
One Piece: I Am The Main Character(On Pause, Might Rewrite)

Because of his challenging thoughts, Gan gets transmigrated into the One Piece world with a goal much bigger than the main character, join Gan on his Journey to the peak. No Harem

Yardigan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Future in the Marines

In the turbulent seas a ship whose crow nest is shaped like a dog, and even its figurehead is that of a dog's head can be seen approaching what seems to be a military base on an island.

This island is a crescent moon-shaped island that is composed completely of bricks and steel, with cannons on the edges. At the back of the island, standing large, tall and proud is the Marine Headquarters building. The building is a large multi story ancient Japanese style palace, with the base bearing the kanji for "Marines", with the Marines symbol in between. Around the building's four cardinal corners is a small mountain with a small building on top and a flag with the Marines' symbol placed on top of the roofs each.

This is of course Marineford, the headquarters of the marines, it has already been 2 weeks since Garp and his Grandson set sail to Marineford, now standing on the dog figure head of Garp's ship that was approaching the port of Marineford is a Monkey D. Gan. His face had a look of surprise as he was reading what seemed to be a newspaper.

Gan P.O.V

"1514, Doflamingo became the new King of Dressrosa after…." 'hmmm, just like the anime, I guess this hasn't changed. I'll have to start reading these newspapers more frequently to see what my birth has changed'.

*Shhh Splash*

"It seems that we've arrived at the port, finally"

"Hey Gramps, when am I gonna start training" I called out to Garp, reminding him of his promise to teach me Haki.

"I said after you join the marines Gan, that's if they let you join at such a young age" said Garp with a smirk barley holding himself from laughing out loud.

"I knew I couldn't trust you, anyways, when they see my talents they're gonna have to make an exception for me." I said out loud so that all the marines at the port could hear me. 'I'll have to do this often, although small it will help me with my future plans, of course I haven't forgotten about my goal in coming to this world'

There was silence at the port for a while before Garp's loud voice broke it. "Bwahahahaha, that's my grandson, I'll have a talk with Sengoku, I've been such a good worker all these years so I know he's gonna show me some face"

Everyone had deadpan expressions at Garp's statement, everyone at marineford are well aware of the relationship between Garp and Sengoku, and they've heard Sengoku yelling at Garp many times. Although it is true to say they have a close relationship even comparable to brothers.


General P.O.V

Garp, Gan and Bogard can be seen walking off the ship side by side, while Garp's men unpack some boxes onto the port. The 5 feet tall, black hair, 8 year old Gan had a curious look on his face as he observed the various buildings they were passing by until he was called out by Garp.

"You like it? this is where you're gonna be living, your younger brother is gonna be joining you in a few years too and hopefully that brat Ace" Garp said, with the last part being quieter although Gan still heard it.

"Well good luck with that" Gan said with a knowing smirk.

"What do you mean by th…" "GARPPPP" Garp was interrupted by a thundering voice coming from inside a huge building with the kanji for Marines on it. The trio that was walking side by side didn't even realize that they had already arrived at the headquarters building.

Garp rubbed the back of his head acting fakely intimated before looking over to Gan and Bogard.

"Bogard look after the men, Gan come with me, I wanna introduce you to my buddy Sengoku" Garp said with a clearly fake serious expression.

"Yes Sir" was all Bogard said and left.

"Alright let's go Gan" said Garp while opening the door to the building, followed in tow by Gan.

"So this is the Brat you keep telling me about, he does seem special hmmm" said Sengoku as he saw Garp and Gan walking into his office.

Sengoku is a tall, fair-skinned, and muscular man with a long, braided goatee and a mustache. He wears black-rimmed glasses and a white and gold full Marine admiral uniform that is adorned with medals. The most distinctive features of this uniform are a life-size seagull on top of his cap, and his oversized Marine coat which he wears like a cape. His coat has the kanji for justice, in blue, emblazoned on the back, and has unique colored cuffs, with his being white.

"I told you, he is my Grandson after all, so what do you think, can he join the training camp now?" replied Garp with a smug smirk. Seeing this Sengoku looked a little irritated but maintained his composure.

"If he has admiral level potential I'll see to it that he joins right away, you know how our situation has been since the great age of pirates." said Sengoku with a knowing look directed at Garp.

Garp simply sighed at this, of course he understood the situation, since the last three admirals, there has been a shortage of admiral level talent in the marines, and all of the powerhouse candidates are all pirates. The world government has been complaining about this issue since the death of Roger, basically since it started. And his son didn't make the marines job any easier by becoming the world's most wanted man, although secretly he was proud of his son.

Gan P.O.V

Are they talking about the issue of pirates outnumbering the marines, hmmm I can take advantage of this situation. To put my plans into motion I need to be looked at by the marines as a Fleet Admiral potential Candidate which requires both brawn and brains, being a simple admiral level powerhouse isn't gonna cut it.

"Are you talking about the effect of the pirate king's death?" I said looking at Sengoku with a thoughtful look.

He had a look of surprise on his face before looking towards Garp with an angry expression, but his face changed back to one of surprise after seeing the genuine look of surprise on Garp's face. He then looked over at me, studying my body up and down as though I was a newly discovered species.

"How do you know that?" He said with an authoritative tone.

I put on an emotional expression on my face and said, "As a filial grandson I've read many stories about Gramps since I was little, and most of them have one thing in common, Gold D. Roger, the Pirate King." I pause to let them digest that information before continuing.

"My curiosity grew about who this man was and how he was related to Gramps, so I investigated him, of course by reading newspapers and his bounties, and through my investigation I saw that after his death the amount of new pirates exponentially increased and this pattern is still present to this day. And after hearing your subtle hints I easily drew that conclusion" I said.

Hearing this both Garp and Sengoku had a look of shock, which was what I expected since I was only eight years old, I thought my plan worked but Sengoku suddenly asked, "wait, you said that you read newspapers about Garp when you were little, how old were you when you learned how to read" I was taken aback by his rebuttal and was about to reply before Garp interjected.

With a smug smirk on his face whilst digging his nose he said "oh I forgot to tell you, Gan learned how to talk clearly before the age of one and he learned how to read at two years old." At this Sengoku had a clear deadpan expression on his face.'

"Are you sure he's your Grandson Garp? I mean you're not exactly known for using your brain only Dra…. ahhh never mind" said Sengoku with a tired expression whilst looking at me.

Even if he didn't say it, I knew already, and he is kind of right, Garp isn't known for his brains, but his son Monkey D. Dragon is notorious more for his revolutionary ideas than his strength, hopefully my future plans aren't affected by his reputation.