girls." Makino said with a smile.

"Alright, thank you, Sister Makino!" Kaya laughed.

Meanwhile, Nami pulled Nojiko over and sat down beside Ron.

"Ron, my sister has decided to join us!" Nami smiled slightly and announced.

"Oh? Really?" Ron's eyes lit up as he looked at Nojiko.

Caught under Ron's gaze, Nojiko looked down with some embarrassment and said, "Yes, I will ask Captain Ron to take care of me in the future!"

"Haha, that's great news! Come, let's have a drink!" Ron raised a glass happily.

"Wow, Sister Nojiko, it's fantastic that you've finally agreed to go to sea with us!" Kaya, keeping her small ears up to catch every word, smiled happily upon hearing Nojiko's words.

"Welcome to the crew!" Makino and Tashigi smiled cheerfully.

The crowd joyously consumed roast meats, pastries, and wine until the end of the feast.

Later, the crew returned to Nojiko and Nami's home. Although there weren't enough beds, there were sofas and bunks. Nojiko wanted to offer the bed to Ron, but he waved his hand and chose to sleep on the floor. Kaya and Makino took the bed, Nami and Nojiko slept on the sofa, and poor Tashigi was pulled by Ron to sleep on the ground.

At night, Ron fell asleep listening to the whispered conversations of the girls.

The next morning, everyone rose early. Nojiko, Nami, Makino, and Tashigi prepared breakfast for everyone. Though not a lot due to limited food, but everyone was content.

After breakfast, Nami smiled and stood up saying, "Let me show everyone the treasures I've collected over the years!"

Since she was about to set sail, Nami intended to reveal the treasures she had accumulated for years. It wouldn't make sense to keep them buried underground.

"Treasure?" Kaya's eyes lit up. "Sister Nami, you have treasures?"

"Hmmm!" Nami nodded, "I mentioned before that I had an agreement with Arlong. When I raised 100 million Berries, I could redeem the village. So, all these years, I've been stealing the treasures and money from those pirates outside, and the amount should be quite substantial!"

Saying that Nami stuck out her tongue with some embarrassment. She had been caught by Ron when she tried to steal his money bag and was forced to join the Sword and Rose Pirates. Fortunately, Ron helped her deal with Arlong and his crew, saving the entire village.

Nami and Nojiko took shovels and led Ron to some orange/tangerine trees. Before they could start digging, Kaya asked curiously, "Sister Nami, is the treasure buried in the ground?"

"Yes!" Nami nodded, "This is what I've accumulated over the years!"

"Nami has worked very hard all these years!" Nojiko looked at Nami and said, "She travels around the sea, and every once in a while, she comes back with some treasure and money, sometimes with injuries on her body!"

"It's all right!" Nami remembered the scenes of being chased and attacked by pirates before but waved her hand with a smile. "Those are all in the past. Now the village is safe, these treasures can be used as funds to rebuild the village!"

As they spoke, the two girls began to dig the ground, and in a short while, they unearthed a large chest, almost filled with treasures and many weathered bank notes (Paper Money).

"Sister Nami, this is the treasure you've worked so hard to acquire. Are you sure you want to use it to rebuild the village?" Kaya's eyes shimmered as she looked at Nami, feeling a deep admiration for her.

"Hmmm!" Nami nodded, looked at Ron, and said, "My sister and I are going to sea with you, and we obtained a lot of money from Arlong yesterday. So, we'll leave this money here for the village!"

"Sister Nami, you're amazing!" Kaya couldn't help but run over and hug Nami's arm.

"Yes!" Nojiko also nodded, her eyes filled with a gentle smile when she looked at Nami.

Ron also smiled and said, "This decision is very wise. This money is your savings over the years, and you have the right to decide how to use it. Besides, Arlong's treasures are enough for us to use for a long time!"

"Thank you, Captain!" Nami looked at Ron gratefully. She had thought Ron might insist on taking the treasures since he was a pirate and her captain, but now it seemed that Ron was understanding. As Nami looked into Ron's eyes, a different emotion flashed across her face.